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Most Wanted Features!

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#241 Commander A9


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 10:44 AM

A rear...facing...camera!

I can't tell you how annoyed I get when I'm trying to maneuver, can't back up, then realized I've run into something or someone behind me.

Mechwarrior 4 had a snap-to-rear key which you could use to see what was behind you. Let's get that in here...please!

And remove ghost heat-please! It's freakin' lame and makes zero sense.

Edited by Commander A9, 04 August 2015 - 10:47 AM.

#242 Shivaxi


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 12:42 PM

View PostSpleenslitta, on 03 June 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:

This is a great topic, and something I had been discussing with other MWO players, specifically weapon convergence. I mean we all know Heat Capacity is way too high right now, needs to be lowered exponentially, DHS can be real DHS again and we can get rid of Ghost Heat, on top of that increase cycle times for the bigger weapons like AC20, PPC, Gauss, etc. In no MechWarrior universe should I be able to fire AC20's and PPC's every 3 seconds or so. These kinds of weapons had long delays between firing for a reason, 6 to 8 seconds at least. These changes alone would eliminate a lot of the high damage alpha meta builds and one-shotting assault mechs (which is straight up ridiculous) and mechs dying too fast. We'd be much closer to a real MechWarrior game.

But about Weapon Convergence...it's always bothered me that in EVERY MechWarrior game, all your weapons converge perfectly to your crosshair, even torso weapons. This doesn't make sense as Torso weapons shouldn't be able to rotate or move period, arm weapons sure, but not torso weapons. If torso weapons were only able to fire straight, we'd have a game even more like original battletech, with random hit chance on random components, since realistically we're not able to point and aim those torso weapons, so no more ridiculous high damage alphas all to one component. Players will be encouraged to put they're more powerful weapons in their arms to be able to properly converge their shots, which is also more risky as it's easier to lose arms.

I would LOVE this change, and I think many others would too. It makes sense, it's more simulator and realistic, closer to battletech style, and fixes the overkill pinpoint damage currently. Combine that with lowered heat capacity, longer cycle times on weapons, and real double heat sinks, well we got ourselves a great mechwarrior game again, much closer to how it was in the closed beta days before DHS and endo steel and ferro...we'd have amazing long drawn out battles, and mechs won't have to worry about being one shot anymore, making lights and mediums much more playable.

#243 KBraid


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 02:40 PM

The ability to see how each map's conditions affect the performance of your selected mech, maybe even toggle which maps your mech will most likely be placed in to suit its build! (by grouping it with mechs that have selected similar maps)

#244 viperfang55


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 03:23 PM

light mech role

light mechs where ment for recon and stealth yet i have been assaulted by them and killed newmarrouse times with one shot to the back without support by other mechs when using an assault or heavy mech. this was not true to lore.
however it was possible with 2 light mechs which has also been the case.
suggest a module mech/weapon by starleage called anti lite mech mine aka anti-pursuite mine. a module that drops 2 lvl1 explosive mines which damage prisures vlegs, or 2 magnetic mines which damage or destroy legs of a lite mech. this would bance the lite mech vs assault/heavy mech problem.

#245 Savage Wolf


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 04:24 PM

My most wanted feature is simply, break away from lore and redesign Battletech anew as a modern game that is actually thought from the ground up as an online shooter. Yeah, probably not gonna happen and with it a lot of other wanted features like balance between weight classes and more unique feature per chassis. And make it much more interesting for anyone who is not an old battletech fan running on nostalgia.

But since all the purists would just set fire to PGI, here are some still wanted features:
  • An objective based gamemode. A gamemode where wiping out the enemy team is in fact not the easiest way to win every time.
  • Total rethinking of information warfare. Make sure there is actually a reason to have scouts. It wound tie in really nicely with the next one...
  • Any actual rolewarfare. Make sure that there are other roles to fill on a team than simply, damage dealer.
  • PvE Campaigns. Mechwarrior was always best as single player and still is so this is probably the best that can be done with MWO.
  • Rethinking of modules. Many modules are simply useless or underpowered compared to a single few modules that simply dominate mech modules slots in mechs.

#246 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 07:24 AM

There are so many suggestions that people can make here... Let's see if I can keep it organized.

1) PvE, let's face it the turrets were a little OP and needed to be re-balanced, but taking them completely out has led to more than a few incredibly short and disappointing matches after waiting in the queue. Maybe bring in 2 guardian AI 'mechs or something that actually call out to their team over the "radio" when they are engaging the enemy?

