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Tentative Ghost Bear/wolf/merc Agreement

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#321 Malcolm Vordermark


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:07 AM

View PostGyrok, on 05 February 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:

Ignoring everything about spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are not "minor" errors...you are nitpicking a minor error.

Half the time you cannot even read what he wrote without taking time to try to figure out what he was trying to say because the text is so bad. Not because of word use either, just because of the terrible use of phrasing and out of context remarks with no punctuation.

This is what you see when you read one of his posts:

Noesis, i new tat teh crytpic writngs of tihs forum wood 1 day overcom you your tryng to hard to be sum kindof forum waryer and wehn yuo finaly relize that teh entire wolf form has you ignored you mihgt get a cloo as to how this will eventualy all work out for you teh realty si that you may never realze your transgresions go above and beyond teh people in tehse forums and the hole world will some day relize that your nohting more than a simple troll taht is why your on ignor by so many peopl.e

He usually has a few non sequitur remarks in there and a few words that sound intelligent used out of context, but you get the gist.

I'm not nitpicking a point. I'm pointing out that even you make mistakes, so do I for that matter.

I read the last several posts he has made; there are mistakes, but it isn't unreadable.

More to the point, errors in writing are not a good excuse for the kind of insults you were just throwing around. Especially for someone in a high visibility role, such as leader of Delta Galaxy.

#322 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:10 AM

View PostoperatorZ, on 05 February 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:

Oh we have communication in Clan Wolf....just not with you. Why would we communicate with someone who calls people ignorant for pointing out the facts of the matter? You cant take back all the troll posts you have made, people remember them. In life if you go around acting disrespectful to people you usually get the same response back. People remember you for being this way.....

Whats ignorant is expecting people to forget your past actions. Nobody cares what you say here...nobody probably ever will.....because of your actions....your actions....its you, is what I mean...the people who you have insulted don't want to communicate with you....ever.

You can argue all day till your blue in the face that you didn't "insult" anyone and that you are just "RP"ing or that this is somehow Clan Wolfs problem (lol)...but guess what? Nobody care's ....right or wrong they felt slighted by you.

That's why you should try and be more constructive and less trolley in your future gaming adventures...but hey its never to late to start an alt account and try to be better.


Saying that I have been predominantly insulting is also an opinion or projection from your point of view. And this then largely due to the fact that anything I do say in candour in defense of Wolf insults and posturing is then simply declared as trolling.

I have also explained that the points I have tended to raise have been originally connected with the gameplay fiction. This then something of a behavioural issue with Clan Wolf posting. This also then seen as being acceptable by members of Clan wolf to make these presentations but then not others. This is a definate double standard again that only confirms your position and equally does not excuse your own insulting behaviour or the antagonistic stance you have taken to others, especially when my responses have been as a RESPONCE in defence of insults or falacies made against either myself or others.

Whilst I don't consider myself blameless (no-one is when things degrade to an "argument") you cannot use that stick as a measure to blame me or excuse your own actions, for which you yourself have instigated.

As such yes you are then reaping what "YOU" have sown.

I however have been victimised by numerous people on your forums, and usually as ad-hominem or personal attacks disconnected with the issues of MWO. At one point here was even a thread that personally attacked me that you all had "fun" and "giggles" over, now deleted.

And now you say that this is due to the fact that having defended points of opinion disimilar to your own or presenting something that you don't agree with or isn't flattering to the Wolf position (notice I'm not declaring the opposite only not flattering) you are then free to ridicule that stance.

You are effectively then saying that you won't discuss the issues you don't agree with despite there being a valid context or opinion. And this purely on the basis that if it isn't a "truth you want to hear" then you will use prejudice and character defamation as a solution to those problems as opposed to having the capability and maturity to address those presented concerns to your community.

I actually feel vindicated by this as it only helps serve to demonstrate that you have held a biased opinion despite material that has been presented.

Edited by Noesis, 05 February 2015 - 08:13 AM.

#323 Kain Demos


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:11 AM

View PostFox Kell, on 05 February 2015 - 06:14 AM, said:

Is he still trying to flame on Wolf boards? He's persistent, I'll give him that. Thank God he's on ignore. I suggest everyone do the same. Enjoy :)

It makes threads much easier to follow without having to scroll past all of his spam.

#324 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:57 AM

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#325 LastKhan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:59 AM

View PostNoesis, on 05 February 2015 - 08:57 AM, said:

Posted Image

Just dive off into the deep end with moar MS paint pics..

