Mcgral18, on 04 June 2015 - 10:44 AM, said:
Good thing I wasn't quoting that.
Well what were you quoting, then? The Golden Rule's evil twin?
Seriously, just take a deep breath. Firstly, name-calling is just not right, whether the person the names are directed at deserve it or not.
And getting so worked up over something that, in the end, really does not matter in the grand scheme of things is not healthy. Generating that much stress over something so insignificant is a good way to shorten one's lifespan.
And even if you are being a bit rude, nobody in their right mind wants to see you kick the bucket because a game was not to your liking. That would just be wrong.
So yeah. Take a break for a bit, calm down and relax. Read a book or something, what ever helps you find peace. Life is stressful enough as it is, and games should be fun, not stressful. (Admittedly the new MechLab could use some work to make it simpler for that reason)