2) Other Asset Integration: where we integrate some of the other military vehicles into the game. Maybe take out an airbase before the bombers launch to destroy your own base? Maybe the bombers can be shot down in a last ditch attempt to save your base, but they are actually fast and hard to hit.

3) Speaking of game modes... More Game Modes! I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement, but if you integrate other vehicles you could come up with a convoy mode complete with tank escort while the attacking team has condor harassers. Let's get some capture the flag so that people can really utilize the strengths of their weight class and/or come up with new and interesting strategies. I've seen people argue against CTF in the lore, but does no one remember the MW2 Mercs intro? There are tons of ideas, more than I care to list and even more that are scattered throughout the forums. Maybe you would like to pin a topic just for suggested game modes.

4) Some kind of practice match integrating bots. I'm a seasoned MechWarrior, I've been playing since the first one came out when I was a kid... but my friends and my gf haven't. I know she really wants to get into it, but she has a hard time with the tank controls, and she doesn't live long enough to get used to them. Think about this PGI, I would be buying her mech-packs and giving you more money if I knew that she would actually like the game. As it stands she is running into a brick wall and I think she will probably lose interest.
P.S. yes I know she can go into the "training" mode and the testing mode where enemy mechs stand still, and she does fine with that, but the moment she is in combat with other players who are savagely tearing her 'mech apart she can't remember what to do. Bot matches would be a great way to learn with less stress for newbies.

5) I would love to sort my mechbay by modules and engines. I hate searching through 'mech after 'mech for the right engine to tear out to put into another one. I've developed a system of using 6 xl engines across all the weight classes and a few standards to play in groupings while I master different mechs, but I don't even bother with the modules anymore. Or the cockpit items, man I would love to be able to get a list of where those are.

6) Some kind of Smurfy integration, or a way to send loadouts to people in my friends/unit. They call me the mechanic of the group because I love tinkering with these things and I'm good at helping my friends maximize their strengths. Right now there is a lot of alt-tabbing with smurfy and a lot of wasted time figuring out where that extra tonnage is missing. It would be amazing to share load-outs with people and have the game apply them to a 'mech and just buy the parts needed to make the build.

7) More command features. I can't believe the industry lost sight of this, but BF2142 had a great system. Maybe instead of leaving it up to individuals to pop UAVs or call art strikes seemingly at random we can have a commander request those assets and if someone fulfills the request they get extra c-bills or xp or something?
- Also maybe allow voice toggle with your lance vs the whole team? Maybe add a callout button like the BF series where I can hold my lock button on an enemy mech and request different things like missile support or something so that I'm not shouting out coords to team mates?

8) I feel like there are a lot of weapon types missing from this game. I remember having tons of different options to choose from in previous titles. I don't know if this is because of balancing concerns or something, but eventually you'll have to start integrating things like X-PLas, MRMs, H-Gauss, etc.

9) I would LOVE to integrate my own faction avatar, unit decal, etc. I used to do that for MW4 and it was awesome. I would love to have the icon for Clan Ghost Bear Wolf on my 'mechs and on the 'mechs of those in my unit.

These are just a few... There are so many more that the community has to offer, but these are some of my top ones. However, the one that I want the most that I know I will probably never see. A campaign mode where I can play a real MW campaign... Maybe even integrate some of this fancy online stuff you've developed so that I can play a full MW game as co-op with friends!

Edited by Grayson Sortek, 05 August 2015 - 07:28 AM.

#247 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 07:30 AM

View PostCommander A9, on 04 August 2015 - 10:44 AM, said:

A rear...facing...camera!

I can't tell you how annoyed I get when I'm trying to maneuver, can't back up, then realized I've run into something or someone behind me.

Mechwarrior 4 had a snap-to-rear key which you could use to see what was behind you. Let's get that in here...please!

And remove ghost heat-please! It's freakin' lame and makes zero sense.

It might be a pain to render I don't know, but maybe put the rear facing camera view into some of those non-functional monitors?

#248 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 07:37 AM

View PostDuerwiss, on 04 August 2015 - 08:43 AM, said:

War of Attrition

Idea for a new gamemode called "War of Attrition":

Posted Image War of Attrition
Basically the idea of this gamemode is to set an incentive using your whole Mech pool, not only a handful of chassis. Make the use of the Mechs more attractive and get rarely played variants back onto the battlefield.

You activate the mode "War of Attrition" via a switch in the window where you currently select the game mode.

Posted Image Checkbox below the game mode selections
Once activated you just drop into a normal solo pug game. So it is possible to play with others without the activated option. The main point of the game mode is that once a Mech has been destroyed in a game it is "locked" for public games as long as the "War of Attrition" is activated. Every destroyed Mech thus reduces your choices.

