Peace Reigns Between Cw And Csj
Posted 14 February 2015 - 10:52 PM
Posted 14 February 2015 - 11:30 PM
Edited by Knightcrawler, 14 February 2015 - 11:54 PM.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 08:34 AM
Knightcrawler, on 14 February 2015 - 11:30 PM, said:
Because you reached out here, I will refrain from dropping on Altenmarkt and indeed HIGHLY encourage ALL Smoke Jaguars who would BOTH ally with Clan Wolf and see your Stellar Vanguard enter the front with Kurita, to also refrain from defending Altenmarkt.
Please understand, while I accept accountability for all my Clan does and fails to do, there will no doubt be all manner of Soloist, Small Unit and perhaps even a 12-man Team or two who just may choose to contest your RIGHT, PROPER and HONORABLE attempt to get at the throat of the Dragon. I counsel patience. With the withdrawal of myself and some others because of this thread and I will spread a similar message in CSJ TeamSpeak in an hour or so - I believe Altenmarkt should be a tenable goal this cycle.
If the three of us (Clan Ghost Bear when they can manage a coordinated push against the IS and not CW) ALL simultaneously and early in a cycle take down three Kurita planets, their robust defenses can not help but be overwhelmed.
YES INDEED A CLAN WOLF AXIS INTO HK COULD BE A KEY TO THE DRAGON's DEMISE, as without it being able to count on Defensive assistance from Marik-new Star League (Marik-nSL) assistance, the DCMS High Command will be hard pressed to stop THREE Clans.
I only hope the perfidious algorithm does not first wind CW though the entire CSJ salient into HK first... grrrrrrr, darn PGI algorithms!

Edited by Prussian Havoc, 15 February 2015 - 08:38 AM.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 09:08 AM

Kurita could find itself under attack by Ghost Bear (at Eguilles), Clan Wolf (at Maule), and Smoke Jaguar (at Sakai or defensively at Paracale) during this attack phase. Kurita could lose its bubble in the current attack phase.
To the best of my understanding of the corridor, I'd ask that you don't take Lothan for the time being. If you take it this attack phase, it'll give you Altenmarkt again. If you take it during the next attack phase, it is unknown what target it will give you, but it COULD give you Dehgolan or Altenmarkt, both of which would be bad for us.
Just adding this. If Paul or Russ did not manually add Maule to our attack lanes, this teaches me something new. Since the FRR "lost" its engagement from Nox to Maule (by losing Nox to Clan Wolf), Maule was made invulnerable for one attack phase. Therefore, since we'll be attacking Altenmarkt from Maule, we should expect to have no attack lane into FRR for ONE attack phase after taking Maule. Unless Paul or Russ manually change that. Point being, don't freak out if we can't attack Altenmarkt right away after taking Maule!
Edited by Knightcrawler, 15 February 2015 - 09:37 AM.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:23 PM
Edited by Knightcrawler, 15 February 2015 - 05:24 PM.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:29 PM
Good hunting.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:44 AM
Knightcrawler, on 15 February 2015 - 05:23 PM, said:
Well CGB appears poised to break out into Kurita Space with this current attack on the Smoke Jaguar world of Najha and then a possible following attack against the Smoke Jaguar world of Pilkhua. The loss of these two world to UNILATERAL AGGRESSION by CGB is in marked contrast to Clan Wolf efforts here (led by you and select others) to work with/notify CSJ of the rationale and basis for Clan Wolf moves to find a similar path to Kuriat.
Personally, I view it more and more as FIREBREAKS that will ensure if an Inner Sphere opponent wants to get at CSJ, it would have to directly combat our Trothkin as well in order to roll up and "Fronts" and progress any closer to Richmond. In many ways a meandering, interleaved Clan Front, creates a defensive bastion of mutually-supporting Attack and Defend options from all Clans.
While unintended, the perfidious algorithm has offered up a unique and highly positive Defensive Benefit to the Clans whose Invasion corridors are now so tightly interwoven.
All that being said, I will not contest Clan Wolf when the algorithm once again when it's path to Kurita Space necessitates the fall of a Smoke Jaguar world and I HIGHLY encourage my fellow Smoke Jaguars to refrain from wasting gamer-hours contesting Clan Wolf's Kurita-seeking moves into Smoke Jaguar Space.
For me, I have a very different view on Clan Ghost Bear and have already dropped against CGB's aggression directed at Clan Smoke Jaguar worlds. And I intend to contest very single future attack by CGB against CSJ worlds.
