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#161 Gladewolf


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Posted 28 June 2015 - 11:51 AM

1 Community Warfare phase .......All of Them!!!!



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 12:49 PM

I founds this free program for the disabled. http://www.cameramouse.org/ Its a great little program for those who need it.

It seems to me that it could help if our interior view (right, left, up, down) could be controlled similarly. Using a webcam, your view would be tracked by face position and you could look out a window or up, or down.

#163 Pendulum


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 01:27 PM

I have some ideas about the Mech"WARRIOR" side of this game. Since it is called Mechwarrior and not Battletech it seems that there should be more features directed at your Player Character (i.e. Pilot). I know that some of these suggestions are quite ambitious, but as many as may be implemented as possible I think would greatly improve the longevity of player interest, on AND OFF the battlefield.


1. A player based PILOT system (family or just hiring based). The ability to hire Pilots and/or use family members as possible pilots. A career for each pilot, that progresses in rank, and at some point would result in Pilot retirement, death, short and long term injury, and the necessity to use different PILOTS in substitute or just alternating roles.
For instance: Your main (first) pilot may be injured and would be depicted in a hospital for a given time until his/her injuries were healed, and thus would be grounded until that time. Such an occasion would require a PERSONNEL to replace the injured pilot to continue battling in the game. In expectation of such an event the Player could invest experience or money (cbills) in other hired/family units to reflect off-field training, that they could then take onto the field to substitute for the injured member.
OR: Your main pilot may be killed even, and would have to pass off "UNIT" equipment and mechs to the next Pilot in line. Also in the case of pilot retirement, which would result in a permanent retirement ranking, perhaps even pension funds that benefit the "Family" Unit etc. etc.
This would require, and create the opportunity for other roleplaying possiblities and on-field mechanics, such as: Head kills would be more likely to injure Pilots, or kill them (low percentile event). Ejecting from the mech before the mechs collapse could help to prevent the possibility. Perhaps make it to where the mech isn't automatically toppled when an engine is destroyed, or both legs are destroyed, giving a little more time for pilots to eject. Perhaps an enemy would be required to continue firing on your mech after destroying one or more vital systems, before your mech would actually collapse, etc. etc. This could also effect the whole dropship feature in the Faction Warfare, where you have to eject in order for your present pilot to be able to pilot one of the 3 remaining mechs, etc. Or else you are required to use an alternate pilot for one of the remaining mechs, etc.

2. A home base where your operations can take place; where you can base your personal "UNIT" on a certain planet (within your house loyalty sphere), which could result in many roleplaying opportunities, such as your planet being captured and the possibility of holding members of enemy "UNITS" for ransom, or rescuing them by re-taking captured worlds, etc. etc.

3. The ability to hire Pilots with different skills and individual characteristics that makes each pilot enjoyable to play in their own right.

These are just a few of the ideas I've had as to the Player Character side of what is otherwise a more "Battletech" style game than it is a "Mechwarrior" one. It's not hard to see where things could go given the implementation of this line of thought for developing gameplay features. I hope i have been clear enough in my communication of some of these ideas, but if not please let me know, all who are interested, and I will try and explain more thoroughly. Thanks for listening!!!

#164 Excalibur21ADFS


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 02:20 PM

Increase C-bill rewards and lower weapon module cost.

The grind is a little excessive I think.

I've heard the rewards used to be higher but where lowered. Maybe split the difference?

Add most "useless" modules as master level skills for around 18,000 experience?
-Airstrike/artillery accuracy
-hill climb
-improved gyros
-360 target retention
-capture accelerator
-shock absorbency

Basically all except Seismic, Radar Deprivation, and Target decay?

Change weapon modules gxp unlock to permanent passive bonuses?

#165 IraqiWalker


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 02:25 PM

View PostExcalibur21ADFS, on 29 June 2015 - 02:20 PM, said:

Increase C-bill rewards and lower weapon module cost.

The grind is a little excessive I think.

I've heard the rewards used to be higher but where lowered. Maybe split the difference?

Add most "useless" modules as master level skills for around 18,000 experience?
-Airstrike/artillery accuracy
-hill climb
-improved gyros
-360 target retention
-capture accelerator
-shock absorbency

Basically all except Seismic, Radar Deprivation, and Target decay?

Change weapon modules gxp unlock to permanent passive bonuses?

Rewards were higher when we had 8v8. once we got 4 more targets to kill, component strip, spot, tag, and narc, the rewards were reduced.