The option is not availabe in CW where you will basically select and play with your dropdeck as usual and also not relevant in Private Matches where all of your Mechs should be playable.

Refits and re-equips should always be possible even for the "locked" Mechs. It should not be the goal to have all Mechs fully equipped in the hangar (though I like the idea - the translator) the goal should be to play all Mechs.

Now why play a "War of Attrition"? As long as the option is activated, all Mechs used and destroyed count towards special achievements which reward certain bonuses (as always). Once you remove the option the couting starts with zero again.

Example of fitting achievements would be
"War of Attrition Level 1": you used 4 Mechs which were destroyed
"War of Attrition Level 2": you used 10 Mechs which were destroyed
"War of Attrition Level 3": you used 20 Mechs which were destroyed
"War of Attrition Level 4": you used 30 Mechs which were destroyedetc.

Of course there should be rewards which should grow with the level. I propose giving the rewards more then once for the smaller achievements, to motivate players to play the mode more often.

I would also like to have titles that could be rewarded when you use your whole hangar in a "War of Attrition". The bigger your hangar the higher and more important the achievable title, e.g.

From 4 Mechs to under 12 Mechs: "Hero of a lance"
From 12 Mechs to under 36 Mechs: "Hero of a company"
From 37 Mechs to under 108 Mechs: "Hero of a bataillon"
From 108 Mechs to under 200 Mechs: "Hero of a regiment"
From 200 Mechs and up: "Hero of an army"

Posted Image Hero - of the Lights These titles could also be linked to the achievements, to keep things simple.

This whole idea is just that - a simple idea with not too much flesh on it. It is basically the skeleton of a new mode which should be expanded.
It was important to me to keep it as simple as possible so it could theoretically be implemented without too much programming effort.

Optional features for a later implementation:
  • Rankings (K/D, W/L, avg. matchscore) where only players with an activated "War of Attrition" compete which will keep the lists more dynamic
  • personal statistics
  • cbills and/or GXP-boosts for this gamemode
- Duerwiss (translation by Warchild)

You really thought this through and I just wanted to say that I would play this.

Would love to see this in a pinned topic on suggested game modes.

#249 Voivode


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 08:25 AM

Above all else, a single player.

This is a franchise that built its reputation on single player campaign play first and mulitplayer melees second. As MWO stands you are missing the heart of what constitutes a mechwarrior game.

#250 ChrisRoboute


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 08:58 AM

Mechs should be able to knee down, so the second line mechs can shoot above the first line with direct-hit weapons (if the weapons of the second line mechs are mounted high enough).

#251 Voivode


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Posted 05 August 2015 - 09:12 AM

View PostCybersmash, on 05 August 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:

Mechs should be able to knee down, so the second line mechs can shoot above the first line with direct-hit weapons (if the weapons of the second line mechs are mounted high enough).

So the leg actuators do things? Be interesting. I would like the arm actuators to do things too. Let me raise the arms on my Atlas so I can shoot over things. You could even add a penalty to it of some kind just to avoid every mech walking around in classic zombie stance.

#252 Strikeshadow


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Posted 06 August 2015 - 07:41 PM

View PostCybersmash, on 05 August 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:

Mechs should be able to knee down, so the second line mechs can shoot above the first line with direct-hit weapons (if the weapons of the second line mechs are mounted high enough).

This was actually possible in MW4

#253 Strikeshadow


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Posted 06 August 2015 - 08:10 PM

View Postdkcc85, on 25 July 2015 - 07:50 AM, said:

I have been advocating for the addition of some more control over group-fired weapon systems. Specifically a method to organize chain fire within a weapon group.

Example= Nova Prime with 6 lasers on each arm and two machine guns on each torso.
I want to be able to split the lasers into two groups (Left arm and right arm respectively) however, the limit for this configuration ends at the option to fire all 6 weapons in one group at a time, or chain fire them 1 at a time. I want to fire 3 lasers on the left arm alternately. Or, fire two lasers from one arm in succession with the same button. This was a feature that was available in Mechwarrior 3, if I correctly recall. The weapons grouping was done with colored bounding boxes and small numbers. You could configure a group then further customize the group to designate a firing order.

This is a critical feature and the lack thereof, in my opinion, renders boat-type mechs (ESPECIALLY ENERGY BOATS) useless. People argue that this feature would give players who pilot a boat an advantage, however, I believe this is simply how it works. All these advance battlemechs and weapons but we can't get a computer smart enough to let the mech pilot safely and efficiently use his weapons?

