Kuritaclan, on 09 April 2015 - 02:46 AM, said:
You keep trying to force the BT universe into being a future of our real world, it isn't. It's the future of a fictional earth the creators imagined in the 80's, it doesn't really matter if tech existed in real life at the time they didn't know about - because they didn't include it. Accuracy is notoriously bad in BT, this is as much a balancing mechanic as anything but the lore explains it as being the result of primitive targeting computers (if mechs had Tac's at all, some didn't.)
The ultimate point is it doesn't matter what the tech is now, or what the tech was then, the only thing that matters is what the BT universe says exists. Some of this is altered for the sake of converting to an FPS from a TT strategy, but much of it remains and changing it is both unneccisary and causes problems.
Again, real life tech doesn't matter as its just not how things work in BT. More importantly however, this is a change primarily for the sake of improving gameplay and reintroducing depth to the combat. Perfect convergence for every weapon on a mech, combined with a binary heat system that includes no penalties, has resulted in a game where the only method of attack is Alpha Strike 95% of the time. It's also caused the introduction of unpopular bandaids like ghost heat and gauss charge times and numerous other things that try to treat the symptoms and ignore the root cause.
If you break convergence so you need to aim different weapon sets separately, you reduce the increasingly absurd amounts of spike damage MWO has steadily been becoming focused on and increase the effect of pilot skill and introduce more interesting decisions to be made. It returns to being something closer to the "Thinking Mans Shooter" it was initially marketed as.
In short I shouldn't be able to instantly drop a 50 point alpha with pixel precision all at once (ontop of suffering no penalty for doing so). I should have to invest more effort to achieve the kind of results that 50 point alpha achieves. This is why so many mechs are subpar, their hit boxes just cannot handle this kind of instant damage that cannot be mitigated.
There needs to be a trade off when choosing your method of firing your mechs weapons. Alpha Strikes should be high heat and low accuracy in exchange for major burst, smaller more considered fire should be the go to for standard combat and precision attacks. Yes current convergence works, but it also diminishes the game and is (along with the heat system) the root cause of numerous issues the game has struggled with for years.
this however will have rng in it if you have two moving objects because of relative speed
That's not what RNG means, RNG means Random Number Generator and suggests the idea of hidden "Dice Rolls" the player cannot effect changing the outcome of a shot.