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Community Warfare Hardcore Unit Event

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#221 VorpalAnvil


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 11:25 PM

View PostChristo Jam, on 05 July 2015 - 10:43 PM, said:

I think completely the opposite... Play with IS clan is the MWO Hardcore mode. ;)

Sorry bro, but when my peoples and I go IS it's like the game is spotting us 500-600 dmg. GG though.

#222 DarklightCA


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 11:26 PM

View PostRed Legs Greaves, on 05 July 2015 - 01:40 PM, said:

I'd agree that clan pugs are better, but an elite unit IS or Clan is going to be good no matter what they pilot. If we didn't have merc units changing factions like they change shirts we could actually see how big the skill difference is.

So you are saying Mercs balance the game... sshhh you best keep that quite around Clan players. You don't want them to get snippy.

#223 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 11:37 PM

View PostQueenBlade, on 02 July 2015 - 07:05 PM, said:

Also this isn't an "as designed" to go against Large units. This is against merc units. No matter what the size of the unit, its design goes against merc units. While loyalist units don't have to worry since all their planets are in one faction.

Should go and change the name of the url from mwomercs to mwoloyalists

It seems like 228th isn't having too much trouble retaining planets.

#224 DarklightCA


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 03:30 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 05 July 2015 - 11:37 PM, said:

It seems like 228th isn't having too much trouble retaining planets.

Most of 228's planets were in CJF space anyways.

#225 ScarecrowES


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 05:02 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 05 July 2015 - 11:37 PM, said:

It seems like 228th isn't having too much trouble retaining planets.

In fairness, 228 was well behind the curve early in the tourney... until everyone found out that planets well behind the lines and having changed hands prior to the tourney counted double (win for takers, loss for givers)... so 228 basically started attacking old MS planets from when they were rolling IS.

Kinda feel bad for MS on that one. They can't do anything to defend those planets per CW rules, but they're still counted as a loss, even though they're not in that faction anymore.



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Posted 06 July 2015 - 06:33 AM

How exactly do these units "defend" a planet that is not defensible through a broken CW planet selection? I really hope you mis-spoke Tina, otherwise I'm calling my bank and disputing every penny I've spent on this game. THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF FRAUD.

fraud/frôd/ [color=#666666]

wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

Edited by PALEHORSE33, 06 July 2015 - 06:35 AM.

#227 YourSaviorLegion


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 07:16 AM

View PostBloodMate, on 05 July 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

Leader-board shows just how OP Clans mechs are to IS mechs. Maybe now PGI will FIX THIS? And is it just me or does it also look like we have more Clan players than IS players. Maybe its the OP Clan mechs?

I've dropped over 40 times in this event and all I'm getting from it is the feeling of hopelessness verses the clan mechs. Clan Mechs aren't suppose to be this strong and there should be FAR LESS OF THEM vs the IS.

Lets not forget that this is mostly about $$ for PGI and the Clans mechs are where its at. Sorry for all the suckers that bought IS packages before the Clan packages ever came out. You know the players that supported this game from the start. You're just $$ to them and hopefully you'll just switch to buying Clan mechs so they make more $$ off of you and who cares about anything but making $$.

Pay to win!!! YEAH for PGI

The Clans mech are most certainly not more powerful than the IS, they just have more experienced pilots :ph34r:

#228 Wildstreak


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 07:28 AM

View PostCranky Puppy, on 01 July 2015 - 01:06 PM, said:

Well did 10 matches and got my Hula Girl....I think i am done now...
Got pretty much stomped by CLANS but it o.k.

I am not suggesting "NERFING" Clan TECH....I think we need a 16 WEAPON ATLAS.
I am sure after the battle of TUKY the Inner Sphere Engineers learned how to add more weapons. WE NEED MORE GUNS GUNS GUNS.


#229 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 09:26 AM

View PostYourSaviorLegion, on 06 July 2015 - 07:16 AM, said:

The Clans mech are most certainly not more powerful than the IS, they just have more experienced pilots :ph34r:

how dare you tell them the truth! now they will demand even more nerfs for clantech and triple or quad rof for IS cheesecakes.

#230 Ridir Semii


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 09:47 AM

View PostPALEHORSE33, on 06 July 2015 - 06:33 AM, said:

How exactly do these units "defend" a planet that is not defensible through a broken CW planet selection? I really hope you mis-spoke Tina, otherwise I'm calling my bank and disputing every penny I've spent on this game. THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF FRAUD.


wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

They did nothing wrongful or criminal... there was never an intent

Stupidity (yours or theirs) is not cause for retraction of payment

Edited by Seamus McKenna, 06 July 2015 - 09:48 AM.

#231 Surn


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 10:07 AM

I have cw ranks in clan and IS. The green chickens are right, the reason clan pilots use so many hellbringers and ebj's and spend money on them is because all that ecm, speed and unhittable hitbox is for 1337 skillz only.

