Noesis, on 03 February 2015 - 08:52 AM, said:
Thats pretty much what I said in terms of not following lore above but that it could have been nice to have a competition for the benefit of MWO.
I have never been a champion of lore and have argued that MWO uses precidents not accurate re-enactments for MWO so I don't understand where you get this perception from? Maybe you want it to exist so that you have some point to prove when there perhaps isnt one other than confirming something I already said? Bizzare?
Even you seem to want to extole the idea of this being a "pivotal planet" from Battletech history and yet then argue it is seemingly now just another regular planet. Confuzzled?
Why would it be so hard simply to have a competition to help celebrate the battle for this planet as a community event? It would not be preventative of the idea of CSJ attacking it. This why seemingly from an MWO perspective we just treat it like any other planet then, nothing to see here, move on, literally nothing to see here?
Well once we are out of Beta i would love to see more of a reason to have a planet. Tukayyid could be a planet that has a special thing about it but then people would cry when a tough group held it and no one else got a chance to have it or contest for it.
Im not saying im against them having special merit but i dont see it going over well with the non competitive types. Maybe im wrong, i hope, but having all battles on Tukayyid be 30% cbill bost or something would be incentive enough i think. And make i worth owning it as it would be a lucrative Planet to defend. But i dont think it should be really any more special then any other planet. Just different which would curb people hand to keep it/fight over it. But since we are not going with lore im ok if we throw that out the window too.
These are all thing i would like to see come AFTER beta is finished though. For now, lets just work with the bugs we have! lol The fact that we could attack FRR from where we were is kinda weird in itself. But taking the planet and showing the bug may help down the road which is the real reason im glad we got it...same with Marik out there in the Kurita Black Hole.
AdamBaines, on 03 February 2015 - 08:53 AM, said:
Wow, all of that from my little jab. Very sensitive today?. :-) Most of your response actually did not hit on the point of a barb was the Jaguars have a habit of being overly dramatic and florid in the way you speak. You only proved my point with your rambling and tangential response. I could careless about how you claimed the planet.
And as to my "lack of a faction", yea that is what happens when your contract runs out and have yet to accept another. Sure it will happen to you one day as well.
Do not get overly sensitive Jaguar.
All of what? A semi-thought out, semi-constructive post? I'd rather type something half thought out with my time then just take little troll jabs. You still never answered my question or have a suggestion to fix the ghost drops. You just wanna take jabs at people for playing the game PGI made. Which doesn't make sense to me so I called you out on it. You still have yet to bring anything constructive to the conversation.
The poking fun at no faction was simply that, I understand how the game works and i know you more then likely just dont have a contract right now for whatever reason (Unit leader not on, Haven logged on, or just haven't bothered) but there is this thing called a Permanent Contract which I have with the Smoke Jags so I will actually never be without one!

Unless I leave my unit...which i wont.
But again, if you have an issue with the Ghost drops make a suggestion of a better way.
PS. I am Clan Star Adder, not a Smoke Jag.