In some ways, I regret now that I had not listened more closely to Deadfire, QueenBlade and Peter2000 when they quite correctly noted the cancer among the Clans that is rooted a few CGB Seniors' attitude toward their fellow Clans.
Please do not misunderstand me, 99.9% of CGB are friends (both new and old) as well as gamers rightly pursuing their #GamersWillGame prerogative. But there is a core cadre of senior influencers among Clan Ghost Bear who work hand in glove with the predations of -MS-... it is all rather spectacularly Machiavellian in nature but woeful parochial in practice. But a nature I must take a stand against as a CLAN PURIST and CSJ Loyalist.
Unless more of us can find a way to set aside our parochial tendencies, there will never be an inclusive-ilClan "General Staff" capable of orchestrating Clan response to the 14-Attack Lanes and 22-Defense Lanes now available to the Clans-Inclusive.
I included the Clan on Clan lanes of Attack/Defense because IMO there is not stronger endorsement for Clan on Clan conflict than the ilKhan's General Staff's finding that the loss of planet "A" by Clan "1" is WORTH the price to one Clan because it best positions Clan "2" for opening up yet another/15th Clan Attack lane making it a second or possibly third attack lane into House Kurita. In this way a ilClan General Staff's recommendations could look to optimize pathing while minimizing Clan on Clan tensions.
Regardless, we are still far from an overarching Clan General Staff capable of harnessing the vast gamer Attack and Defense strength of the Clans.
All we can do is look to make the best informed personal decision with regard to actions in-game and the. Share them with like-minded gamers here on the forums,.
For me?
I contest CGB's UNILATERAL AGGRESSION on CSJ world and HIGHLY recommend others do so as well.
I ENCOURAGE and WELCOME our Trothkin from Clan Wolf to the worlds it requires to join in our matches with House Kurita and HIGHKY encourage others to NOT contest CW drops on redundant and backwater CSJ worlds as CW marches toward Kurita Space.
A COMPLETE BUT INTERESTING TANGENT: But I just can't help wonder want amazing synergies will be available to an ilClan General Staff if given the capability to orchestrate in time and space the greater preponderance of Clan Attacks against the Inner Sphere olongapo ALL THESE MANY Clan Axis of Advance against Inner Sphere Houses soon to be fully realized.
A bit of coordination and timing synchronized at the top could have Inner Sphere Houses (one by one) set back on the heels defensively, losing one planet after a other as entire Factions are individually focused by 3 (or even for FRR, all 4) Clans. The loss of worlds could be quite prolific, as ways and means are developed to best take advantage of all the many and varying strengths of our Clan units can be put to best possible use...
Why send three 12-man Units to this world to safeguard at least One Precious Sector for the 8th, 9th and 10th Sectors on a FRR world (when it is one drop to ceasefire) when a General Staff could instead recommend just one "Stone Cold Defensive Excellence" 12-man Team to completely lock down JUST the 8th Sector for the last amped imminent Counterattack. Thus netting 12-man teams to drop elsewhere potential saving a defensive effort or also locking down and attack.
This is only one example btw and not necessary the strongest or most beneficial function of a Clan-inclusive Command Structure/ilClan benefit/function.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 02:04 PM
We are very glad that you have tons of time to play the game and prattle on in the forums nonstop, but you are preaching unity in one thread while constantly attack CGB in another thread. You are disingenuous and it is quite annoying.
We do not want some secret mercenary ilKhan, nor do we want an ilClan at this point. Once one of the factions reaches Terra, THEN we will have an ilClan, as well as an ilKhan. Until that point, we are quite content to continue working together, without your drama, to make the best of this horrible PGI algorithm.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:17 PM
Cimarb, on 16 February 2015 - 02:04 PM, said:
We are very glad that you have tons of time to play the game and prattle on in the forums nonstop, but you are preaching unity in one thread while constantly attack CGB in another thread. You are disingenuous and it is quite annoying.
We do not want some secret mercenary ilKhan, nor do we want an ilClan at this point. Once one of the factions reaches Terra, THEN we will have an ilClan, as well as an ilKhan. Until that point, we are quite content to continue working together, without your drama, to make the best of this horrible PGI algorithm.
Your own actions and rhetoric have in large measure proven that 228th/Deadfire's message of Ghost Bear Leadership duplicity in -MS- attacks is "spot on."
You can deny it all you like but for CLAN UNITY to have a chance, CGB needs to find leadership capable of meeting the rest of US half way.