#166 MW222


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 03:54 PM

View PostAmodedomA, on 02 June 2015 - 11:37 PM, said:

I've been playing a Mechwarrior game on PC since they first came out. Bought and played all of them and I'm still playing MW4 Vengeance. I really thought the series was dead and only recently discovered MWO. Never was a fan of games that are server based, but the desire to continue to battle in a Mech is strong.
I haven't been here long but I am somewhat dismayed by the fact that the only way to develop skills is to go directly into combat. That's a steep learning curve, and though I'm gleaning what I can spectating, and watching training videos, I wish there were a bot based training series to acquire skills on before facing the experience hungry veterans. I don't mind being the little fish for a while, but the difference in skill levels is making it so I don't last long, ergo I don't learn much.
Still I like the game and it's server response, graphics and playability are great. I sincerely hope to dominate the game before losing interest due to the sensation of being an easy kill to keep the veterans fed.

Yes Yes....Some run and gun targets in the training grounds would be most helpful for new players. You could also throw in a resource capture point and some turrets.

#167 MW222


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 04:02 PM

View PostRyoken, on 03 June 2015 - 07:13 AM, said:

Over 90% of your paying customers are wishing for camo pattern support for C-Bill bonus mechs for years:

Seems we were allready heared:

I can not put enough emphasis on the importance that options to individualize and customize our mechs has to a f2p title like MWO - exspecially on premium mechs with c-bill bonuses that can be purchased for money the absence of full camo pattern and color support does hurt.

So with what Russ tweeted I think full camo support on C-Bill bonus mechs should be here ASAP! The majority of paying players would love to get rid of those forced on "race car" patterns! :)

I agree and would also say the more mech exp points you have in a mech or group of the same class of mechs should allow you to change mech camo for C credit. Some players have 500,000 to a 1000,000 exp in their mechs.

#168 0rionsbane


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 04:12 PM

Economy and a lot more logistics, how dose my mech just randomly appear on said planet and why are all planets the same drop limit even though they have varying specs. just make the game make more sense and add immersion, give something beyond a battle lobby because no matter how well balanced that becomes in the end its not immersive and dose not attract new players not get them interested in the game.

we could start with economy to scale units must now buy dropships or rent them, we get salvage etc so a lot more rewards but a lot more expenditures like repair, building, and repairing said buildings if that planet is taken. repairing ships, fule you know all the things left out of the equation of how i have a 75 ton 17 meter tall mech standing on grim portico shooting at a gun that is on every planet in the damm sphere some how.

#169 Fat Jack Murphy


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Posted 29 June 2015 - 10:36 PM

shameless plug:

CW Recon Mode

CW Raid Mode

CW Recon/Raid Metagame inclusion

Edited by Fat Jack Murphy, 29 June 2015 - 10:37 PM.

#170 TheArisen


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 01:20 AM

Plug for next IS mech pack discussion

Also, I think an engine & module swap feature would be very helpful. Basically, select one mech, choose "Swap Engine" or "Swap Module/s". Then select the mech you want to put the engine or module/s on, confirm it and done.

Here's my thread with poll: http://mwomercs.com/...ne-module-swap/

Edited by TheArisen, 30 June 2015 - 01:09 PM.

#171 no one


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Posted 01 July 2015 - 01:13 AM

1 - [Necessary] - Replace the heat system with a proper low capacity, high dissipation one. Include overheat penalties past base heat capacity.
- This really needed to happen earlier in the development cycle, and I'm sure someone will cry when the laser vomit's mopped up but this is essential to reducing TTK and making combat and heat management a fun, dynamic thing. Weapons may need to be rebalanced some afterwards, but that's okay because they're not balanced now. Convergence also needs to be made non instant (but not a fixed CoF) as a part of weapon balance at some point.

2 - [Utility] - Add a hangar bay that people can put their favorite 6 odd 'Mechs in. This is to aid immersion and to let people quick select between their few favorite 'Mechs. This is in addition to the current 'Mech select system, which is great for gross storage.

3 - [Utility] Saveable 'Mech load outs. I mean really, now.

4 - [Gameplay] Fix the critical system to such that weapons meant for the role are actually useful for dealing critical damage. 'Crit weapons' include the LB-X, SRM, and to some extent LRMs. Making 'Mech components react to being destroyed would help. Increased ammo per ton would also be useful. Light 'Mechs suffer when you need to carry more tons of ammo to feed less gun for a match.

