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#681 Bloodweaver


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 04:32 PM

View PostDrunken Skull, on 26 July 2015 - 01:04 AM, said:

As for the Racks being explosive, I thought this was already the case. AFAIK It's the reason the Catapult has Doors on it's launchers, effectively, when the launcher has it's it's door open, it has it's internal structure directly exposed, bypassing any armour in that section of the mech.

As for the score of the Hbk, I think you will find that this is due to the QUIRKS Applied to that mech, and has nothing to do with the performance of LRM in general.

You are wrong about the weapon door mechanics, and right about the Hunchback performance. Open doors have no negative effect. When closed, however, that section of the 'Mech only 90% of any incoming damage gets applied. It's why I miss the Centurion's old missile racks. Well, that and because they looked much cooler as well.

View PostDrunken Skull, on 26 July 2015 - 01:37 AM, said:

I think a more feasible solution would be to drastically increase the spread of indirect fire LRM so that fewer missiles have a direct hit, essentially turning it into a low-damage Area-Of-Effect weapon when used on an indirect target.

Wha-a-a-a-aaaaat? No. No no no noNOOO. The only reason people feel a need to boat LRMs is because of how INefficient they already are. Using one or two launchers is almost universally considered to be a poor build decision(not that I agree). That's why they get boated - you have to take forty or more LRMs for them to be worth anything as a primary weapon system.

Making them even more inefficient than they already are will just increase the amount of LRMs needed to be effective. And that will make single- or dual-LRM launcher 'Mechs even more of a rarity. Literally the only 'Mechs you'll see with LRMs will be boats. Have you read this thread? Or seen this picture(from a different thread)?

View PostCatalina Steiner, on 29 April 2015 - 09:12 AM, said:

Posted Image

Notice the spread on the LRM-20 quadrant. It covers more area than the Awesome's entire body, and the Awesome has one of the largest frontal profiles of any 'Mech in the entire game. AND, that's WITH Artemis. That's an LRM-20 after being modified to cluster more tightly, and with a line-of-sight to the target for the duration of the missiles' flight(Artemis does not do anything to missiles fired indirectly)

The LRM-15 with Artemis is already pretty bad, and the LRM-20 looks like it gets even fewer hits than the -15 does. I don't mean fewer hits per launch, I mean fewer hits overall. That's insane. It means there is literally no reason at all to take an LRM-20, even with Artemis. You will cause less damage with the bigger launcher!

And that's why we have LRM boats. Not because the LRM is so good, but because it is so bad that you have to boat it in order to get any real, consistently reliable use out of it. Making the spread worse will only make non-boated LRMs virtually extinct. The boats will still be around, though, because the basic cause for their existence will not only still be present, but will have actually become amplified.

If you want to make LRMs a good weapon choice, but remove their boating appeal, you have to make them better weapons individually, but give them drawbacks that directly affect boating itself. Make them more effective for engaging a single enemy. Make them capable of being used even without a target lock. Give them drastically higher velocity, somewhat better clustering OR slightly higher damage. This would allow you to shoot targets 400-600 meters away, even without a lock, somewhat reliably.

This, IMO, is something critically missing from MWO's implementation of LRMs. They're not really "long-range" at all. Not only do the majority of larger weapons out-range LRMs due to having double-range values, they do so more accurately and efficiently. An LRM 'Mech can only lock on to faraway targets rarely himself, whether due to ECM or them taking cover - and trying to dumb-fire LRMs at an enemy beyond 300m is completely pointless due to how slowly they fly, unless said enemy is completely oblivious. This toon makes boating worse, because LRM users have learned to rely on teammates to do their spotting for them. If the teammates are up front spotting, you can afford to devote less of your build to defense, and instead just load up on LRMs until you're little more than a walking missile turret.

To offset their newfound effectiveness due to velocity and damage buffs, you just lower LRM reloading speeds. DRASTICALLY. Say, three times what it is currently. So now the LRM-10 fires far less often, but when it does fire, it actually hits fast and hard. Which is the way it should be; the AC/10, PPC, and LRM-10 were supposed to be roughly analogous in TT. Each weapon had its advantages and disadvantages; AC/10 was low heat but high weight, PPC was high heat but good range and moderate weight(due to no ammo required), and LRM-10 was kind of in the middle - moderate weight, low heat, great range, but with a massive minimum range penalty as well as damage being spread over the target.

