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#1 utontihso


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:50 PM

I am looking to understand what people call cheating. I know what I think it is... what's your take ?

If you use an external software, plug in, system, Information gathering device / software to achieve an end result you are not capable of achieving in a reasonable time....

IE steroids, it changes the base level of a person to achieve a level of physical performance they could not other wise achieve.

under that exact preface....

PGI itself is cheating. They use 3rd party software non stop "the crisis engine they did not design". It allowed them to put out a product they most likely couldn't do in a timely manner considering the late stage of MWO's progress even with this "cheat".

A cheater is locked into narrow windows to preform.

We cant make destructable items ( crysis had them ? ), mechs arms get taken off ....?


Game Developers build their own game, MODDER's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Players play the game legit, BOT's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Edited by utontihso, 09 June 2015 - 07:19 PM.

#2 Axeface


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:54 PM

I think you should take a moment to consider why you even bothered posting this very strange topic.
Anyone should understand what cheating means, because it is obvious what it means.

Put into context (with your other thread about harassment) this thread paints a rather odd picture about you.

Posted Image

Edited by Axeface, 09 June 2015 - 07:09 PM.

#3 Escef


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:56 PM

So, you're now trying to say 66AH was only cheating because PGI was? I'm all in favor of bold strategies, but that crosses the line from bold to straight up stupid.

#4 FupDup


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:57 PM

View PostAxeface, on 09 June 2015 - 06:54 PM, said:

I think you should take a moment to consider why you even bothered posting this very strange topic.
Anyone should understand what cheating means, because it is obvious what it means.

Put into context (with your other thread about harassment) this thread paints a rather odd picture about you.

I think he might be an alt of someone that got banned?

Anyways, on a serious note, a "cheat" must fulfill the following conditions to be a cheat:

1. Not intended by the game rules.

2. Gives the cheater a competitive advantage over his/her fellow players.

#5 Surn


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 06:59 PM

Cheating robs the entire community of players. If you cheat with the invisible wall hack or aimbot it ruins the game for everyone. You are basically telling everyone else to f off with your selfish behavior. I return the sentiment.

Edited by MechregSurn, 09 June 2015 - 07:01 PM.

#6 Axeface


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:01 PM

View PostMechregSurn, on 09 June 2015 - 06:59 PM, said:

Cheating robs the entire community of players. If you cheat with a invisible wall hack or aimbot it ruins the game for everyone. You are basically telling everyone else to f off with your selfish behavior. I return the sentiment.

Hey MechregSurn, I think you are the person I capslocked at yesterday. I regretted it as soon as I said it, but you did unload like 20 4xSRM4 salvo's at my mech. So i'de like to apologise for being very rude, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding.

(Might aswell give this thread a purpose).

Edited by Axeface, 09 June 2015 - 07:02 PM.

#7 Alan Davion


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:04 PM

*slams head into desk*

Are you freaking kidding me man?

Your leadership was weighed, measured, and found to be wanting in the most obscene way imaginable.

Drop the act already. They cheated, your pissed, leave the F-ing unit and move the F on.

In your last thread you were complaining about people bashing you/your unit for it, well guess what, this kind of behavior is only going to give people more ammunition to use on you.

You want the harassment to stop, you need to stop first.

Simple as that. The 66AH has been drug through the mud, and there's no way to repair that kind of damage.

#8 GotitN4U


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:07 PM

Wow In before flame wars

#9 FupDup


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:08 PM

View PostGotitN4U, on 09 June 2015 - 07:07 PM, said:

Wow In before flame wars

#10 Foxwalker


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:08 PM

Thanks for the amusing twisted logic! I am still laughing.

#11 danneskold


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:08 PM

The premise is utterly rediculous.

For your reference of the use of Cryengine - they pay a lisence fee for that to the developers, a perfectly legal arrangement, and not cheating by any form of law, which is the rule that governs that transaction.

Games, by definition, have set rules to make it fair. Using something outside those rules, or listed as not allowed by the agreed rules, is a cheat.

If 3rd party applications and other items were allowed, then forget the game mechanics, it is a race for who has the better 3rd party technology, and in many cases, then, you just need a dual guass, cause its that vs the cockpit armor, and the dual gauss wins everytime. which then deteriorates into who can see who faster....and on and on, but it would be less about the actual game and simulation than it would be about the tools.

The ToS exist for a reason. Violate, and pay the price.

The race for the better tool is one to beat detection, if that is how you want to play

#12 cSand


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:10 PM

View Postutontihso, on 09 June 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:

PGI itself is cheating. They use 3rd party software non stop "the crisis engine they did not design". It allowed them to put out a product they most likely couldn't do in a timely manner considering the late stage of MWO's progress even with this "cheat".

so every game developer who ever made a game using a licensed engine was cheating

right, got it

Why don't you just ask your buddies?


#13 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:22 PM

Taking shortcuts is not cheating, its being lazy sometimes, but its not cheating.

