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#481 Valar13


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 05:53 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 13 February 2015 - 05:05 PM, said:

I have no problem with RJ's mechs being built for fun rather than competition. Goofy and entertaining mech setups are a good time. I just think that LRMs specifically are deceptive about how well they work. You get lots of cbills from them due to component destruction and assists, especially in public matches, and you get what look like high damage results when you are checking the scoreboard afterwards. They do really spread out damage though, more likely to turn a whole mech yellow than to take out any part of it completely. They also take up ammo weight that could be used for more guns or armor or a bigger engine, and that ammo runs out leaving you with few long range options. they get beat by ECM (and to a much lesser extent AMS, which is garbage in this game). Finally, in my experience you end up with all your kills being finishers on mechs that have already been crippled and are not hiding adequately, as opposed to you really contributing to an enemy's destruction the way legging a timber wolf or slamming a crab in the back with a shotgun of LBX or SRMs does. Most importantly, they're not as fun as shooting a guy's arm off with a giant bullet or a bunch of lasers.

I dunno, I just think that er-lls, Gauss, and PPCs are better at range, and everything in the game is better at mid-short distances. The indirect damage they provide just doesn't outweigh their many downsides, imo.

Direct firepower is OP, PGI pls nerf.

Edit: NO, PGI! NO!

Edited by Valar13, 13 February 2015 - 05:53 PM.

#482 MischiefSC


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 05:54 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 13 February 2015 - 04:54 PM, said:

how do you shut down a light rush with LRMs? if your opponent has any ECM and keeps together, you'll struggle to even keep them targeted (good luck keeping TAG on any light mech at full tilt, and UAVs are not very useful when your enemies are sprinting out of its overwatch at 130 kph) and even if you DO manage to target someone, they often move fast enough that they dodge the missiles at the last minute. I just can't imagine LRM spam being effective against a decent group of lights under ECM coverage.

Lights waiting at gate. Zerg comes in, narc for the ECM mechs. Most of 6 or 8 chasing lights (don't recall now) had TAG.

LRMs ate a lot of legs and any of them who tried to stop and fight the chasers got legged quickly. Hard to aim with the head-shake. You pull 6 mechs before they get to the turrets and suddenly there's not enough targets to keep the turrets and chasers from focusing the rest down quickly.

There were some fast mediums in the back to help clean up whoever got through. I got some damage in on 1 gen and that was all we got that wave. We were not a bad zerg group; I could count on 1 hand the times we did not clear 3 ogens and a few hits on Omega on wave 1 doing that, regardless of the team we played against, back when we filled a 12man most nights.

Again though, end of the day I think good positioning and a steady hand for PPFLD is a more consistent performer. I've stopped considering them a joke though after I ran into some very coordinated teams with solid spotters. Similar tactics defending sulfur; good LRM positioning and waiting for opportune fire + good spotters made them unexpectedly effective.

#483 RjBass3


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:47 PM

I used to use LRMS as my go to weapon for kills and damage scores for MWO...........iin 2012.

Now when I use them, I use them for the support weapon they are meant to be. 5 x LRM 5's won't take down a mech very fast, but what are the chances that mech is gonna be able to aim straight if he has one of my team mates in his crosshairs? All of my LRM mechs pack enough energy or ballistic weapons to make them decent dual purpose mechs.

I don't know how many times now when I was launching that constant stream of LRM5's and some small ECM light comes around the corner thinking he is rolling up on a medium Kintaro or something, only to be facing a barely hurt Stalker with a bunch of leg stealing lasers. I know that has pissed off a pilot or two.

View PostValar13, on 13 February 2015 - 04:26 PM, said:

From experience, you're both formidable opponents.


#484 RjBass3


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:58 PM

View PostYCSLiesmith, on 13 February 2015 - 05:05 PM, said:

I have no problem with RJ's mechs being built for fun rather than competition. Goofy and entertaining mech setups are a good time.

I have plenty of meta builds in the nearly 100 mechs i own. Meta buiilds are meta because they work. They are proven way to do it. Meta build are fun the first few times you roll with them, and when my group starts up in RHOD 4 v 4 this seaon, I am sure I will be rolling with the meta.

There are always plenty of builds that are just as good if not better than the meta, but for whatever reason they didn't or don't get the attention the meta build did. I look at Mechspecs, I try those builds and even almost had one of my Summoner builds become the meta. But that is how I roll. I always try something new, see if it works, and not just for a match or two, I really try it, learn it, get to know it really well and force myself to be good at it, even if in the end it is a crappy build. After a couple weeks, if it doesn't work like i want it to, if it doesn't get me at least 500 average damage in public drops and 500 average on it's own in CW, then the build it tossed and I try something new.

Anybody can run a meta build. Noobs love them, and competitors need them, but good pilots can work outside the meta and still make things happen.

#485 Noaceik


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:45 PM

I only ask that you let us keep Moore. That way we can continue through Steiner space to get to it. Even though by the time we get there FRR will likely be a dead faction, but the sooner we get there the faster they can be revived. That is all I ask as a rep of House Mariks loyalist unit, the Silver hawks.

Captain Noaceik

#486 RjBass3


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:11 PM


They are closing the wormhole. They have said it here, and it shows on their TS, Ask all you want, but I think your treaty is over.

#487 Stealth Raptor


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:18 PM

the treaty had a provision for this, just exercising it :) if anything the large groups dropping to stop it are the one breaking the treaty. good thing for them noone else was dropping vs davion so they all stacked us :( oh well at least we planet traded against faaaaaar superior numbers against davion :D

#488 Leaky Walnut


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:30 PM

Yeah....I played for the entire evening and at best, Davion had one more 12 man made of pugs to play with versus fully organized Kuritan 12 mans.Most of the night the numbers were pretty even, with HK instead splitting their forces. Faaaaar greater numbers indeed. Of course, you -could- have gotten the extra people if you weren't so busy stealing your 'allies' planet.

