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Why Are We Missing So Many Cool Mechs In Mwo?

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#61 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:55 AM

View PostDustySkunk, on 13 March 2015 - 09:51 AM, said:

Genuine questions... This was never released in the USA, right? Because the only way that HG could go after this is if it was... Also what does Macross Frontier have to do with Microsoft?

First point: HG claims international rights, but Japanese courts told them to go and pound sand.

Second point: it is a direct fallow up in universe to Macross, so all mecha have a direct link to mechs from Macross. the Quarter in Frontier is a 1/4 scale SDF Macross, the Koing Monster is a direct descendant to the Macross Monster, the VF-25 is a direct decedent of the VF-1 Valkayrie...

#62 WarHippy


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:55 AM

View PostMetus regem, on 13 March 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:

I Wouldn't go that far....

Posted Image

Posted Image

Just a couple of mechs from Macroiss Frontier....

So they are willing to touch them...
Perhaps I missed something, but did Microsoft make a Macross game or something? I was talking about all of the unseen mechs like the WarHammer and Marauder not being used because nobody wants to deal with HG even if HG was willing to make a deal which they tend not to as it is.

#63 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:57 AM

View PostWarHippy, on 13 March 2015 - 09:55 AM, said:

Perhaps I missed something, but did Microsoft make a Macross game or something? I was talking about all of the unseen mechs like the WarHammer and Marauder not being used because nobody wants to deal with HG even if HG was willing to make a deal which they tend not to as it is.

I totally miss read "Microsoft" as Macross... my-bad.

#64 lsp


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:01 AM

View Postaniviron, on 12 March 2015 - 09:57 PM, said:

Well, first off, the Marauder is off-limits for legal reasons; no Battletech product can legally use it any more, barring some unforseen change in the courtroom.

Next you have the Mauler, which has some issues with the amount of variants potentially; but it's been mentioned before that concept art for it exists, so it's probably going to get into the game eventually.

Finally, there's no accounting for taste, and there are actually people who quite like the Locust; the mechs that are your favourites are not the same mechs that are everyone's favourites. There are literally thousands of mechs in Battletech, which is kind of a lot to choose from. Be patient.

EDIT: I see you edited the Warhammer into your post. The Warhammer is off-limits for the same reason as the Marauder, the same company owns the copyright to the designs of both mechs, and due to licensing troubles, neither is allowed in any BT or MW products.

The Warhammer is in MW LL. Nothing bad happened with them putting it in the game, no lawsuits.

Edited by lsp, 13 March 2015 - 10:01 AM.

#65 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:02 AM

View Postlsp, on 13 March 2015 - 10:01 AM, said:

The Warhammer is in MW LL. Nothing bad happened with them putting it in the game, no lawsuits.

But MW:LL was not for profit, if it can make profit, HG will be all over it like a fat kind on a smarties.

#66 Creovex


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:03 AM

Posted Image

Please use the search next time...... This topic has been beaten to death for over 2 years....

#67 KahnWongFuChung


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:27 AM

So what was the figure they offered PGI to get the Unseen for? Just quote us the number, you can disguise it by inserting it into this phrase: "My aunt has [insert number here] cats."

Lets just play this through logicly shall we? first get our new Community Manager =(Tina Benoit) to ask Russ this question.

Russ what was your offer to HG for the rights to use the unseen mechs in MWO and for what length of time.

Tina :https://ca.linkedin....noit/46/46a/707

In this Publishing Game company, I was the Community Manager and Assistant Publishing Manager for the game SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online (Bandai).
This game is a free-to-play mech action third-person shooter MMO.

Edited by KahnWongFuChung, 13 March 2015 - 10:32 AM.

#68 PappySmurf


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:35 AM

Kind of hard, since he's in prison for embezzlement and false accounting at the [color="#b27204"]Mediaset[/color] media company on November 21, 2006.....
I would say Russ started working on a MechWarrior MWO concept back in 2004-2005 I do recall talking about it back then to him and Brian I believe?

#69 stjobe


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:01 AM

View PostKahnWongFuChung, on 13 March 2015 - 10:27 AM, said:

Lets just play this through logicly shall we?


You claim to have the info, so put up or shut up.

#70 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:04 AM

Pics with Info or BS.

#71 DustySkunk


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:05 AM

View PostPappySmurf, on 13 March 2015 - 10:35 AM, said:

Kind of hard, since he's in prison for embezzlement and false accounting at the [color=#b27204]Mediaset[/color] media company on November 21, 2006.....
I would say Russ started working on a MechWarrior MWO concept back in 2004-2005 I do recall talking about it back then to him and Brian I believe?

Well, in 2009 it was Mechwarrior 5, arguably an entirely different game. That incarnation was immediately attacked by Harmony Gold and shut down. I don't think they were developing both MWO and Mechwarrior 5 in tandem but I could be wrong.


Go back into the mid-late 2000's....

If they had talked to HG beforehand, why would they then subsequently knowingly and intentionally cause a poop-storm by releasing a trailer with an Unseen in it knowing that they didn't have the rights? Unless HG flipped their stance and sued after they had said it was okay, it makes zero sense. Highly unlikely.