5 - [Gameplay/TTK] - Add a dynamic sensor and signature system and fold the ECM and command console functionality into it. IE - Have things like tonnage and engine rating determine your detectable signature radius. There are some very good and detailed threads floating around on how to implement EWAR well.

6 - [Gameplay] Jump Jets rework. They need to be significantly more powerful, abrupt, and allow limited directional control. IE, If I decide to jet backwards, I should be able to UNLESS I'm running forward full tilt.

7 - [Immersion] Rearm and Repair / salvage. Even as a player option, add something that gives you seperate 'scrap' weapons, actuators, and other components that can be used to repair damage to your 'Mech. Make it so these can be bought / sold at junk rates on market but only exist as repair parts or quick cash for the skillful pilot. Owning planets or joining factions could effect part availability.

8 - [Utility] - A way to see the quirks of a 'Mech I own.

9 - [TTK] Increase the resilience of armor on 'Mechs relative to their hit-box size. Quirk it in if it makes you feel better, but adjusting hit-boxes only goes so far. If I'm guessing weapon falloff or dealing with missile or fire spread, a target's size matters. A lot. It matters enough that people refuse to take missile launchers on some 'Mechs where it increases their profile. If a 'Mech presents 50% more crotch area then a smaller 'Mech, then making it's crotch 25% tougher per armor point is pretty reasonable. You could file this under 'mech scaling, in a way.

10 - [Gameplay] - Gameplay modes or features that mitigate momentum based one sided curb stomps.
IE - Solaris Squad Endurance Match -
6 squads of 4 with similar weight are dropped onto the battlfield. FoF marks gives each squad an opponent squad, while the rest are marked green [noncombattant]. When a squad is wiped out, it's surviving opponent is paired with whichever squad is currently in the weakest position (by difference in remaining tonnage*%damage%).

10 - [Gameplay] - Add 'signal strength' to indirect LRM locks, TAG and NARC. Have multiple spotters increase signal strenght. Have signal strength strongly effect missile spread, or have missile locks deplete/use signal strength such that only one person can hold an indirect fire lock per spotter, two per tag or four per NARC. Increase missile speed to compensate.

11 - [Gameplay] - Add in charging as an initiatable action that takes your 'Mech into an unsteerable, 120% throttle dead run. Also add DFA, after you make jumpjets not useless.

- This is by no means a complete list. It is partial, and badly detailed but much of it's stuff people have done excruciatingly detailed effort posts on, so I shouldn't need to rehash.

A - No feature changes should split the launch queue. That decision should ALWAYS be left to the user. For instance if I want to check "CW match" under my quick launch options. . . I should be able to.

#172 DeRazer


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Posted 01 July 2015 - 04:27 AM

View PostIraqiWalker, on 21 June 2015 - 06:15 PM, said:

I like the idea, but using those monitors taxes the systems too much. Which is part of the reason why PGI has done nothing with them yet. In all honesty, I would love to have something like that, and I would love for every screen in there to have something displaying on it, but it will drop even a top of the line machine down to below 30 Fps.

I can't see that a static display would be that much of a hit (they are already static..). Years (yes years!) ago I suggested that PGI let us "Opt In" to advertising for 5MC per day (played at least one game) in return for them sticking some (appropriate/discrete) adverts on those monitors. 60 days = new mech bay, plus revenue stream for PGI from advertising. You could also see some of it in boards in the city maps..

#173 FrontGuard


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Posted 01 July 2015 - 02:18 PM

1- Ejection Pod sequence on Mech destruction
2- Solaris
3- PVE, Team vs AI for example your 12 man team VS AI controlled Base with lots of turrets.
4- Longer Games. Just doubble the Armor on all Mechs
5- No Matchmaker - Just Two Skill Modes, 1) Beginner 2) General population. After so many games you just go into General population. Just make sides equal by weight.

#174 Nerdboard


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 06:33 AM

First of all I love the tiny bits I have seen of the map redesigns. That'd be the first thing on my list:

1. Increased size on the old maps as well as more details and tree (statue ;p) destruction. I know this is on the way, still wanted to put it here.

2. Any kind of additional match mode
- missions vs. AI for units
- more tactical cw maps/missions
- a gamemode which involves other vehicles (tanks etc., elementals?!)

3. Possibly an energy system for the reactor energy which would decrease heavy boating
- example here would be the double gauss which is impossible for most if not all mechs lorewise

4. Another? (small) redesign for the mechlab, I'd love if it was possible to just switch through your mechbays, just like a slide option to the left and right and I select and configure the next mech

5. Differences in the planets for cw, planet information. If this is not coming any time soon I'd actually prefer if the planet information screen were to be removed completely. Right now its so pointless.

