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A Nova Workshop

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#61 Alistair Winter


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:20 AM

Great video. Needs more rekt gif animations and doritos tho.

Btw, when you equip 8 CERMLs on the Nova with extra range module, you basically have the same range as IS large lasers. CERMLs do 7 dmg while LLs do 9 dmg, so firing 8 CERMLs (8*7=56) is basically like having a Hunchback fire 6 large lasers (6*9=54) and then some. Except CERMLs have less heat, shorter cooldown, and marginally longer duration (0.15 seconds extra).

TL;DR: The Nova is a weapon of mass destruction.

Edited by Alistair Winter, 10 March 2015 - 01:23 AM.

#62 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:28 AM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 10 March 2015 - 01:20 AM, said:

Great video. Needs more rekt gif animations and doritos tho.

Btw, when you equip 8 CERMLs on the Nova with extra range module, you basically have the same range as IS large lasers. CERMLs do 7 dmg while LLs do 9 dmg, so firing 8 CERMLs (8*7=56) is basically like having a Hunchback fire 6 large lasers (6*9=54) and then some. Except CERMLs have less heat, shorter cooldown, and marginally longer duration (0.15 seconds extra).

TL;DR: The Nova is a weapon of mass destruction.

Yeah that's the next Sauce probably. Cept with something just silly, like... Lynx? Thing about doin that sort of thing is you don't need a lot of quality footage, just stupid amounts of editing time making joints spin around and ****... zzz

As far as comparing it to IS LL, I don't really go that route. They aren't currently usable across IS to Clan etc so I don't even bother considering it like that. What we have to work with as Clan is what we have to work with. What IS has to work with is what IS has to work with. That's the way I see it. 8 ML is decent, 4 in each hand is enough tbh imo.

I think it's one of those types of mechs that's so powerful, it can automatically kill any enemy mech by default as it suicides just via override. That's a pretty ****** up concept if you think about it, you can just say, throw 4 of these at 4 assaults and just remove them from the fight, now it's an 8v8 w/ tonnage advantage. Just talkin out my ass but something to think about it, going override is a sure-fire kill, maybe a 2nd coring, and ultimately a suicide.

#63 MadMaxMKII


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:31 AM

wow, nice vid u have there. some pretty impressive kills, especially the ones "on the fly". and the unreal tournament soundtrack fits perfect to mwo^^
pls more such vids!

#64 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:32 AM

small pulse lasers. got it.

#65 Purger of Man


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:38 AM

It would be an honor to die by your hand soy, also something I do that may help with those red crit torsos that need a single shot would be to use Left alt for jumpjets and spacebar for chainfire for all smallpulses or vice versa, that's what I do in my 10 smallpulse Gargoyle B) (minus jumpjets)

Edited by Purger of Man, 10 March 2015 - 01:38 AM.

#66 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:43 AM

View PostPurger of Man, on 10 March 2015 - 01:38 AM, said:

something I do that may help with those red crit torsos that need a single shot would be to use Left alt for jumpjets and spacebar for chainfire for all smallpulses or vice versa, that's what I do in my 10 smallpulse Gargoyle B) (minus jumpjets)

Philosophically, when I build mechs, I aim to keep a very minimal firing cadence in order to maximize firing discipline, accuracy, and consistency.

In other words, there's a reason why PPC + Gauss sync'd well. You know what I mean?

So the way I would set up any sort of symmetrical or laser-boating Nova (or anything with a similar 'exposure' and wep grping ie no shoulder wep), would be to run only 3 firing mechanics: Left arm, Right arm, and Alpha.

For me that's Left click left arm (wep grp 1), right click right arm (wep grp 2), alpha num pad 0 (I mouse left-handed).

Very simple, it helps you to keep heat managable when you work out a streamlined firing cadence and discipline. This is very important in my opinion to any mech, but particularly one that only has essentially one "style" of attack. Make it as efficient as possible. When you get a true feel for where your heat is at w/o having to look at it all the time, just going by how many jabs you've thrown and how quick, that's when you're at a solid firing discipline - that goes for any mech.