HG's track record shows they'll sue at the drop of a hat, and they rarely (if ever) license "their" IP out to third parties. They won't even allow companies to import subsequent Macross anime series into the United States. I call total BS on the idea that HG was ever willing to offer the Unseen to PGI/IGP for "so little $USD". If it was that simple we'd definitely have seen more Macross here in the first place, and wouldn't be having this conversation. Also if it was a question about whether it would have been profitable for PGI at the time, I think I can safely make the generalization that having the Unseen would be a huge draw to this game given that they haven't been featured in Battletech since the mid 90's...

Nope. Gonna have to see some solid proof before I'll believe that PGI had an opportunity to cheaply use the Unseen and turned it down.

EDIT: date fail

Edited by DustySkunk, 13 March 2015 - 11:09 AM.

#72 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:09 AM



PGI was making MW5.

There was no MW5 BEFORE 2009.

There wasnt any work done on it.

MWO is what happened after HG was like "A Warhammer? Are you serious? You belong to us" to which PGI replied "Well we havent done a damned lick of work, so theres nothing to take suckahs."

Then they made MWO.

Nothing was being worked once other than mekpaks for MW4 before PGI was going to do MW5.

Which even without HG, would have more than likely turned out exactly like what we have now.

#73 CyclonerM

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:10 AM

View PostKraftySOT, on 12 March 2015 - 10:24 PM, said:

The cool bros know what a Demolisher is.

A heavy tank, with , i think, a variant mounting an AC20 if i am not mistaken.

If i got it right, does it make me a cool bro? B)

#74 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:11 AM

At one time, there was a union between Russ and Jordan. And they were going to make a Battletech game.

Much has happened since this time.

#75 stjobe


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:11 AM

View PostDustySkunk, on 13 March 2015 - 11:05 AM, said:

I don't think they were developing both MWO and Mechwarrior 5 in tandem but I could be wrong.

According to Dev Blog 0. they weren't. They wanted to make MechWarrior 5, but nobody wanted to fund it and HG gave them a Cease and Desist on the trailer, so they had to do something else. That something else became MWO.

Please note that in that Dev Blog they say "Contrary to all the press and speculation that Harmony Gold was getting in the way of a deal or development, this had no impact whatsoever on development or signing a deal for MechWarrior."

Since Microsoft owned the MechWarrior computer game IP, that's probably literally true. It also neglects to say anything about using Macross imagery (the Warhammer in the trailer, for instance) in their game.

#76 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:11 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 13 March 2015 - 11:10 AM, said:

A heavy tank, with , i think, a variant mounting an AC20 if i am not mistaken.

If i got it right, does it make me a cool bro? B)

Youre an honorary Goon now. I dub you, CyclonerMwaffe.

#77 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:14 AM

View Poststjobe, on 13 March 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:

According to Dev Blog 0. they weren't. They wanted to make MechWarrior 5, but nobody wanted to fund it and HG gave them a Cease and Desist on the trailer, so they had to do something else. That something else became MWO.

Please note that in that Dev Blog they say "Contrary to all the press and speculation that Harmony Gold was getting in the way of a deal or development, this had no impact whatsoever on development or signing a deal for MechWarrior."

Since Microsoft owned the MechWarrior computer game IP, that's probably literally true. It also neglects to say anything about using Macross imagery (the Warhammer in the trailer, for instance) in their game.

Now the more bitter of us, would contend that Jordan still wanted to do a Battletech game, and actually hopped ship leaving Smith and Tinker to die, which was a nice FU to HG, who may have actually starting spending money to assemble a team to do something to them, since Mechwarrior development was going ahead after they gave the finger to HG by saying, theres no game, theres no Warhammer model, what are you even talking about, sure, you can own the trailer, who cares.

That fell apart for whatever reason, and thats why were at where were at. Because Jordan was like "Your game isnt Battletech" and Russ was like "Well I own PGI. Wheres S&T? Love it or leave it"

But thats simply speculation.

Clearly Jordan was the BT guy in the relationship.

#78 KraftySOT


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:21 AM

And as far as I know, besides being a "serial" game company creator (6 now Jordan?) Jordan is still 'partnered' with PGI, unless back in September when they got the rights to MW until 2020, they got Jordan out. But I dont remember any announcements. He went on to do his Shadowrun thang and thats working well, so it might also be a case of him leaving Russ in the wind, not the other way around.

For what its worth, im a gaming industry nerd, so knowing this crap is like people who know everything there is to know about football and the players.

I just dont like football. I like video games.

#79 C E Dwyer


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:33 AM

Mauler is a mere add on, to fill the gap when the Unseen were removed for legal reasons, wasn't in the first edition TRO

Nothing Iconic about the Tinman from the wizard of Oz with two speakers on its shoulders

#80 Metus regem


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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:35 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 13 March 2015 - 11:10 AM, said:

A heavy tank, with , i think, a variant mounting an AC20 if i am not mistaken.

If i got it right, does it make me a cool bro? B)

Thought it mounted dual AC/20's, or an Ultra and LB depending on the year of the model in question?

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