Edited by MechregSurn, 06 July 2015 - 10:10 AM.

#232 Thanatos31


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 10:23 AM

it's numbers, and willingness to drop , ghost drop and "grind" hours on end in CW.

228 had 2 12 mans ghostdropping CGB planets for 2-3 hours on end...I cant imagine just sitting there for 3 hours and getting only 2-3 real matches - but it will get you planets , and achieve victory to challenges etc. The Numbers game? Just look at Clan -MS-, I mean Clan Wolf, or FR-MS-, I mean FRR ...where ever big merc/units go, the planets and power goes. it is the way CW is set up at the moment and (one of ) the reason more and more players aren't too excited with it anymore.

#233 Deathlike


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 11:02 AM

So much ghost dropping on Marik.

Such fun.

Much wow.

#234 GermanPartisan


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 11:44 AM

View PostBattleHymn, on 04 July 2015 - 09:36 PM, said:

I would absolutely agree with you that it would be nice to have a tiered system to the match score, in order to reward excellent play.

This may on the surface attempt to "even the playing field" for small skilled units vs large unskilled units. However, this assumption that large units are always unskilled is quite deeply flawed, even though it is absolutely the popular opinion in the vocal parts of the community.

The community already has made a huge fuss that players in such units are able to score 2 points per match already (1 for exceeding 80 match score and 1 for winning the drop), eventhough this was the first step in "evening the playing field" on PGI's part (that is, to reward good/successful play compared to BoT). Imagine the outrage when they find out that these players would also get credited for 4-12+ extra points per match in this tiered system?

Contrary to popular belief many of these "leading units" in CW are not scraping by with a 50% win ratio and player scores of 81 across the board. This will likely not sit well with some that believe that all large units are terrible, but while they may have "the numbers advantage", to assume that they are not scoring in the range of 200-300+ points in the majority of games is a mistake; the scoreboard would be far more "outrageous" than it already is right now.

Again, I agree with your points made, I just think the community mindset as it stands now wouldn't be able to handle a change like this overall, and will probably fuel further hatred of large units.

I am quite aware that in larger units there are good players as well - I played with most of them - I am switching around quite frequently and played pretty much with all there is in this game (228 and Lords being the most prominent) - the points I tossed around were just one step that might be taken because even if there are quite good players in these units many of the games in events like this are decided by rank and file players - the big mass one could say - they just drop in with a few good players barely manage to scrap 1000 dmg and are worth exactly the same as people that do 10+ kills and around 2000+ dmg constantly - it just doesnt seem all that fair when it comes down to events like this.

In the end there are more basic things to be adressed when it comes to CW. To value individual skill a little more is just one thing.

Edited by GermanPartisan, 06 July 2015 - 11:57 AM.

#235 GermanPartisan


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 11:56 AM

View PostBloodMate, on 05 July 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:

Leader-board shows just how OP Clans mechs are to IS mechs. Maybe now PGI will FIX THIS? And is it just me or does it also look like we have more Clan players than IS players. Maybe its the OP Clan mechs?

I've dropped over 40 times in this event and all I'm getting from it is the feeling of hopelessness verses the clan mechs. Clan Mechs aren't suppose to be this strong and there should be FAR LESS OF THEM vs the IS.

Lets not forget that this is mostly about $$ for PGI and the Clans mechs are where its at. Sorry for all the suckers that bought IS packages before the Clan packages ever came out. You know the players that supported this game from the start. You're just $$ to them and hopefully you'll just switch to buying Clan mechs so they make more $$ off of you and who cares about anything but making $$.

Pay to win!!! YEAH for PGI

Oh hey look another blind raging kiddo that confuses his own personel low skill with flawed game mechanics. Clan mechs are well balanced - way more than any IS mech. You`re probably not all that good at the game or happen to drop as a IS PUG with IS PUGs - so dont confuse the two things.

And in before "what would you clanner know !? OFC youre ******* defending clans!!" - I played both sides extensively. I played IS for months with the fine fellows of The Order of the Golden Skull (GS) and 228th IBR (228) ( most of them VERY good individual players) and we wrecked pretty much every clanner we ran into - now I am playing Clans and we wreck pretty much every IS player we run into - its not the mechs its the individual skill of the players you are with ( and your own skill you bring to the table) and the coordination as a unit/drop that pushes things over the edge.

"Teamwork OP PLZ nerf!"

Often times you see endcredits where one ore two players stick out - having double or tripple the damage and kills the rest of their team has - its not that their mechs are different from the rest of their team, theyre just plain better players and usually carry the rest of the team. Period. Its not the mechs its the players piloting them. I consider myself to be a rather good player - given far from the top players in this game - but even I managed to carry games ( or in small groups of 2-3 people) against whole units. It really is in the end the individual skill that decides most games.

