slide, on 12 March 2015 - 05:28 PM, said:
Most of the time my ping in rock solid at around 262 from home and about 250 from work even though the work connection has a much slower bandwidth (woeful actually).
The issues seem to revolve around HSR mostly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but there doesn't seem to be a specific reason, ping wise for shots to be missing. It should not take upwards of 50 UAC5 rounds to kill a stationary Timber at around 200m (I am not that bad a shot) yet I will be cored out in my King Crab by 2-3 return alphas of 4CERML. Other times the TW will drop like a stone. It is completely unpredictable.
As I understand it HSR allows you to shoot at a moving target, only having to allow for projectile speed, with HSR accounting for ping etc. Sometimes this works, other times I have to lead my target by up to a mech length or more for a fast movers to get confirmation of hits. Lasers which are hit scan still need to be led at times and laser hit reg is flaky at best. I get the best hit reg from projectile weapons (AC and PPC) yet when there is a lot of them (4uac5) hit reg starts to drop off.
There also seems to be an apparent advantage to players with a low ping v higher ping. It appears that at times they see us before we see them thus getting shots off earlier, however that is just the nature of this particular beast.
There are also times where server lag seems to become an issue, either that or the internet can't cope. We have on occasion,for laughs, had private matches where everyone can only bring mechs fitted with machine guns and flamers. Because this results on almost continuous fire from high numbers of these weapons the servers have heart failure and the game really starts to chug. The last time we did this it was literally 3-5 seconds before anything would happen on screen and it steadily get worse as the game progressed. In fact the game timer (must be local) had run out a good 2 mins before mechs and people had stopped firing.
I can only dream of playing with a sub 100 ping and would be ecstatic if we had a server here in Australia.
BTW I have also played with a 380 ping at times (wireless internet) and oddly HSR seems to work better but other issues like rubber banding, are a lot worse. Viewing other players in light mechs seems to result in a stop start jerky motion when they are running at high speed. It is so bad, that where possible, I swap to someone in a heavy or assault mech.
Above 500 it is almost unplayable with anything other than locked missiles.
I am all for random hit reg (lorewise), HSR or not, but it needs to be a lot more consistent so at least you know what you are doing up front. Having the rules change constantly throughout a match makes playing a lot harder.
Thanks for looking into this.
Hi my ping is pretty stable at 300 i have the same problems that a lot of aussie's have in that we have learned that if you want to hit something with our ping's you need to lead the target.
We have no problem's in doing this it's just as slide say's that when you do hit it's very inconstant and even when mass clan streaks arn't all counting for damage you know there is a problem somewhere with packets getting lost.
In my opinion what is needed is more server's and in different location's to handle the global load.