Stormthorn, on 22 February 2015 - 09:44 PM, said:
As much as this sounds nice, it is not going to work. There will have to be an "official" ceasefire if we want to both get off the Davion/Kurita border. We had that going for us after the first month of CW and this is were we are now.
I'm sure if a ceasefire doesn't happen soon though, it will happen when CSJ or CGB are knocking on Terra's door. Marik and Davion wanting a piece of Kurita will only make the clans push come even sooner.
Honestly, if both Marik and Davion wait until the last second to ask for a ceasefire, I wouldn't be surprised if the Kurita High council decides to turn down the ceasefire because of not coming to terms sooner than the last minute (and more bad blood from forum wars coming from both sides).
The way the attack corridor is looking, CSJ will be mingling around near Luthien's capital while CGB plows towards Terra. Since it's kinda hard to stop CSJ _and_ CGB _and_ Davion (not to mention all the Clan alts from the various IS houses), there's a decent chance CGB gets to Terra and starts tying up the other Inner Sphere houses. When the other houses are tied up, I'd imagine we'd get the chance to clean CSJ out from around Luthien but won't have much time to help the other houses with CGB.
Ideally CGB should be stopped before they get to Terra but it is a challenge to do so with CSJ also taking planets and Davion diverting a 12 man or two from those CGB/CSJ efforts by nibbling at our heels.
But maybe that's what they want? Their own Clan front. If so, I hope their alts shake hands