Why climb a ladder when somebody else has already built stairs? eh?

You're talking about how PGI used Cryengine to build MWO instead of doing it from scratch? yes?

Edited by Mister D, 09 June 2015 - 07:32 PM.

#14 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:26 PM

>For your reference of the use of Cryengine - they pay a lisence fee for that to the developers, a perfectly legal arrangement, and not cheating by any form of law, which is the rule that governs that transaction.

the cheaters paid a license fee to the developers of their hacks, a perfectly legal arrangement, and not cheating by any form of law, which is the rule that governs that transaction

well, honestly i think that hackers don't pay taxes from those money but it's a different question :3

seriously though i agree with fupdup's definition here

#15 CocoaJin


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:30 PM

View Postutontihso, on 09 June 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:

I am looking to understand what people call cheating. I know what I think it is... what's your take ?

If you use an external software, plug in, system, Information gathering device / software to achieve an end result you are not capable of achieving in a reasonable time....

IE steroids, it changes the base level of a person to achieve a level of physical performance they could not other wise achieve.

under that exact preface....

PGI itself is cheating. They use 3rd party software non stop "the crisis engine they did not design". It allowed them to put out a product they most likely couldn't do in a timely manner considering the late stage of MWO's progress even with this "cheat".

A cheater is locked into narrow windows to preform.

We cant make destructable items ( crysis had them ? ), mechs arms get taken off ....?


Game Developers build their own game, MODDER's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Players play the game legit, BOT's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Posted Image

#16 orcrist86


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:34 PM

View Postutontihso, on 09 June 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:


Serious Yo, you got issues.
Posted Image

#17 chaas


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 07:47 PM

The opinions expressed by the original poster reflect his own and may differ from those of the 66th Avalon Hussars ...

#18 Void Angel


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:03 PM

View Postutontihso, on 09 June 2015 - 06:50 PM, said:

I am looking to understand what people call cheating. I know what I think it is... what's your take ?

If you use an external software, plug in, system, Information gathering device / software to achieve an end result you are not capable of achieving in a reasonable time....

IE steroids, it changes the base level of a person to achieve a level of physical performance they could not other wise achieve.

under that exact preface....

PGI itself is cheating. They use 3rd party software non stop "the crisis engine they did not design". It allowed them to put out a product they most likely couldn't do in a timely manner considering the late stage of MWO's progress even with this "cheat".

A cheater is locked into narrow windows to preform.

We cant make destructable items ( crysis had them ? ), mechs arms get taken off ....?


Game Developers build their own game, MODDER's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Players play the game legit, BOT's achieve a result they couldn't other wise.

Really? You know very well what cheating is - use of any measure outside the mechanics and rules of the game to gain any advantage over other players. This pathetic, poorly written attempt to re-define the term into meaninglessness is so transparent as to be laughable. The game devs are "cheating" because they licensed a game engine? Child, please. In as colossal an exercise in irony as I have every seen, you are trying to cheat again - this time to win the argument.

An inept, sophistic (yet not sophisticated) attack on the game developers in an attempt to somehow make their banning cheaters hypocritical is insane. If you are a spokesperson for your unit, it deserves everything that has, apparently, been said about it. The fact that you apparently expect me, as a reader, to swallow this huge pile of horse manure and lick the plate - that you expect this errant, infantile nonsense to confuse me - is one of the most insulting things that I've encountered in a while.

You know what? If you want people to stop thinking of your unit as a bunch of cheaters who use hacks (and you're spreading the word yourself, since I didn't even bother to look up the larger identities of any banned players,) you have to demonstrate that you're the kind of unit which doesn't excuse cheating! Have you tried repudiating the actions of your cheaters? Announcing that this behavior did not extend to the unit as a whole, and that you are all very embarrassed by their actions? Did you make any attempt to repair the ethos of your organization, or did you just come on the forums and start to whine about people talking mean about you? That's a rhetorical question, bud - you don't have to answer.

Go cheat somewhere else - your sophistry is unwelcome here.

View Postchaas, on 09 June 2015 - 07:47 PM, said:

The opinions expressed by the original poster reflect his own and may differ from those of the 66th Avalon Hussars ...

View PostFedayeen, on 09 June 2015 - 07:55 PM, said:

Uton's opinion does not reflect that of the other 66th members. That, and he's trying to troll. Badly. He's the reason we go through so much Excedrin for migraines. Please don't take him seriously.

Ah, good. I was hoping someone with brains would show up to disown this clown. =) Carry on.

Edited by Void Angel, 09 June 2015 - 08:04 PM.

#19 orcrist86


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:04 PM

View PostFedayeen, on 09 June 2015 - 07:55 PM, said:

Uton's opinion does not reflect that of the other 66th members. That, and he's trying to troll. Badly. He's the reason we go through so much Excedrin for migraines. Please don't take him seriously.

At this point there's not much chance of that.

#20 chaas


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Posted 09 June 2015 - 08:08 PM

Can we please get a mod to close this thread?

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