operatorZ, on 05 February 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:
Oh we have communication in Clan Wolf....just not with you. Why would we communicate with someone who calls people ignorant for pointing out the facts of the matter? You cant take back all the troll posts you have made, people remember them. In life if you go around acting disrespectful to people you usually get the same response back. People remember you for being this way.....
Whats ignorant is expecting people to forget your past actions. Nobody cares what you say here...nobody probably ever will.....because of your actions....your actions....its you, is what I mean...the people who you have insulted don't want to communicate with you....ever.
You can argue all day till your blue in the face that you didn't "insult" anyone and that you are just "RP"ing or that this is somehow Clan Wolfs problem (lol)...but guess what? Nobody care's ....right or wrong they felt slighted by you.
That's why you should try and be more constructive and less trolley in your future gaming adventures...but hey its never to late to start an alt account and try to be better.
Saying that I have been predominantly insulting is also an opinion or projection from your point of view. And this then largely due to the fact that anything I do say in candour in defense of Wolf insults and posturing is then simply declared as trolling.
I have also explained that the points I have tended to raise have been originally connected with the gameplay fiction. This then something of a behavioural issue with Clan Wolf posting. This also then seen as being acceptable by members of Clan wolf to make these presentations but then not others. This is a definate double standard again that only confirms your position and equally does not excuse your own insulting behaviour or the antagonistic stance you have taken to others, especially when my responses have been as a RESPONCE in defence of insults or falacies made against either myself or others.
Whilst I don't consider myself blameless (no-one is when things degrade to an "argument") you cannot use that stick as a measure to blame me or excuse your own actions, for which you yourself have instigated.
As such yes you are then reaping what "YOU" have sown.
I however have been victimised by numerous people on your forums, and usually as ad-hominem or personal attacks disconnected with the issues of MWO. At one point here was even a thread that personally attacked me that you all had "fun" and "giggles" over, now deleted.
And now you say that this is due to the fact that having defended points of opinion disimilar to your own or presenting something that you don't agree with or isn't flattering to the Wolf position (notice I'm not declaring the opposite only not flattering) you are then free to ridicule that stance.
You are effectively then saying that you won't discuss the issues you don't agree with despite there being a valid context or opinion. And this purely on the basis that if it isn't a "truth you want to hear" then you will use prejudice and character defamation as a solution to those problems as opposed to having the capability and maturity to address those presented concerns to your community.
I actually feel vindicated by this as it only helps serve to demonstrate that you have held a biased opinion despite material that has been presented.
Edited by Noesis, 05 February 2015 - 08:13 AM.