#326 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:05 AM

View PostLastKhan, on 05 February 2015 - 08:59 AM, said:

Just dive off into the deep end with moar MS paint pics..

Aw is someone not having fun? Truth hurts a lil bit to poor Nova Kitties?

But the truth can set you free:

Posted Image

#327 LastKhan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:13 AM

View PostNoesis, on 05 February 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:

Aw is someone not having fun? Truth hurts a lil bit to poor Nova Kitties?

But the truth can set you free:

Nah, its funny watching you go full derp. Now I'm actually convinced you are just a troll. keep going jimmy.

#328 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:22 AM

View PostLastKhan, on 05 February 2015 - 09:13 AM, said:

Nah, its funny watching you go full derp. Now I'm actually convinced you are just a troll. keep going jimmy.

You antagonised me first, I responded in kind and hopefully in an entertaining way. This with a thought provoking suggestion of a constructive nature to try and help with the topic material.

But again seems the only thing you know how to do is gravitate to your prejudicial stance of "must be troll". As opposed to "thought provoking artistry of a topical nature".

I keep trying to help people with ideas to help with the conflict and per the associated topic material. But all you want to do is keep responding with insults and aggression. And then you wonder why people either don't respect you or attack you as a result.

If you genuinely want to ignore others and not enter into a dialouge with them then equally don't antagonise or whine about things when you supposedly want to relate or negociate about matters. Hence diplomacy 101 is not to ignore other opinions when coming to the table, something a lot of players here fail to recognise in their behaviour but so ready to then point the finger of blame incorrectly and quite disrespectfully elsewhere.

#329 LastKhan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:31 AM

Posted Image

Still havent proven you're not.

wait, are you sure its not YOU that people dont have respect for? cause these forums tell me thats more the case. lol.

#330 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:34 AM

View PostLastKhan, on 05 February 2015 - 09:31 AM, said:

Posted Image

Still havent proven you're not.

wait, are you sure its not YOU that people dont have respect for? cause these forums tell me thats more the case. lol.

The Derp is on you Lastkhan:

#331 LastKhan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:40 AM

View PostNoesis, on 05 February 2015 - 09:34 AM, said:

The Derp is on you Lastkhan:

You still havent refuted what i said. Seems like your backing out with a vid.. classic Noesis as usual.

#332 Noesis


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:21 AM

View PostLastKhan, on 05 February 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:

You still havent refuted what i said. Seems like your backing out with a vid.. classic Noesis as usual.

There is nothing to prove. I have already explained my intent and involvement.

Also Clan Wolf are back of the bus most ineffectual Clan due to them relating poorly both internally and externally. A "fact" even confirmed by themselves.

#333 LastKhan

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:32 AM

View PostNoesis, on 05 February 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:

There is nothing to prove. I have already explained my intent and involvement.

Also Clan Wolf are back of the bus most ineffectual Clan due to them relating poorly both internally and externally. A "fact" even confirmed by themselves.

Apparently they dont want / need it so why continue to post such garbage vids and chop pics and expect them to go "Oh, Noesis has such great ideas." (very unlikely) Every thread that you're in they dispute you and your groups jank ideas and derptastic pamphlet.

But i wont talk for them. Im sure the posts will come for that remark.

Also, im still waiting or did you chicken out on our fight?

#334 Vincent V. Kerensky


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:55 AM

View PostLastKhan, on 05 February 2015 - 10:32 AM, said:

Apparently they dont want / need it so why continue to post such garbage vids and chop pics

I can only speak from my own point of view here but LastKhan here has a point. Honestly, I do not see what good those vids and pics do at all... **** flinging does not help and it is coming from both sides. I am certain everyone can agree that it can be seen as aggravating.

Just want to put another thing up here.

The reason we took Tamar;

1. The southern most planet we could attack.
2. Giving us a possibility that if we took it, the next planet would be a Ghost Bear planet even further south.

I dropped on Tamar myself and there was a few people who ranted against us when we explained our reasons... Someone said that "Clan Ghost Bear would hear about this", but I am pretty sure you already knew about it and why we did so.

#335 lpmagic


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:58 AM

Noesis, go post in the GB threads for a while, I'm sure they will be entertained by your pics/gifs/vids and antics. Not one thing you have spoken to, has any relevance in this game. You continue to dig yourself further and further into the pit of ridiculousness. Like some puppeted martyr you try to spark drama where none exists.

