lsp, on 03 March 2015 - 10:19 AM, said:
No they wouldn't, otherwise they wouldn't be competitive. Any one who is serious about this game is going to play the meta, and the meta is Stormcrow, Timberwolf, Hellbringer, Direwolf. Has absolutely nothing to do with their roleplaying. LORD for example. I was right, you're delussional. Name one IS competitive unit, there isn't one. Because they wouldn't be competitive if they where IS.
Maybe this will help you get a clue
A quick lesson in "Meta"
Meta is what is considered to be the pinnacle of machine and tech applied to a specific strategy or tactic.
For example...if you are a metamechs tier list humper...then you may know what I am about to tell you, but here you are:
BESM = Big Engine Stomp Meta = load up on fast mechs with DPS builds and roll in a murder ball, this is built for primarily sub 300m engagements
LR = Gauss/PPC/ERLL = build your deck to suit your engagement range and play by keeping the enemy at range (also nicknamed "kiting" by some, though not true in the classical sense...) this is built for 650m+ range
Then you have the last one, which tends to be a semi fluid medium range setup with engagement ranges focused on 300-600m.
BESM < LR at 400m+
BESM > LR at < 300m
MR is not particularly strong or weak. LR can out range it, but not too bad, and BESM can out DPS it, but not too bad.
So, SJR like to play MR meta. That is what they favor when playing because they are typically never at a strong disadvantage or strong advantage.
228th likes BESM, that is their bread and butter. They play some MR mechs too, but not nearly as high a % of their deck is, as compared to SJR.
Lords tends to run mostly MR to LR, and occasionally run brawl decks when they know they are going to be on a brawl oriented map. EmP is remarkably (or rather unremarkably...) similar in most ways.
While build compositions will can easily see where a meta mech list written by 228th would differ from the same list a member of SJR would write, and while it may share some similarities, different units favor different mechs and builds. Meanwhile, the Lords/EmP would likely favor some different builds, and mechs because of their own personal tastes.
So, while Gman has good info...that is not the be all end all of anything. It is the opinion of a competitive player from a good competitive group. Take it as nothing more...there is no "meta" bible, and all of you should remember that.
Edited by Gyrok, 03 March 2015 - 12:23 PM.