wanderer, on 19 February 2015 - 11:38 PM, said:
I wish I could show you the ur-history of Davion in online Mechwarrior gaming. It would make the Kurita-Marik anger look like Hello Kitty Online, but alas GEnie's discussion boards are long since beyond even archival recovery.
Wanderer, you should know better than that. Aladdin allowed people to save the GEnie discussion board threads. Here's a example of the House Leader's forum:
Category 3, Topic 7 Fri Mar 26, 1993
J.MARSHALL38 [Ghostrider] at 10:12 EST
Sub: House Davion Embassy
This topic is for messages relating to House Davion
8 new messages.
Category 3, Topic 7
Message 172 Thu Jun 13, 1996
R.TAFT4 [Gargoyle] at 21:20 EDT
Effective 6/15/96 (or after the FFA has calmed down) House Davion will
be changing it's policy regarding common borders with House Kurita and
House Liao. After consultation with players in House Davion, I have
decided to revert to an Open Border policy.
The Open Border Policy will allow for operations on any planet that is
one jump deep into both our space and the space of the neighboring
Houses. Any operations more that one jump deep will automatically
invoke a state of war between the two states.
What I'm working to establish here is a little confidence in my lower
level commanders that they have the ability and capability to move
units, consider where they are running, and open up a greater
understanding on why they might want to run on one place over another
within their own minds.
I'm willing to discuss this policy with House Kurita and House Liao.
It, obviously, has implications to your own houses that you will want
to work through.
Houses Steiner and Marik are not exempt from this policy, but it is
rather slim that it will come into play with either of you when you
consider the limited planets we share as common.
Gargoyle *K*
House Davion
Edited by GargoyleKDR, 20 February 2015 - 06:50 AM.