XxZylonxX, on 30 June 2012 - 08:23 PM, said:
In a way boosts are pay 2 win...
Why? More pilot skills is a more efficient Mech ---> more chance to be victorious over someone with less pilot skills.
Same with credits. It might buy you better weapons sooner.
You might say "but someone playing for free can get the same pilot skills" He will still be at a disadvantage.
If both played 8 hours and 1 got a 50% exp boost. its 8 vs 12 hours skills gain if they both piloted 1 Mech.
Do not get me wrong. To me boosts are generaly accepted in F2P games, but lets not pretend they do not offer an advantage.
I've bought the pack and boost intentionally.
I don't plan to play the game A LOT, because i'm a little tight on time now, so the boost will help me not to fall TOO back from others

To get more you spend either time or money. I decided to pay money.
And there is no EXP boost
Edited by Schtirlitz, 30 June 2012 - 08:47 PM.