DavidHurricane, on 18 March 2015 - 05:19 AM, said:
You have a choice to use or not to use Clans. If you chose to use them, you get the good, the bad and the ugly.
wow, tahst the entire sense why balance is done, because there should not only be good ones on the field and bad ones should turn into at least decet ones.
nehebkau, on 18 March 2015 - 05:38 AM, said:
So what 10 tons worth of weapons are you going to drop for your shiny new Standard Engine? That's what everyone who is extolling the virtues of the standard engine are forgetting.... Standard engines means lower alphas, less ammo, fewer weapons.
dead mechs don't make damage, its not always all about max damage, and max ammo.
RussianWolf, on 18 March 2015 - 06:01 AM, said:
I've yet to see anyone in this game PLAY as a clanner. Day one of clan release when the Clan mechs were ALL OP (better weapons across the board, better engines, etc. The KitFox was ruling the light class and even the Summoner was better than most IS Heavies) And how did people PLAY with them. Focused fire a single target into oblivion and move to next. That isn't Clan. So the players brought this on themselves as far as I'm concerned,
Uhhm summoner was better most IS heavies? not really. lol.
And kfx was most dominant because a clanlight with XL, while the adder hardly had any advantage, so it was he only clanlight beign achoice. That soon went down again as people realised that this speed in a light is just nonsense.
look at the chassis challange, this rflects very well what the best pilots in the related chassis were able to pull. Now see that most IS mechs got buffs, and clans some nerfs. But look also which clans have not gotten any buffs or negliable ons.
Now a nerf in to across the clanboard? half the clanmechs have currently no use in competitive area. Now some more nerfs and soon the rest follows.
left will be what?
DWF, TBR, HBR, SCR. maybe the ACH and EBJ may joing this club.
but DEF is too heavy in CW to be a common sight.
so yes only these few mechs will stay after this balance.