KuroNyra, on 01 February 2015 - 02:37 AM, said:
There is Lore, and there is Lore.
Here, we are the Clans fighting the Inner Sphere, but the main goal is to have fun. NOT pissing off everybody and theres mums.
We attack the Inner Sphere, trying to get territory, but it should not be by kicking eachothers in the balls and acting like douchebags. It should not be by childish way like that.
But apparently, some guys like to take a Lore and use only the bad things of it.
Who said we are supposed to fight the IS though? Thats one HELL of an assumption on your part! Seriously? IS fight each other and use We fight the IS and each other. Thats not being a douche, thats how the game mechanics work!
I've rewritten what you wrote in a more accurate light...
There is Lore, and there is Lore.
Here, we are the Clans fighting for territory, but the main goal is to have fun. Someone gets pissed off thats their problem, let them take ownership of their own attitudes and reactions. Or ask their mums for help with that.
We attack the Inner Sphere, trying to get territory, and anyone else if they happen to have territory we may want, including kicking another clan in the balls, even if they whine about it like douchebags. It should not be by bowing to childish wailling about imagined fairness and unwritten rules enforced on others.
But apparently, some guys like to take a great fictional clan and turn it into a fraternity of monks and peace protesters.

Edited by Keira RAVEN McKenna, 01 February 2015 - 11:11 PM.