The highest damage (given damage isnt the only indicator for the balancing of mechs ) per CW game I know of was achieved in 4x Dragon 5Ns ... think about it ....

And I really dont see where a tanky 6LL Stalker or a 4 ERLL Battlemaster with over 900m basic range, or a LPL Banshee, or a 7MPL Thunderbolt, or a mech with base 50% CD on Gauss, or AC5s or LRM 10s and 15s would be inferior to Clanmechs .... I really dont.

And yeah there are better mechs in this game and mechs that arent all that good and some that arent even playable. You need to undertsand that you have those on both sides be it Clans or IS, and you need to stay clear of them.

A huge mistake I often see made by people like you are is that they drop in weird ass mechs with even weirder loadouts and in the end they blame it on the game mechanics that they didnt wreak havoc in their
SRM4 LRM10 LBX10 Centurion ....

so long

Edited by GermanPartisan, 06 July 2015 - 12:16 PM.

#236 Fanatic


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:08 PM


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#237 QueenBlade


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:10 PM

How QueenBlade won the Hardcore CW challenge...

It all started with what appeared as an issue with PGI's algorithm on determining planetary conquest score. Wednesday, we lost control of a planet called Nox. KCom came to its defense and was rewarded with the tag and a point, but we lost a point.
Nox was taken prior to the event.

I surfed quickly to the tournaments page and looked it up and down but could not find any indication that planets tagged prior to the event would be included. Off to mwomercs to post up what I thought was, a bug. I also submitted a ticket over to support. Then to my disappointing eyes, it only took four words. "This is as designed..." -Tina

Confused with such a response I was then over joyed and rushed over to the IS map because thanks to this "design" I would finally be able to strategize and make things happen in-game from outside of the game. Looking around for ways to manipulate the leaderboard. Taking things into consideration like attack lanes, possible points, man power, and active units/factions. I formulated a plan to keep any Clan unit not CJF from running away with the planetary conquest leaderboard.

Contacting other factions and units, setting up battles to change planet tags, negating much of anyone's gains as they completely ignored attacking and slowing down the units ahead of them.
The event points leaderboard is a joke, as it was obvious that the unit that played the most would take it regardless of if they were winning or not. You only needed a match score of 80 to get 1 of 2 possible points.

There were many things wrong with the design of this event, and it all starts from PGI. The Attack Algorithm is flawed. The available attacks were not even between all factions allowing/giving other factions an advantage over others (ex: Liao - 3 IS, 0 Clan / CW - 5 IS, 3 Clan; Liao units could only get a max of 3 points while CW units could get 8 points). PGI can not deny that Ghost Drops affected the outcome of this event. As 228 captured 5 planets with nothing but Ghost Drops (2 Wolf, 2 Smoke Jaguar, 1 Ghost Bear). To put it into perspective, it takes 13 Ghost Drops to put a planet into a capture state. That is 65 drops. 65 drops if contested would of landed our unit anywhere from 780 - 1560 event points. Ghost Drops is the Clanner's first line of defense. No one really wants to sit in queue for 10 minutes and get nothing for their time. But this event was about planetary conquest. Our faction was set up to lose because of limited attack lanes versus other factions.

Take notes PGI:
65 drops
780 - 1560 event points lost
5 planets
10 minute waits (not including time in drop to complete the ghost drop)
650 wasted minutes of 1 person's time
7800 wasted minutes of a 12man time

It takes 13 drops to flip a planet. Thats 130 minutes of waiting, doing nothing. Just over two hours PGI, to be completely ignored because a faction does not want to play against you. And 228 did this five times. I am grateful to my unit mates for their patience in maintaining discipline and holding out until the planet was in a capture state. In the words of the B33f, "****'s broke, yo". Your new fancy planetary attack algorithm thats supposed to be 50/50? Right... its a damn toggle switch. You really disappoint me with such a lack of logistics in this game. I want to use my brain PGI, I want to strategize. I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME OUTSIDE OF THE GAME!

Remember when you played battletech and it lasted days? Do you stop thinking about it? No, you come up with ideas, future actions for when you come back to play it the next day. You claim you are all battletech fans through and through, yet you forgot something. Your ability to play the game outside of the game.

228 took this approach because instead of working as one unit, a merc. We worked with the other faction loyalist of Clan Jade Falcon so they could capture planets as well. You will see that KCom was able to secure 2nd place, thanks to efforts of communication with the faction and other factions to keep non-CJF Clan units lower on the leaderboard.

At the end of the day, the fault lays at PGI's feet.

#238 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:26 PM

Grats to the other teams.

.(when do we get our rewards? :ph34r: )

#239 Deathlike


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:35 PM

Congrats to everyone who participated.

I will have a writeup on how this terribad event was terribad.

#240 StUffz


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 02:40 PM

View PostFanatic, on 06 July 2015 - 02:08 PM, said:


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