LordSkyKnight, on 08 February 2015 - 04:08 PM, said:
You're the one who said that you control the "great majority of competent to high end competitive players," not me. My only argument is that if you truly cared about good fun PvP as much as you seem to spout about it, your actions would probably be a lot different. For starters, you and your unit should be fighting against MS wherever they go instead of following them around stomping pugs. That would make for some damn good PvP if you're even half as good as you claim to be. Or maybe MS would be trying harder to drop opposite of the comp units that didn't join them instead of going where it's easiest to get more planets tagged. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions state that you don't give a damn about good PvP.
ThomasMarik, on 08 February 2015 - 11:12 PM, said:
Given how little is left of FRR I don't understand why MS went FWL. They can attack on numerous active fronts from FRR and might even be able to save it. Instead they are in the FWL pushing the bordrs here.
You see? They have always joined the faction that was making the most gain, to take advantage of it and tag the most planets with ease. If they really wanted fights, they would have been fighting for the FRR trying to save it from all the Clans. Or House Kurita, as CI and Aces did, if i am not wrong. Instead, they jumped on the winning faction..
HBizzle, on 08 February 2015 - 04:26 PM, said:
This may be due to our reputation, or simply the character of the units and people involved in the meeting in the first place. Who knows.
You gave yourself two good answers there
Necromantion, on 08 February 2015 - 10:20 PM, said:
6) I am willing to bet that MS leadership is constantly in contact with more unit/faction leaders than most if not any other units other than the other large merc unit CI. Why because we are willing to work with people.
8) My understanding regarding this situation of this star league is that MS is more than willing to help out and work with whatever agreements are binding the IS or Clan factions HOWEVER for some reason were seen as a threat because people know full well that if we decide to focus on a faction if provoked we would do what we did to wolf, or that we swap around from faction to faction as we see fit.
If you talk to any of our leaders on the diplomatic fronts Im sure you will find them to be more than level headed and reasonable people as long as the whole *Putting on my cloak and wizard hat* is left on the sidelines. Asking to have some input things on an equal playing field as the "7th unit" or whatnot that is outlined I don't think is unreasonable especially when it has nothing to do with being the "omnipotent rulers" of anything.
Work with others? When you disgregard any agreement made by the rest of the faction you are fighting for, and your stance is "we do whatever we want", you are doing quite the opposite.
I was not at the conference, but it was said that you would disgregard any ceasefire and agreement the Star League would have voted on..
Roadbeer, on 08 February 2015 - 11:31 PM, said:
So you ARE saying that MS can't be trusted.
Looking at their past history it was already clear
ThomasMarik, on 08 February 2015 - 11:50 PM, said:
So you are saying MS Is not getting the option to defend clan planets? Have you sent in a bug report?
Well played sir.
Valar13, on 09 February 2015 - 12:32 AM, said:
The reason being, after you leave a faction and move on, the loyalists then have to deal with whatever you left behind. Be that a vengeful neighbor, or anything else.
The Ghost Bears know it. MS started fighting for them, sowing discord among friendly Clans and left behind them more or less justified distrust and thirst of vengeance..
reign, on 09 February 2015 - 04:12 AM, said:
cool, the star league is reborn, means were only 1 step away from it desolving and the Jihad happening.
Then the dark ages
Then wolf can take Terra
Things happen fast in this game!
A battle of Tukayyid happened in 3050! A big Clan vs Clan war in 3050 as well (but this time we are not going to be the Clan being split and going in exile

)! The Clans are close to Terra.. What will happen in 3051?
Mycrus, on 09 February 2015 - 05:01 AM, said:
kids... refocus on the OP and ignore the shitposting...
They said they are going to make a new thread, so we can let this go on. Sometimes it is better
not to ignore the trolls, after all

Seriously, this thread is becoming one of the funniest i have ever read.. In some kind of positive way...