Anyone can see that this is not the case in MWO - the LRM-10 is significantly inferior to both of those weapons. That's just bad balancing. The LRM-10 should be more powerful compared to the AC/10 and PPC, but it should also have its boatability reduced. Increasing reload time is the most obvious way to reduce their boating appeal.

You could even give all LRM launcher sizes a single reload time value, if you implemented a progressive lock system. Lock on the target for one second, five of your LRMs per launcher will track. Keep the lock for two seconds, ten of your LRMs per launcher will track. Etc. So there'd still be an inherent advantage to using four LRM-5s instead of a single LRM-20 - you get to lock all twenty of your missiles (four launchers at five missiles each) four times faster. Of course, if you take the -20, you still have three more hardpoints in which to mount SRMs, Streaks, or a Narc. So each configuration has natural, inherent advantages and disadvantages, without having to mess with DPS or heat values or anything of the sort.

If tripling the reload time still isn't enough to keep LRM launchers from being OP, resort to exaggerating the ghost heat mechanics. I'm not fond of this solution in most cases, which is why I mention it at the end. It really should be a last resort. Implementing weapon mechanics that balance each out naturally and inherently is a much more elegant solution.

View PostGorgo7, on 26 July 2015 - 05:51 AM, said:

It seems that you have no idea how to avoid the forum at all...and I wish you would.

You tell 'im, Gorgo!

View PostWhoops, on 26 July 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:

Only problem I could see with an active/passive, is that passive would have to be either a tiny buff, or have some serious downsides to using it. Such as: no target lockon info, no shared target feeds, etc. Otherwise it'll be a null-choice and people will almost always use passive because active has no real benefit compared to "hey, free ecm for everyone :D" (probably not -that- strong, but a step towards it none-the-less.)

Could be interesting if they put in a whole infomation system like we were promised, though! (also should probably make UAV's into an item carried on the mech, with a hard limit, if this system comes into play.)

I don't see that as a problem at all. Guess it's just me, but I see it as an opportunity... .and I wish/hope PGI could see it the same way. The most basic, commonly-used method is to have Passive only detect 'Mechs that have their sensors on Active, while Active shows all 'Mechs within sensor range. That seems like it might make Active sensors a bit too powerful in MWO, though.

So maybe instead, you could have "Narrow-band vs. Broad-band" sensors instead of Passive vs. Active. A quick thought exercise, just off the top of my head here...

"Narrow-band" only lets your sensors pick up one target at a time. Point your reticle over an enemy, press R, your sensors are now tracking him. Other enemies do not show up on your sensors at all, unless you target them instead.. You can only track one enemy at a time. Allies can see and track your target as well. So, target sharing remains the way we have it now, but target DETECTION is drastically reduced - you don't detect anything automatically, you have to do a visual lock and selection.

Also, you could implement a narrowed sensor cone for this mode. Instead of being able to target anything within the 90º arc in front of you, make it a much smaller arc, displayed by a thinly-outlined circle on your HUD - something like 20º or 30º. You can only track targets within this arc. Maybe increase the range of your sensors within the arc to compensate for how little wiggle room you get for tracking your target. Also, give a boost to target info gathering since you are devoting your sensor suite entirely to that one target within a very small cone of effect.

"Broad-band," on the other hand, would detect and share targets similar to the way the UAV currently does in MWO - it shows you where the 'Mechs are, what the 'Mechs are, and what percentage of health they have left, but you get no paper doll info. Position, direction, identification, and (maybe) overall health of all 'Mechs within "Broad-band" sensor range are displayed, and shared with all teammates. But you don't see what weapons the targets are carrying or what specific components are damaged. You could also increase the sensor arc to a full 180º, or even more, if needed.

So how do these two modes interact? Well, "Broad-band" will not detect 'Mechs running "Narrow-band" unless [insert caveat of choice here]. This is where it gets fun. You can put in all sorts of interactions to make them work against each other. Some possibilities:

-"Broad-band" automatically detects "Narrow-band" only within a certain range - 300 meters, maybe. This is my least favorite solution because it's so basic and obvious, and it doesn't feel like it would add a whole lot to the game experience because it's entirely passive in nature. However, you could combine it with the two following mechanics as well.

