Aidan, on 30 January 2015 - 09:35 AM, said:
Grynos has a good idea. Let the MWO CW marketplace rewards influence where Merc units will prefer to go. Penalize Mercs for over population of a particular Clan or Faction and reward Merc units for an even distribution of MWO pilots in the MWO universe.
Possible rewards:
1. Monetary
2. Territory
3. Political
Possible penalties:
1. Remove force multipliers
2. Monetary
3. Time to engage in battle
There should be a couple more mechanics at work: reward longevity, punish "quick-jumpers," base a lot on size (don't make this dirty).
So here goes:
Have the rewards ramp up over time. So if you work for a House or Clan for a week, you X, where X is pretty low. On the second week, it jumps to X x2, then X x3, and so on. Maybe they get a perk specific to that power (cheaper House-specific mechs, or weapons, or a House-specific grab-bag, or something along those lines). So the longer a merc unit works for a specific power, the better the incentive to stick around, whereas jumping ship comes at the cost of starting over.
The Wolf's Dragoons stayed with Houses for around five years before moving on. Granted, we're in a much accelerated timeline in this game, being able to instantly travel from one place to another, but some amount of loyalty should be rewarded.
For the merc units that like to jump power to power every week, there should be a monetary hit. Maybe the longevity reward above would be enough? So there won't be this flood from one power to another every other week.
Maybe, if a Merc Unit stays with a power for only a week, they get a tag on their reputation as "disloyal" or something. And take a 10% hit on their earnings which is reduced by 5% per week they stay with the new power (so on the third week, they would begin normal earnings).
One of the problems is big merc units all jumping to the same power at the same time. Given the apparent numbers of players, this swing is more than any power can handle on their borders. Merc units are, by their nature, well-organized, likely on comms, and have been playing together. If even one out of five drops is against PUGs (and the reality is likely much, much higher), that's a huge advantage.
But the point of this would be rewards based on the size of the merc unit. This would be numbers of members and it wouldn't be hard to say each House or power could have 1-2 of units of, say, 50+ members; 3-5 of 20-49 members; 5+ of >19 members. [these are just numbers I'm pulling out of my hat - you could think of it as small, medium, large, and leave it at that]
This would limit huge, highly-skilled merc units all flocking to the same power and should balance things out a little. Smaller merc units would be less penalized for jumping quick, so you've have big "semi-loyalist" merc units that would stick with a power for a time, and smaller merc units that would go to hotspots.
Edited by Dawnstealer, 30 January 2015 - 10:40 AM.