...You also need to raise your game when it comes to forum rhetoric, stooping to personal attacks on my leadership and denigrating my in-game achievement does nothing but call into question your own maturity.
AGAIN, please take personal concerns, attacks, denigrations and other nonsense offline and bring them to me in a PM or better yet a TeamSpeak channel as I am nearly always available for such... but then it appears you enjoy too thoroughly the anonymity of shouting your angst in these public forums. Now don't get me wrong (again) I fully support your freedom to do so, just pleas understand your actions are derailing my thread.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:45 PM
We have seen this with -MS-, with CI, even as recently with VGRD joining Clan Wolf and disrupting both CJF and CSJ. This is a mercenary issue, not a loyal units issue.
If you have a solution for us as players to deal with rogue mercenary units that is not simply "PGI needs to fix this," please feel free to share your vision with the rest of us.
Edited by jeirhart, 16 February 2015 - 04:48 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:46 PM
Knightcrawler, on 15 February 2015 - 09:08 AM, said:

Kurita could find itself under attack by Ghost Bear (at Eguilles), Clan Wolf (at Maule), and Smoke Jaguar (at Sakai or defensively at Paracale) during this attack phase. Kurita could lose its bubble in the current attack phase.
To the best of my understanding of the corridor, I'd ask that you don't take Lothan for the time being. If you take it this attack phase, it'll give you Altenmarkt again. If you take it during the next attack phase, it is unknown what target it will give you, but it COULD give you Dehgolan or Altenmarkt, both of which would be bad for us.
Just adding this. If Paul or Russ did not manually add Maule to our attack lanes, this teaches me something new. Since the FRR "lost" its engagement from Nox to Maule (by losing Nox to Clan Wolf), Maule was made invulnerable for one attack phase. Therefore, since we'll be attacking Altenmarkt from Maule, we should expect to have no attack lane into FRR for ONE attack phase after taking Maule. Unless Paul or Russ manually change that. Point being, don't freak out if we can't attack Altenmarkt right away after taking Maule!
Clan NEGOTIATION and OPEN, PUBLIC DIALOGUE in conjunction with both Clans working hand in hand to overcome an #InvasionAlgorithm that at times makes highly questionable pathing choices is the very best option of the two currently available.
Whereas CW has now been quite consistent in an open dialogue about their efforts to reach House Kurita Space, the manner in which CW representatives have gone about correcting the issue of access to Inner Sphere Space, has impressed me as genuine and honest frustration with an algorithm that in no way respected original Invasion Corridors. It is my opinion that CW has gone about their problem as honorably and as forthrightly as they could.
I stand by my decision to leave uncontested the planets CW requires in order to realize a viable attack vector into House Kurita Space. I shall not oppose these boundary adjustments with CW and I HIGHLY encourage other Smoke Jaguars to do the same.
I make these statements in full expectation that in a months time, if CSJ finds itself sealed off by a CW salient of world, that CW would indeed reciprocate and permit Future CW world to fall uncontested to CSJ.
Ensuring all four Clans have viable Invasion Corridors is paramount to opening up the Offensive "Option Set" required for. ilClan General Staff to best optimize synergistic, sequential Clan Attacks/Defenses that are synchronized both across both spatial and temporal variables.
Much can be made of the "Operational Art" (http://usacac.army.m...0831_art011.pdf) possible at the highest levels (2nd Star League and ilClan)... some few of us already have experience with "Operational Art" and have been offering that up for quite some time http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4181502
Achieving Communal Consensus sufficient to coalesce a viable capability (buy-in from enough Unit Commanders) is currently not possible among the Clans. But incremental movements to consensus have been made by select groups of individuals. As our Beta progresses it is possible that these may spark a genuine ability to best optimize either Clan gamer-hours or Inner Sphere gamer-hours.
It shall be entertaining to see which side makes it the furthest in maximizing to best effect its forces/combat power/gamer hours.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:53 PM
jeirhart, on 16 February 2015 - 04:45 PM, said:
We have seen this with -MS-, with CI, even as recently with VGRD joining Clan Wolf and disrupting both CJF and CSJ. This is a mercenary issue, not a loyal units issue.
If you have a solution for us as players to deal with rogue mercenary units that is not simply "PGI needs to fix this," please feel free to share your vision with the rest of us.
Someone who gets it.

Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:57 PM
jeirhart, on 16 February 2015 - 04:45 PM, said:
Oh, but he has, my trothkin! He would like to name a secret mercenary as our ilKhan! That would fix all of the issues, because the very mercenaries that we are complaining about would be our leaders. What better way to bring in "CLAN UNITY"?
BTW, I think "clan unity" translates to "hail hydra" in Prussianeese...
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:02 PM
jeirhart, on 16 February 2015 - 04:45 PM, said:
If you have a solution for us as players to deal with rogue mercenary units that is not simply "PGI needs to fix this," please feel free to share your vision with the rest of us.
As you will note this thread has been running since 28JAN and I have offered up a whole range of PGI "solutions" to the question of Mercenary Contract malfeasance for lack of a better in-game term.
In your own words I have been "sharing my vision with the rest of our fellow gamers."
And I am not just pointing out problems but offering up real concrete solutions.
Even though this deviates from my attempt to retract this thread I started, I find this answer to your question well worth all our time and effort, thank you for providing the legitimate basis for me to share all this.
As you know it was Gyrok's suggestion to add you as an influential Jade Falcon to the pre-Kurultai (http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4194903) held earlier this week. Once your name was forwarded, I believed your fairness and open-mindedness would compliment the rather too passionate and hot-headed among our initial coterie of Clan planners.
I trust you'll now give constructive criticism on both items linked above. Viewers here would benefit from your appraisal of my "Vision."
Thank you geirhart, I know we have had our public difference of opinion but I trust we both share an interest in moving the Clans in the right direction... (preferably toward Terra!)
Cimarb, on 16 February 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:
BTW, I think "clan unity" translates to "hail hydra" in Prussianeese...
Yes... and it would have been a glorious series of matches for gamers who love to game in MWO:CW.
You do realize that as soon as a Mercenary signs a PERMCON that his gamers are as much a LOYALIST as yourself right?
Or are you really broaching the subject of Gaming ELITISM?
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 16 February 2015 - 05:07 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:06 PM
And those are all PGI solutions, not player solutions. I asked for how you would have CGB leadership deal with rogue mercenary units now so they could actively disprove your claim of them being duplicitous with -MS- other than waiting for a PGI solution.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:08 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 16 February 2015 - 05:02 PM, said:
You do realize that as soon as a Mercenary signs a PERMCON that his gamers are as much a LOYALIST as yourself right?
Or are you really broaching the subject of Gaming ELITISM?
Are you seriously saying that you expected the mercenaries to all go loyalist?... Where did elitism come from?
Like I said in the pre-Kurultai discussion, you need to just be honest and spill your "glorious plan" with us, or stop with all the posturing.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 09:47 PM
jeirhart, on 16 February 2015 - 05:06 PM, said:
And those are all PGI solutions, not player solutions. I asked for how you would have CGB leadership deal with rogue mercenary units now so they could actively disprove your claim of them being duplicitous with -MS- other than waiting for a PGI solution.
Overarching Guideline : "Gamers will game." - Everyone gets to color within the very, very broad lines that PGI has established within MWO. One can never STOP a gamer/unit from doing a darn thing, nor should one be able to control or manipulate other gamers.
BUT it is clearly possible to do the following (None of these are very difficult to come up with... and many better ones are no doubt still out there waiting to be found.)
1. Hold a Clan Meeting (a simple forum-promoted TeamSpeak session if that is all that can be managed) where the question of "Rogue" Mercenaries can be debated; then vote on whether to "x" and "y" (and so on) Mercenary Corps Units are to be considered Rogue. Even invite the Mercenary to show up... THIS sequence should be representative in nature. Once votes are in, tabulate and broadcast the findings. Hold votes periodically as required.
2. If the vote is to name the Mercenary "Rogue" given its actions and previous CGB Leadership efforts to communicate Clan-baseline expectations then "Name" rogue mercenaries as "Rogues" early and often by CGB Leadership - in the forums, in-game chat, Reddit, etc. We do not have an MBRC to work with as LOYALIST EMPLOYERS but that does not stop us from calling it like it is, early, often and loudly. As CGB leadership THIS would carry a lot of weight with many of us currently UNIMPRESSED with CGB attempts to distance themselves from -MS-.