-"Broad-band" automatically detects "Narrow-band" 'Mechs out to full sensor range, but only when the "Narrow-band" enemy has his 'Mech's torso facing the "Broad-band" user. I REALLY like this mechanic, as it forces players wanting to be stealthy to actually take care with their movements. And you can't fire upon the "Broad-band" user without him knowing where you were.

-"Narrow-band" targeting remains active while "Broad-band" is used, so the "Broad-band"-using 'Mech can only target "Narrow-band" 'Mechs manually. Again, not a great mechanic on its own, but can be combined with the previous two to make something more unique.

Personally, I think a combination of the three would be fantastic. All "Narrow-band" 'Mechs within 300 meters show up on your "Broad-band" sensors. Outside of 300 meters, they don't automatically show up unless their torso is pointed in your direction. If they have their torsos turned away from you and are beyond 300 meters, you can still target them manually and share that targeting info with your teammates, but you can only do it to one such target at a time. All targets within 300 meters and all "Narrow-band" targets that have their torsos pointed in your direction still show up on your "Broad-band," even while you track the one target beyond 300 meters that is pointed away.

So now you have two very different uses for the sensors. You run "Narrow" when you want some stealth, and "Broad" when you want your teammates to know where the enemies are. One is used by hunters, the other by guardians.

And what's even cooler, in order to ease the transition to this new sensor overhaul you can even implement a more basic "Mid-band" option! This would be virtually identical to the way sensors work in MWO right now. So the players who don't want to learn a new system don't have to - they get to keep using the current system. All "Mid-band" and "Broad-band" enemies within a 90º arc are detected, and show up on your HUD and minimap, but you can only track one at a time, and you can only share the info of the target you're tracking. The only difference is that "Narrow-band" 'Mechs wouldn't show up automatically unless they were facing you, or within 300 meters. So, not unlike ECM currently, but also not as powerful. Speaking of which - now, with this "Narrow" vs. "Broad" system? You can address the various EW systems in whole new ways.

-BAP would open up the option for a "Perimeter Sweep." This would function similar to "Broad-band," but increase the sensor arc to 360º and show all paper-doll info. While active, however, you become highly visible to all enemies within 600m that aren't blocked by terrain, even if you are not within their own sensor cones. They will also see that you are running a "Perimeter Sweep" via a little symbol next to your dorito on their HUD, or a sound alert. So prepare to become the center of attention.

-ECM could simply deny target sharing to enemies. Anyone can target and lock on to you, but you will not show up on their allies' HUDs or minimaps. You could also target an enemy running "Broad-band" or BAP, and press J to have that enemy receive ghost targets. Hee hee. And you can keep the protective bubble, maybe even with a 90 meter radius, since all your allies within the bubble can still be tracked by individual enemies.

-UAV could do what it does now, but also have the option for movement. Either let it hover in a specific spot, as it does currently, or aim it in a specific direction to have it travel over a short (400m?) distance. The real advantage is it gives you "Broad-band" sharing without making you so visible as if you were using it yourself.

-new consumable: Dropship Sweep. The Dropship that carried your team to the combat zone returns to do a sensor sweep. Starts from your position and shows all enemies within a 400-meter wide zone in the direction you indicate. Targets remain visible for 10 or 15 or whatever seconds.

So there you go. All of that, off the top of my head. And for free :P PGI should be able to come up with just as much, and more. I urge them to.

View PostThrudvangar, on 26 July 2015 - 11:14 AM, said:

oops.. this change is already live? doesn't changes anything... i just even didn't recognized it..-.

No, not yet. Probably sometime in July, though.

View PostBoaz Roshak, on 26 July 2015 - 11:44 AM, said:

We need a way to SEE that a leg is missing much like how we can see the arms are gone.

That, and torsos :( No Mechwarrior game to date has shown side-torso loss. A real shame...

View PostOplix, on 26 July 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

with this many ECM mechs the effective ECM range tweak really does nothing because they have so much ECM on their side and hurts IS more because all their ECM mechs are tier 1 where our ECM mechs are far worse.

D-DC - Too Heavy for CW decks and short range
2N - Our only high end ECM mech but its to short range
0XP - Low slung arms too short range
3L - No Jump Jets

The clans have way to many and far superior ECM mechs.

You are right about one thing. A range reduction for ECM won't really affect Community Warfare very much. But you're wrong about the reasons for that, as well as for saying that Clan ECM options so drastically surpass Inner Sphere ECM options. First, the Inner Sphere has more ECM 'Mechs than that:

Locust PB
Commando 2D
Spider 5D
Cicada 3M

I'll concede that the Commando doesn't count for much. The rest are very viable, however.