Other ideas which might be less likely since they could decrease the profit span of the game (which I know is important, no bad feelings here):

6. Saving mech loadouts.

7. A scrapyard. Every week (or any other frequency) some items appear in the scrapyard which are a lot cheaper than their full price. These items can then be bought but not be used within the next few days because they still need to be repaired.
Which items appear could also be related to components you destroyed in your last matches which you won or survived, but does not have to be. This could however make players create their own little mission system. If they want a new ER-PPC maybe you'd rather try to shoot some Awesome arms instead of spending lots of C-Bills.
Personally I'd also see no harm done if the scrapyard items are priced in MC if they are still quite cheap.

8. More frequent changes to the Trial Mechs. (not a feature, sorry)

#175 Chuanhao


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 07:47 AM

- Community consulted on choices of mechs in packs
- Solaris
- Move timeline ahead to enable new weapons and mechs
- Fully thought through new user experience
- New Solo Pug modes and maps
- Fixed Calendar of events. 1st 2nd weekends solo-type; 3rd week CW-type; 4th week None

#176 IraqiWalker


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Posted 03 July 2015 - 12:54 PM

View PostChuanhao, on 03 July 2015 - 07:47 AM, said:

- Community consulted on choices of mechs in packs

They did that for Resistance 1 & 2, and even though the community was the one that voted on the mechs. People still complained about the mech choices.

#177 TheArisen


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Posted 04 July 2015 - 12:45 AM

View PostIraqiWalker, on 03 July 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

They did that for Resistance 1 & 2, and even though the community was the one that voted on the mechs. People still complained about the mech choices.

Quite true. You can't please everyone. That's why we need to discuss which mechs we want as a community now so that later on we're all more or less on board.

#178 BottomLine


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 09:28 AM

-New launch/lobby system for better non cw match making (select weight class and game mode(s)>connect to lobby> lobby shows current map to be dropped and allows for pre match prep> choose a selected weight classed mech that best suits the situation (no mech building, only using "match ready" mechs as choices>connect as usual and enjoy a better flowing simulator .

-new mechanics for ferro-fiborous (it seemed nice i suppose for paper and table top reflections of this series, but in real time game play, every advantage is calculated and used. leaving ferro-fiborous only used by clan mechs (forced) and inner sphere only as a second upgrade option behind endo-steel and only if there is room. maybe by giving it boosted armor values as well as its inherent bonuses.)

- more game mode options like 2v2 and 4v4, 4v4v4v4, ect... (it is nice to promote mass community play togetherness but (im not the only one who will feel like this im sure) quick drops and better chances at group synergy. i had a blast in 8v8. why did you make it disappear all together?)

- more styles of play types like arcade arena shooter style (CoD: arcade respawn mode), King of the Hill (both in team VS team and FFA), Last Mech Standing (both "FFA" mode and a new concept yet to be seen in any online game (as far as i know) "Allies to enemies" a team vs team last mech standing allowing elimination for remaining teamed players), capture the flag, ect... (you can combine the match size idea to make even more options available. and im sure i dont have to say this but gamers love options and the feel of control in regards to their experience.)

-more urban style maps. (I may not be a lore master, but im sure that there was a lot of time spent in urban jungles.)

- Mounting control for weapon hard points. I can not be the only one feeling the frustration on this one. The new UI is rather nice and i bet it could incorporate this feature rather effectively.

#179 GermanPartisan


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 11:37 AM

What I really would like to see are interchangeable sound-assets - Id like to be able to have a variety of weapon sounds to chose from. As the sounds are right now they are way to streamlined for my liking, I liked the gritty, less polished - therefore a tad more dark and realistic sounds of the BETA phase more. They had that 80s feeling mechwarrior needs to convey.

Would be nice to have the option ingame to switch to a different sound-set.

#180 Azzgaroth


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 11:58 AM

Since artic cheetah and ebon jaguars are 3057 IS badly need lost tech weaponry.

Also, a complete reengineering of lrm, those weapon system are completly broken. Missiles are way too slow, radar deprivation make them pretty much useless since lrm arent fire and forget.

Auto cannon weaponry are no great too. Projectiles are HUGE and very slow.

New skill tree badly needed.

Most of all: Invisible wall.... URGENT FIX NEEDED before Steam release.

Sorry for my poor spelling, english isnt my first langage.

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