But more to your point - I found this has just enough punch, whereas 12 cERSL's don't because the burn duration is longer so you can't go 1-2-1-2 as fast for quickest TTK. I guess if you're keen for MGs, this is where they come into place. Remember, 10xCSPL = 60 dmg, same as 12xCERSL...

Edited by Soy, 10 March 2015 - 01:47 AM.

#67 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:52 AM

More to the point on Novas... I think, with a mech that's this "arm" based... it's important to learn a comfortable feel for when to arm lock (think coring, 1 shots on rear/xl etc), and also to get comfy with the arm action (for lights ranging guys above/below as a ninja, etc).

I highly recommend going all prime arms/shoulders for now until we see if it gets quirked........... when it has all the unlocks then it feels very sensitive and has great arm 'action' at that point. It's just the actual leg turn rate and acceleration that leave the mech hanging in terms of agility.

Edited by Soy, 10 March 2015 - 01:53 AM.

#68 Saint Scarlett Johan


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:26 AM

Nova? Bad? In what context?

Compared to the Crow? Yeah, it falls kinda stumpy.

Compared to the Fridge? Hell no, it's beats that Walking Beer Keeper all day.

Compared to the IS 50 tonners? I dunno, let's take a look-see at a few...

-50 matches since clams
-2.92 KDR
-2.85 WL
-404 damage per match
-This is an outlier as most of those 50 were Jman teaching me the Art of the Hunchback

-255 matches
-2.1 KDR
-1.29 WL
-284 damage per match
-I lose that AC20 so often still, it needs armor buffs on that arm. The AC20 still gets critted out the moment the armor is breached

-75 matchs
-1.44 KDR
-1.21 WL
-265 damage per match
-this is pre quirks entirely and I no longer own it

-25 matches
-2.85 KDR
-1.78 WL
-362 damage per match
-this is one of those "not enough matches for accurate results"

-127 matches
-2.71 KDR
-1.33 WL
-271 damage per match
-I don't remember what I was doing

CN9-A, CN9-A:
-220 matches
-1.96 KDR
-1.92 WL
-329 damager per match
-players know to just leg these ******** from the get go now :(

-16 matches
-2.67 KDR
-2.2 WL
-381 damage per match
-I don't normally consider mechs with this few matches, but it's got a strong showing for a mech that just hit Mastery

-205 matches
-3.23 KDR
-1.85 WL
-442 damage per match
-I own five stormcrows, so this is all of their stats combined

-41 matches
-2.38 KDR
-2.05 WL
-334 damage per match

-116 matches
-1.72 KDR
-1.23 WL
-361 damage per match

So if my abysmal stats are an indication, the Nova is actually pretty much par for the course. It's not terrible as all the lamentations seem to indicate, but it's not an exceptional outlier like the Crow (or any 55 tonner, for that matter) either.

It's big, yes. But I doubt anything is going to happen as ain't **** happened to the Awesome STILL. So, I'd settle for some structure buffs.

It's the slowest clan medium, but it's really not any slower than my IS 50 tonners for the most part. Now, unlike the other 50 tonners, the Nova feels like it spins it's tires in the mud for about half a second before it get's going. So I generally tart with it.

Also, another reason I tart with it is due to the knuckledragger effect it has for it's propensity to turf shots like an Atlas.

So in essence, what I'd LIKE to see:
-LA/RA structure buffs in the realm of 8-12 points (puts it between Enforcer buffs at 8 and Cent buffs at 16)
-LT/RT structure buffs in the realm of 12 points (same as HBK-4SP)
-LL/RL armor buffs in the realm of 6 and structure buff in the realm of 4
-keep heat gen quirks
-add 20% accel/decel quirks

I honestly think that's really all it needs. Since it's the only medium JJ mech the clans have and it drags knuckle, it's a toaster pastry mech. That's the best way to be able to put that volume of laser onto a target while not getting ganked. It'll have competition from the Shadowcat soon in the field of JJ clan medium, but the Shadowcat won't have the volume of lasers the Nova has and I think that'll set the two apart.

People try to play the Nova like a Stormcrow and they fail at it. Hard. When they should play it like a Nova, where it's actually pretty good.