You're also wrong in saying the Inner Sphere ECM 'Mechs are "short range 'Mechs." Actually, that statement is an example of something called "not even wrong." There are no short- or long-range 'Mechs, only short- and long-range weapons. Cataphract, Atlas, and Griffin can all run long-range loadouts just fine.

And while it is true that the Raven 3L has no jumpjets, it is false to say that this matters much. Jump jets in MWO are very lackluster. They're only useful for either getting over small terrain obstacles, or moderately useful in a brawl. Neither of those situations affect the Raven much; it's too small to get hung up on tiny rocks, and ECM is more useful as a sniper tool than a brawling tool.

Finally, the Clans do not have multiple Tier 1 ECM 'Mechs. They have the Mist Lynx, the Kit Fox, the Arctic Cheetah, the Shadow Cat, and the Hellbringer. The Mist Lynx is pretty powerless, the Kit Fox isn't much better. That leaves three. The Shadow Cat is pretty good, but it has more maneuverability than it does firepower. So that leaves the Arctic Cheetah and the Hellbringer. The Hellbringer is good, but it's absolutely NOT Tier 1. ECM is the only reason it gets used; if it weren't for that, there'd be no advantage in taking such a weight-limited 'Mech over a Stormcrow or a Timber Wolf. The Arctic Cheetah remains - it may be Tier 1, time will tell. It's possible. But even if so, that gives the Clans exactly one Tier 1 ECM option.

Now, like I said before, it is true that this won't affect CW a whole lot. You'll get the mid-grade teams that still run ECM in droves, and the upper-tier teams that ignore it completely. But that's not because of Clan vs. IS options or anything like that. It's just a consequence of what level of player is prone to using LRMs in CW matches. That's it.

Edited by Bloodweaver, 26 July 2015 - 04:34 PM.

#682 PeekaBoo I C Ju


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 06:53 PM

All these changes will do is make my play style even more deadly. Unless I am running with my clan I prefer to play lone wolf style, pretty much never travel with my team. I am totally kool with 80 or even 60m range, you cannot even guess how many times ecm has given up my location....all the better to assassinate you with :), it will allow my griffin 2n to be uber deadly as i will be able to get into super efficient range and take a lot of mechs out in a single alpha.. WIN WIN :lol:

Edited by Nosferatu 666, 26 July 2015 - 06:54 PM.

#683 Drunken Skull


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 07:33 PM

I think part of the problem here is also that clan mechs can utilize ECM much more freely than IS can. For instance, ECM can be run on ANY Hellbringer Chassis, not just the one that is meant to have it. Part of the solution MUST be to make the ECM slot FIXED to that particular chassis variant, not have it transferable to any other via the omni-pod.

#684 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 08:25 PM

View PostOplix, on 26 July 2015 - 12:54 PM, said:

Now I am speaking from a purely CW standpoint here but I don't think this ECM change means much and might even hurt IS more then Clans.

Clans now have a very good light mech which is on par with the IS firestarter 5 tons lighter and has ECM to boot.

In CW clan 12 mans are now bringing 3 waves of ECM mechs (2x HBR, 1 ACH) with the last 12 mechs being Timber Wolfs (basically 8 ECM mechs per wave)

with this many ECM mechs the effective ECM range tweak really does nothing because they have so much ECM on their side and hurts IS more because all their ECM mechs are tier 1 where our ECM mechs are far worse.

You say well IS could bring more ECM but

D-DC - Too Heavy for CW decks and short range
2N - Our only high end ECM mech but its to short range
0XP - Low slung arms too short range
3L - No Jump Jets

All the clan ECM mechs are long range mechs so our ECM mechs are basically useless because they are all short range mechs which kinda kills ECM in its own way. IS ECM mechs are all "tier 2" or much lower where all clan ECM mechs are tier 1.

When this happens there is no way to effectively target the other team and it just makes the already better clan mechs even harder to fight.

The clans have way to many and far superior ECM mechs.

You are leaving out other great IS ECM mechs... cicada, spider... for just a couple quick referrences. Also all ECM mechs (IS or CLAN) can be long range.

ECM hurts direct fire as much as it does missile locks... that is if you are actually location targeting instead of just vomiting all over the enemy.