If you feel that all wolf is back of the bus, then, as odd as this may sound, you are even more sad than your postings here would lead one to believe. Trying to create some sort of unique shadow government theory so you can have a play ground of palace intrigue is hilarious, yet sad in the most dramatic sense. Verbal sparring is wonderful and fun, if there is truly something to spar over.
It is fun to read your incredibly nothing posts though, so please continue on, but expect taunting and teasing, for being, well, wearing a helmet. A tinfoil helmet most likely, with little antennae.

#336 operatorZ


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:01 AM

View PostNoesis, on 05 February 2015 - 08:10 AM, said:

Saying that I have been predominantly insulting is also an opinion or projection from your point of view. And this then largely due to the fact that anything I do say in candour in defense of Wolf insults and posturing is then simply declared as trolling.

I have also explained that the points I have tended to raise have been originally connected with the gameplay fiction. This then something of a behavioural issue with Clan Wolf posting. This also then seen as being acceptable by members of Clan wolf to make these presentations but then not others. This is a definate double standard again that only confirms your position and equally does not excuse your own insulting behaviour or the antagonistic stance you have taken to others, especially when my responses have been as a RESPONCE in defence of insults or falacies made against either myself or others.

Whilst I don't consider myself blameless (no-one is when things degrade to an "argument") you cannot use that stick as a measure to blame me or excuse your own actions, for which you yourself have instigated.

As such yes you are then reaping what "YOU" have sown.

I however have been victimised by numerous people on your forums, and usually as ad-hominem or personal attacks disconnected with the issues of MWO. At one point here was even a thread that personally attacked me that you all had "fun" and "giggles" over, now deleted.

And now you say that this is due to the fact that having defended points of opinion disimilar to your own or presenting something that you don't agree with or isn't flattering to the Wolf position (notice I'm not declaring the opposite only not flattering) you are then free to ridicule that stance.

You are effectively then saying that you won't discuss the issues you don't agree with despite there being a valid context or opinion. And this purely on the basis that if it isn't a "truth you want to hear" then you will use prejudice and character defamation as a solution to those problems as opposed to having the capability and maturity to address those presented concerns to your community.

I actually feel vindicated by this as it only helps serve to demonstrate that you have held a biased opinion despite material that has been presented.

Kinda missing the point....we don't seek validation/approval from you about anything...nothing.

You seek constant validation on your pet theories about Clan Wolf...constantly....You are the one who needs us to pay attention to you...sad

and when we just respond with "go away troll" you get all butt hurt and start declaring that "you won't discuss the issues you don't agree with" lol...never mind that these aren't issues to us at all...they are issues only to you and your ego

guess what....that's our choice, if that's our "double standard" its ours to have, we dont have to conformto YOUR view of how we need to act, its our clan....if you don't like it...meh ....just go away troll

#337 Kain Demos


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:03 AM

View PostVincent V., on 05 February 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:

I dropped on Tamar myself and there was a few people who ranted against us when we explained our reasons... Someone said that "Clan Ghost Bear would hear about this", but I am pretty sure you already knew about it and why we did so.

LOL where have they been the last week? Tamar is just the latest in a string of planets. Nice that we finally got one to attack that is actually SOMEWHAT close to bridging us back a route to the IS.

#338 Vincent V. Kerensky


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:09 AM

View PostKain Thul, on 05 February 2015 - 11:03 AM, said:

LOL where have they been the last week? Tamar is just the latest in a string of planets. Nice that we finally got one to attack that is actually SOMEWHAT close to bridging us back a route to the IS.

Still waiting for a forum post from that person who said he would write it up and inform everyone.

Seriously though, we have no other choise than to attack Ghost Bear as it stands now. We are boxed in by them.

I do hope that when Kandis is taken it opens up even further south for us. Not like it did when we attacked the New Oslo string... It kept moving us east for some reason.

#339 Kain Demos


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:13 AM

East, then North, then one planet South and it finally jumped us back to Tamar. I did not mind the upward stretch though because it put our old worlds potentially back into play soon--Outpost, Skallevol, Ferris.

#340 Gyrok


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:23 PM

View PostVincent V., on 05 February 2015 - 11:09 AM, said:

Still waiting for a forum post from that person who said he would write it up and inform everyone.

Seriously though, we have no other choise than to attack Ghost Bear as it stands now. We are boxed in by them.

I do hope that when Kandis is taken it opens up even further south for us. Not like it did when we attacked the New Oslo string... It kept moving us east for some reason.

All we can do is hope, and attack the best option at this point in time...

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