Please summarize an argument about why the Nova sucks. Please frame your argument in a clear and concise statement. Take a couple minutes; I took a few hours to make this video so the least you can do is take a few extra seconds to really make your statement meaningful.
I have issues with Nova as well, but I'd rather hear people break it down critically from the other side of the fence.
So far the one person who previewed this video said the argument revolves principally around "the Nova, and that build, suck... you're just good". I don't believe that be entirely true.

Video is not a peenstroke, it's supposed to be showing how even one simple weapon can allow for lots of somewhat-feasible variety in play on a 'bad' mech. Yes, we all know, in a 12 man poking at 400 tons staring back at you will instantly ruin this mech, we get it. If that's your entire 'argument' then it'll be duly noted.
Edited by Soy, 09 March 2015 - 02:23 PM.