#69 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:30 AM

Great ******* post. I don't agree with all of it but thanks for posting a nice summary.

Never said that to a... brony... before... do you understand.... everytime... my gun erupt, my money climb, my ***** fineI have only one question for you, or would request a clarification...

View PostLord Scarlett Johan, on 10 March 2015 - 02:26 AM, said:

People try to play the Nova like a Stormcrow and they fail at it. Hard.

Can you elaborate on this to your own satisfaction - go.

Edited by Soy, 10 March 2015 - 02:32 AM.

#70 Saint Scarlett Johan


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:55 AM

The way people play the laser vomit Crow (can't compare the Missilecrow because Nova can't missile) is to load up on ERMLs and ERLLs and kite or poke. The Crow has decently high mounted torso hardpoints for ERLL poking and it has exceptional hitboxes.

It's speed is nice too. I feel like Crow can ridge hump and corner slice better than the Nova because it at least feels more responsive, mostly I think because it has a 330 to the Nova's 250.

The Nova also being more squat and broad means it has a larger T angle (determined by the distance between the arm and the cockpit), which in turn means it's arms are exposed longer as you slice corners to shoot around them. Something the Crow doesn't have an issue with.

Another thing the Crow has going for it is the tonnage for a Gauss and 4 ERMLs, so when it gets hot people just shoot the gauss til they cool down long enough to fire their lasers some more. So actual heat management can essentially be avoided. Something that the Nova doesn't have going for it.

I've seen a large number of Novas try an LPL or ERLL in the right torso and 4 or 5 ERMLs in the right arm to do to DoomCrow pokey dance and fail miserably.

What the Nova has going for it that the Crow doesn't is JJs, so a bit of creative positioning with the Nova and it excels. The positions on the maps people flock to for their crows CAN work for the Nova, but the old places that tarters liked are where the Novas tend to excel at. Those spots where there was a terrain feature that you can jump over to shoot, but prevents the enemy from getting to you is where I tend to do best with the Nova. Like the inside lip of the Caldera, the ramps on HPG, the longer buildings and citadel on River City, etc.

Edited by Lord Scarlett Johan, 10 March 2015 - 02:57 AM.

#71 Bleary


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:20 AM

Busta? Really?

Did you hop in your DeLorean and depart from the year 2001 to show us this video?

#72 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:28 AM

View PostLord Scarlett Johan, on 10 March 2015 - 02:55 AM, said:

The way people play the laser vomit Crow (can't compare the Missilecrow because Nova can't missile) is to load up on ERMLs and ERLLs and kite or poke. The Crow has decently high mounted torso hardpoints for ERLL poking and it has exceptional hitboxes.

The Nova also being more squat and broad means it has a larger T angle (determined by the distance between the arm and the cockpit), which in turn means it's arms are exposed longer as you slice corners to shoot around them. Something the Crow doesn't have an issue with.

What the Nova has going for it that the Crow doesn't is JJs, so a bit of creative positioning with the Nova and it excels. The positions on the maps people flock to for their crows CAN work for the Nova, but the old places that tarters liked are where the Novas tend to excel at. Those spots where there was a terrain feature that you can jump over to shoot, but prevents the enemy from getting to you is where I tend to do best with the Nova. Like the inside lip of the Caldera, the ramps on HPG, the longer buildings and citadel on River City, etc.

Well sure, there's the distinction right clear as day - the Cro can poke a lot better around boulders from medium range, has a better profile, more soaky hitbox, and feels smoother when piloting. Word.

And the Nova can boat lasers and poptart. And the boulder rocking that the Crow does, except, not as anywhere near as well basically.

That's word.

Yeah word to your last paragraph too, I guess if you're saying that people are trying to position both mechs the same then that's a problem. Absolutely.

PS - I ride in my carriage when I listen to classical, wtf.

Edited by Soy, 10 March 2015 - 03:29 AM.

#73 Curccu


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:46 AM

Why so low alpha heat? shouldn't 10 SPL alpha be like 76.2 heat and novas heat capacity with those weapons and rest of the space rammed full of DHS ~77 heat?