3. Collect TeamSpeak information from among your member Units both Loyalist as well as Term-Mercenary. Establish 3 or 4 "Runners" - Individual gamers, prolific enough to be well-known and welcome throughout the Faction who can as the need arises "run" down their list of TeamSpeak channels, dropping into each in turn and very succinctly with a minimum of distrurbance, disseminate results of Votes, identify "rogue" Mercenary Units and carry messages of just which attacks are deemed "SANCTIONED" and which are deemed "UNSANCTIONED" throughout the core constituencies of a Faction. In this way it is less likely that Soloists and Small Units would unknowingly join queues that inadvertently bolster Rogue Mercenary UNSANCTIONED attacks against allies.
4. Keep records of Mercenary votes and build a Faction - Mercenary Relations Clearinghouse Thread on these forums where "a player" can keep current your Factions historic record with regard to each Mercenary Unit who serves with your Clan. All this thread would be is TRUTH IN ADVERTISING. Special emphasis needs to be paid in recording and lauding EXEMPLARY CONTRACT PERFORMANCE as well as annotating transgressions. The GREATEST benefit of this will be that your Mercenaries should be invited to participate as well... sometimes their are TRUE misunderstandings and these should be given a chance to surface through professional and well-reasoned forum give and take. It has to be clear from the Original Post that while #GamersWillGame and that this is right and proper... it is also,right and proper that Units be held ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. The simple recording of actions and votes, when Mercenaries have a chance to clear their name / request the recasting of votes, is really just a check and balance element of "Communal" responsibility. If all four Clans were to start up "MERCENARY RELATIONS / CLEARINGHOUSE THREADS taken in aggregate they would very soon come to serve a very central Mercenary Review and Bonding Commision (MRBC) function of Transparency. With it all so very public, it would soon behoove Mercenary Corps Units to protect their good name by diligently confirming to their newly chosen Factions aggregate norms (to include peace treaties, priority opponents etc.
5. If Leadership leads this process of basically non-invasively ascribing ACCOUNTABILITY to Mercenaries, those better Units will come over time to value their good public reputations. This would invest value in maintaining that good reputation.
These are just ideas that fully allow gamers to game however they like, but by establishing and publishing Faction norms, ensuring new Mercenaries Units are made aware of such and then providing a central repository of LOYALIST feedback, over time there will be a some measure of behavioral modification on account of the player-base actually ascribing ACCOUNTABILITY for ones own actions where PGI has failed to do so.
These are just ideas... take them or leave them, or better yet improve on them and post them as a response to this post.
Nothing should intrude on the gamers right to game... but gamers should expect to be held ACCOUNTABLE in any COMMUNITY Warfare game.
COMMUNITY and ACCOUNTABILITY really should go hand in hand.
I trust these suggestions are more in keeping with what you requested.
Cimarb, on 16 February 2015 - 05:08 PM, said:
Like I said in the pre-Kurultai discussion, you need to just be honest and spill your "glorious plan" with us, or stop with all the posturing.
Yes, there was a vote within the Unit to do just that. I offered more than 250m C-bills in partial recompense to their Unit's Fund against any future need their Unit may have to break the resulting PERMCON should a future vote decide against continued support... intra-Factional friction has been know to loss a Faction some of its best units.
It was my belief said Unit should be compensated in Unit Funds for what the Commander would have to pay out of pocket later.
It was my belief and I offered up my own funds.
And as to your "posturing" comment - I gave my word that I offered blind-first-right-of-refusal to this Unit. I shall not break my word now just to placate yourself. I related this to you multiple times in the run up to the Clan Grand Kurultai, and you didn't SEM to understand I would keep my word then. The fact you still don't apparently understand how I could possibly keep my word, speaks volumes about the both of us.
Awaiting any PM you care to send and willing to meet you in TeamSpeak at the place and time of your choosing to better deconflict or explain any of this.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 17 February 2015 - 03:47 AM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:41 PM
Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:48 AM
jeirhart, on 16 February 2015 - 10:41 PM, said:
Completely understandable.
Please consider the new number 3; Collect TeamSpeak information from among your member Units both Loyalist as well as Term-Mercenary. Establish 3 or 4 "Runners" - Individual gamers, prolific enough to be well-known and welcome throughout the Faction who can as the need arises "run" down their list of TeamSpeak channels, dropping into each in turn and very succinctly with a minimum of distrurbance, disseminate results of Votes, identify "rogue" Mercenary Units and carry messages of just which attacks are deemed "SANCTIONED" and which are deemed "UNSANCTIONED" throughout the core constituencies of a Faction. In this way it is less likely that Soloists and Small Units would unknowingly join queues that inadvertently bolster Rogue Mercenary UNSANCTIONED attacks against allies.
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