I piloted a nova prime for a few months, before selling it, I was awestruck by the deadliness of this mech, especially equipped with 12 small lasers and 4 machine guns. However, I was always at a disadvantage - even though I had 12 lasers, I couldn't configure them to be used safely and effectively. I found my self either tickling mechs then spontaneously self destructing after a rapid succession of small laser discharges. OR, firing the weapons in a group of six (part of this mech's design involves a strategy of peeking an arm around a corner and BLAMO!) and getting 2 or 3 shots in before the mech over heats.

The happy medium lies in allowing pilots to further configure what happens when they fire a weapons group (Fire 2 lasers per lick in sequence or two, or 4 then two .... ) This is a CRITICAL FEATURE and I can't believe there isn't an outpouring of support from the community. This year i've done a little work tracking some posts regarding the need for this feature.

More information in my post from another day ...

You can use 5-6 weapons groups to accomplish this idea. Weapons can be in multiple groups.

#254 ChrisRoboute


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 02:38 AM

View PostCybersmash, on 05 August 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:

Mechs should be able to knee down, so the second line mechs can shoot above the first line with direct-hit weapons (if the weapons of the second line mechs are mounted high enough).

View PostVoivode, on 05 August 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

So the leg actuators do things? Be interesting. I would like the arm actuators to do things too. Let me raise the arms on my Atlas so I can shoot over things. You could even add a penalty to it of some kind just to avoid every mech walking around in classic zombie stance.

View PostStrikeshadow, on 06 August 2015 - 07:41 PM, said:

This was actually possible in MW4

IMHO this is an obvious feature for a robot thats intended to simulate a walking ability.

Edited by Cybersmash, 09 August 2015 - 12:54 PM.

#255 Doletron


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:49 AM

View PostBigga Moonpye, on 02 June 2015 - 08:30 PM, said:

1. This would be great, and I think REAL salvage would be nice as well (AKA chance for components and mechs to drop.) The items can take c-bills to repair in order to bring them to working order, but they would still be say half the price then if you outright bought them. As for the mechs, of course you would have to repair them.

2. Components can be "harvested" from battle to be pieced together for weapons with special attributes (would be interesting at least and give a little more depth to the game)

3. Quirks should be up to the pilot and not the game designers. This pigeon holds a mech to a certain style of play, instead of allowing the player to freely choose what role that mech should be used in. I feel that if the mechs had a point pool that players can add to their mech in order to truly customize their mech to their play style. All points will have a numerical value, and a mech can only have a certain amount of points. You can even have it cost C-bills to add or replace quirks in order to lower available funds to players and make us choose our quirks wisely. We can already add any weapons that we want to a mech (provided they fit and are not too heavy) but if they don't match the quirks then it is a waste of a configuration.

3. I feel that the maps are a little sterile when it comes to people and things. Some maps have cars, but they are not driving. Also, Battlemechs are suppose to be the top dog on the battle field. That being said, there should be regular troops, tank and other smaller units to destroy along with the other mech warriors. This would add a little more realism to the game and more strategy when engaging the enemy. Do you push ahead of your troops and go into a swarm of little ants (infantry) to attack the other teams mechs? This would also give additional reason to pick smaller weapons such as machine guns in order to mow down those little units.

#256 Nik Kerensky


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 12:29 PM

BETTER MECH DAMAGE MODELS is the number one priority for me.

Right now the only mech parts that can be blown off are arms.

I mean, c'mon!

Surely given destroying mechs is the name of the game, we should expect more DESTRUCTIBLE mech models!!?

And more ways your mech function can be impaired once having sustained damage (eg. torso twist reduced or torso jammed in place, radar function impaired, etc)..

Any chance we can get this?

#257 The Blood God


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 04:18 PM

id like to be able to paint all of my mech with out using camo paterns take the mad dog you can aply 3 colours to it (stock/default camo) and these cover the nose a little bit of the shoulder and a little bit by the hip about 90% of the mech is still metallic grey what gives ???

#258 Appuagab


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 07:10 AM


#259 Johnny Z


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 08:03 AM

- Pilot eject

- Pilot character creation

- Pilot quarters

- Pilot skill tree

- More pilot animations in cockpit

Theres enough Mech in Mechwarrior Online. It would be nice if there was a bit of warrior in Mechwarrior Online some time or what.

#260 The Blood God


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Posted 12 August 2015 - 03:36 AM

theatre mode please this would serve as great tutorial feature as well to watch games back from free cam or cockpit spectator

Edited by MAX909, 12 August 2015 - 03:37 AM.

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