Khobai, on 10 April 2015 - 01:00 PM, said:
only about 1/3rd of the damage would be splash damage and would hit predetermined adjacent locations. the rest would still hit where you aim. the goal of splash damage is simply to lower the overall effectiveness of pinpoint damage. not eliminate pinpoint damage entirely. not at all the same thing as cone of fire.
Exactly like I said, reduce the effectiveness of people who can aim allowing other people playing badly to live longer because now 1/3 less damage is being delivered where aimed.
as for burst fire, when an autocannon fires bursts, you can still aim each of those bursts. its just harder to hit the same location with 4 rapid shots than 1 single shot. However you can still aim your shots, the skill cap required to do all the damage to one location is just increased.
Yep, you can still aim the burst AC's, totally agree, and due to the mobile nature of this game, I don't think it's necessary to add a CoF. Some people have made points that at the ranges to target and size of targets we're talking about, to have the "CoF" affect people seem to be asking for you'd have to make the error factor beyond the "reality" some of you are trying to inject here.
As it is, in a mobile battle with cover to duck in and out from, with enemies and friendlies to dash between and behind, there really is enough of a 'fudge factor' (NOT EVEN COUNTING hit reg issues, ping and lag differences, as well differences in computing power and graphics settings) to provide PLENTY of misses, without the need of an artificially large CoF.
The same exact way the CERPPC currently works. CT shots do 10 damage to the CT and 2.5 to each side torso.
Yeah now I remember, I never bothered the clan ER PPCs because I ran into situations in training grounds where I could fire clan ER PPC dead on, and it would only damage the center and right torso.
I'd reported it, don't know if they ever fixed it, but it seemed to stupid (and still does). I'm not sure why anyone wanting to purport that in order to uphold the lore of the game we need a cone of fire to dictate hits and misses, could stomach the concept of "splash" damage.
I don't recall any hit tables for PPC's or any other 'mech based weapons that had 'splash'...
That seems very counter lore to me.
The issue is definitely pinpoint convergence. You dont see mechs with mixed loadouts for a reason. The reason every single meta loadout boats similar weapons is because they converge on one location.
I run gauss and lasers, mixed. I also have missile and laser builds, mixed. There's a lot of the "meta" crowd out there who I am sure religiously check the site to see if there's been any changes to the current 'meta' state in MWO.
Nothing we can do about it, the game allows for us to modify our builds and fire a mech with 12 of 1 weapon, or 12 of 12 different weapons simultaneously potentially several times in a row without regard to any adverse affects.
Again, the lack of a heat table is the REAL issue, not the fact that we have convergence.
EVEN IF, PGI were to right this instant add a 2d6 RNG based hit table into the game, the fact that any bozo in his 8 SPL Fire Starter can run up on you fire all 8 3 times in a row, and run off at full speed, will STILL be an issue.
Only, due to all the other problems of this game, now that YOU can't consciously and thoughtfully aim at his leg as he comes up to you or as he runs off, YOU have no sure way to control this sort of activity, and it's not self-regulated with a full featured heat affects table, YOU are now totally screwed.
Unless of course YOU hop in an all SPL Fire Starter and start playing the same way.