Or perhaps all that sake made you see double Davions :lol:

#489 MischiefSC


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:56 PM

We had at best 1 more 12man and at times 1 less but in some ways that's plenty. Also for the first time I encountered teams of Kurita pugs. That was unexpected.

Was hard fought but we've been used to essentially fighting nothing but Kurita 12mans. Davion is starting to put ourselves back together and Kurita is losing people while picking up more trouble to deal with.

Was a good fight, and we all see what's on the border now?

#490 RjBass3


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:26 PM

4 drops after the CF, NS played them real good. NKVA light zerged and had it in 3 minutes. The NS matches were fun at least.

#491 hopterque


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:29 PM

View PostRjBass3, on 13 February 2015 - 11:26 PM, said:

4 drops after the CF, NS played them real good. NKVA light zerged and had it in 3 minutes. The NS matches were fun at least.

#492 RjBass3


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:38 PM

Yup, have fun with the turret walks guys. We're out, gonna go fight the clans for you.

Edited by RjBass3, 13 February 2015 - 11:39 PM.

#493 hopterque


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Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:42 PM

View PostRjBass3, on 13 February 2015 - 11:38 PM, said:

Yup, have fun with the turret walks guys. We're out, gonna go lose to the clans for you.

Thanks for your snackrifice.

#494 Noaceik


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:21 PM

You are attacking even Moore, even though you are losing planets every ceasefire to the clans, I understand you want to close the marik Island, but FRR is falling and when they fall you will face all 4 clans, plus Davion. When that happens you will lose your nation x2 faster. With the loss of our most northern planet we will be able to do nothing for you till the clans hit our border.

Guys helping you was our first priority. We had to switch to FRR because they are folding up fast. Even with our forces there, plus the mercs it is not enough.There are to many clanner pugs. by having that Island we would be able to counter push them faster even if we cant get it to move farther north till we met the SJ, or JF.

When we get a Marik border with the clans our population of active CW players will increase for clan pug stomping gives huge C-bill, and faction point rewards. Us House units have already beaten CWI,CGBI, in many matches. Your pride may hurt all IS factions please don't take the planet of Moore.

Edited by Noaceik, 14 February 2015 - 02:24 PM.

#495 Koshirou


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:33 PM

View PostNoaceik, on 14 February 2015 - 02:21 PM, said:

You are attacking even Moore, even though you are losing planets every ceasefire to the clans, I understand you want to close the marik Island, but FRR is falling and when they fall you will face all 4 clans, plus Davion. When that happens you will lose your nation x2 faster. With the loss of our most northern planet we will be able to do nothing for you till the clans hit our border.

Put your forces into defending needy worlds against Clan attacks instead of defending the Dieron district worlds against us, and the wormhole business should be done with soon. As soon as that happens, the Clan front will have our full attention again.

#496 Dauphni


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:42 PM

I think it's time we start calling you Clan Kurita now. It's abundantly clear that you only have clanner interests at heart, and don't care one bit what happens to the inner sphere.

#497 SteelWarrior


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 03:03 PM

Can i ask where the **** these claims that we lose planets to clanners every ceasefire comes from? Lol

I hate to break this to you....but CSJ had 64 planets 10 days ago and 64 as of today. CGB is down about 10-15. So exactly where are these planets we lose every day?

#498 Samurai Hanse Davion


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 03:45 PM

View PostUite Dauphni, on 14 February 2015 - 02:42 PM, said:

I think it's time we start calling you Clan Kurita now. It's abundantly clear that you only have clanner interests at heart, and don't care one bit what happens to the inner sphere.

Though The Parrot Weeps
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Blissful Are Your Tears

#499 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 03:48 PM

View PostNoaceik, on 14 February 2015 - 02:21 PM, said:

You are attacking even Moore, even though you are losing planets every ceasefire to the clans, I understand you want to close the marik Island, but FRR is falling and when they fall you will face all 4 clans, plus Davion. When that happens you will lose your nation x2 faster. With the loss of our most northern planet we will be able to do nothing for you till the clans hit our border.

Guys helping you was our first priority. We had to switch to FRR because they are folding up fast. Even with our forces there, plus the mercs it is not enough.There are to many clanner pugs. by having that Island we would be able to counter push them faster even if we cant get it to move farther north till we met the SJ, or JF.

When we get a Marik border with the clans our population of active CW players will increase for clan pug stomping gives huge C-bill, and faction point rewards. Us House units have already beaten CWI,CGBI, in many matches. Your pride may hurt all IS factions please don't take the planet of Moore.

I don't understand, we gave you those worlds as a part of an experiment, and the experiment failed. So why would we not take our worlds back?

#500 MischiefSC


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Posted 14 February 2015 - 04:00 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 14 February 2015 - 03:48 PM, said:

I don't understand, we gave you those worlds as a part of an experiment, and the experiment failed. So why would we not take our worlds back?

Priorities. We all have them. Kuritas priorities are their own to decide but that doesn't mean other people can't and won't judge you by them.

Also wasn't something in that process, that experiment, about Marik helping Kurita fight the Clans? Since Kurita has since made it clear that the Clans are not their priority, doesn't that put the agreement of the original experiment in question?

So the bigger question in how focused is Marik on fighting the Clans and building the Great Wall of Space Bacon?

It's a tough question. I'm sure Kurita, more than anyone else, can appreciate Marik being left in a situation where they have no good answers to a difficult question.

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