Stealth Raptor, on 29 January 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:
when it is clear we dont have the numbers to stop you guys, especially while you have the merc groups, we will go elsewhere. there is no point dropping if our groups win a lot of their matches and we still use the planet. its ok we are making davion cry now instead
Understandable behaviour. Best to focus on/win one front than to spread insufficient forces on all fronts. The Ghost Bears had a ceasefire where our game plan was juggled between too many war fronts (the Wolf-Bear conflict played a large part in this), and not only did we not make any gains, but we lost a system to FRR and destabilized the fronts of all other clans, preventing them from making gains themselves.
Until you guys are able to bolster your numbers, it's probably inevitable that you'll slowly hemorrhage territory to other factions (especially after Marik's deep-space raid... how the heck did that happen anyways???
). So in this situation, focusing on and winning a minimal percentage of war fronts is your best bet! Only other alternative is 100% territory loss every ceasefire. Personally, I hope you guys get your ranks increased soon.
Best of luck!