PS. I like my novas in melee range.

#74 Bleary


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:07 AM

To stop poking fun at your taste in geriatric rappers for a moment (and I admit I sometimes crank Don't Touch Me Now):

Nova is a tank destroyer. It's not fast enough to range on the perimeter, it's not durable enough to brawl in, it doesn't have good . . .anything for poking. So good Nova pilots (which I am not) spend a lot of their time hull down. They find something to hide behind as close to the front as they can, and either wait to ambush an enemy advance, support a friendly advance after other 'Mechs have already engaged, or jump out of cover like a magnifying glass swung over an ant hill. I'm sure the Germans wished they'd had rockets strapped to their Hezters.

Will accel/decel quirks help them do this? Well, I don't think anything will ever make a Nova good at poking. Even if you're quicker getting in and out of cover you still have to back a Mack truck into the open to clear your barrels. Might help get them out of hot water sometimes, though.

Opening up their torso radius would be nice too. Or increasing their turn rate a la the Misery. It just seems cruel to give the Nova that bar table body and then saddle it with the stiffest waist of any of the Clan mediums.

And it surely needs -and will surely get- bonus structure. Though like the Awesome, it will be hard to make the Nova much beefier unless they really brute force the structure bonuses. The problem is that enemies can focus any part of a Nova they want. I still haven't seen any of the durability quirks make up for bad hitboxes.

#75 Mcgral18


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:22 AM

I swapped back to 12 ERSLs, I do prefer it. It packs a few more DHS while maintaining the MGs. 450M max rather than 370M.
Only one 1k+ match last night, but I'll take it.

I still highly recommend a TC1 for every Nova build.

It's nice to have them when you're at 90% heat, but it's true that they can get you killed. Use responsibly.

Also facetanked a DakkaWhale and won...only to be finished off by a Enforcer. So shameful.

View PostCurccu, on 10 March 2015 - 03:46 AM, said:

Why so low alpha heat? shouldn't 10 SPL alpha be like 76.2 heat and novas heat capacity with those weapons and rest of the space rammed full of DHS ~77 heat?

PS. I like my novas in melee range.

That's 12 SPLs; 10 is only 46.2 heat.

#76 Curccu


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:26 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 10 March 2015 - 04:22 AM, said:

I swapped back to 12 ERSLs, I do prefer it. It packs a few more DHS while maintaining the MGs. 450M max rather than 370M.
Only one 1k+ match last night, but I'll take it.

I still highly recommend a TC1 for every Nova build.

It's nice to have them when you're at 90% heat, but it's true that they can get you killed. Use responsibly.

Also facetanked a DakkaWhale and won...only to be finished off by a Enforcer. So shameful.

That's 12 SPLs; 10 is only 46.2 heat.

Oh yeah can't count to 10.. my bad.

Using same build as you do, it's as good as nova gets ;)

#77 Tahribator


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 04:49 AM

That was a fun watch. Still not investing 30m into Novas though.

#78 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 05:13 AM

View PostCurccu, on 10 March 2015 - 04:26 AM, said:

Oh yeah can't count to 10.. my bad.

Using same build as you do, it's as good as nova gets ;)

Care to state a reason why? I like the build a lot too, it's the other one I like... third waaaaaaaaay down the list is 5(6)ML, 5(6)SL. Just cuz it's nice to switch up the firing cadence, mix in a diff wep; change of pace...

#79 Hit the Deck


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 05:19 AM

Guyz, on River City Conquest Soy got both his arms blown off and he did 26 damage. True story.

But I, like, marked him when saw his name on the list and took special interest on his arms :D

#80 Soy


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Posted 10 March 2015 - 05:24 AM

View PostHit the Deck, on 10 March 2015 - 05:19 AM, said:

Guyz, on River City Conquest Soy got both his arms blown off and he did 26 damage. True story.

But I, like, marked him when saw his name on the list and took special interest on his arms :D

I got a kill that round it was boss!

I think I did 29 btw, don't skimp bro.

Edited by Soy, 10 March 2015 - 05:24 AM.

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