Edited by Death Drow, 26 July 2015 - 08:50 PM.

#685 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:00 PM

View PostBoaz Roshak, on 26 July 2015 - 11:44 AM, said:

We need a way to SEE that a leg is missing much like how we can see the arms are gone.

They have it now so damage on mechs shows... seems reasonable they could finally have a leg actually be gone when it's blown off. Tired of going for the 'good' leg and having a smart player using their non-existant but magically shielding leg in the way.

#686 ChewBaka


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:00 PM

View PostDrunken Skull, on 26 July 2015 - 01:04 AM, said:

Wow, you REALLY HATE LRM, don't you?
As for the Racks being explosive, I thought this was already the case. AFAIK It's the reason the Catapult has Doors on it's launchers, effectively, when the launcher has it's it's door open, it has it's internal structure directly exposed, bypassing any armour in that section of the mech.

As for the score of the Hbk, I think you will find that this is due to the QUIRKS Applied to that mech, and has nothing to do with the performance of LRM in general.
I find most of what you say to be simply scare-mongering and psychological warfare, using th catch-phraze "LURMAGEDDON!!! Nobody will play!!!" as your proverbial battle-axe.

Its not that I hate LRMs. I used them plenty myself and some of my mechs do carry them. Heck, 2 of my mechs are LRM boats. I think they are cheese personified. Its so easy to do well with them in PUGS and get stupidly high scores and lots of money. It only got trickier of late due to the prevalence of ECM.
For me, the hard counter of ECM actually forced LRM boats to do some work. If there's no light willing to be a scout, than they need to get out there and NARC or TAG themselves. Good. You have armor. Share in the dmg too. Can't expect brawlers alone to take all the hits. I hate when a LRM boat goes "locks please". Lazy bums. I never asked for them when I play a LRM boat. I always carry a TAG and get within sight too so that Artemis kicks in.
Until PGI figures out how to fix AMS issues as well as ensure that LRM5 and 10s scatter their dmg more instead of homing in on the torso (don't tell me that's working as intended, else its broken as ****), ECM is the only recourse.
Fact is whenever LRMs become a little too powerful without an effective counter for them, PUG games do indeed degenerate into LRMageddon, whether you like it or not. Sure, they disappear in higher level play but they are stupidly common in PUGs. What are a newbie's first few games likely going to be? Yes...PUGs.
So how is their experience going to be like? LRMs raining on them. At this point, they'll either think "this game sucks balls" or "maybe I should use them too". The former is obviously bad for PGI. The latter means we get another player who likes easy solutions which is also bad, because once he goes a little higher up the ELO and finds LRMs aren't all that, he's also going to go "this game sucks balls".
What now?

If we want to go by MWO lore when it comes to ECM, fact is boating is extremely dumb except for on certain mech variants like the Catapult which has its own vulnerabilities. Right now, I see Atlai and other assaults boating LRMs and that's just plain silly. There are Stormcrows and Griffins boating LRMS even and their entire playstyle is based off constantly running out of range and letting those LRM5s slowly core out your CT. That sort of player, I totally want to stamp out. Its not strategic anymore. Its just lame. You have an idea to nerf ECM without encouraging this sort of behaviour, I'm all ears actually.

Edited by Charlie Pohr, 26 July 2015 - 09:04 PM.

#687 Thor 33


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:27 PM

I've talked about how I'd like ECM to be changed before. I like that it needs to be shorter ranged due to differences in mechanics between TT and this game. Also, there needs to be more of an in game negative to ECM other than the weight and slots taken-this is minimal. ECM in its current form is an ACTIVE jammer. I say that any mech ACTIVELY jamming should show up on EVERYONE'S map ALL THE TIME, regardless of terrain. You still couldn't target them, but you would know where they are. I've been in the electronic warfare business for 20 years and I know how the RF spectrum works. When someone is transmitting, its easy to locate them. The only way ECM can prevent a 'lock' for missiles is to actively jam it. Period. So, make some kind of in game trade off for ECM.

#688 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 09:49 PM

View PostThor 33, on 26 July 2015 - 09:27 PM, said:

I've talked about how I'd like ECM to be changed before. I like that it needs to be shorter ranged due to differences in mechanics between TT and this game. Also, there needs to be more of an in game negative to ECM other than the weight and slots taken-this is minimal. ECM in its current form is an ACTIVE jammer. I say that any mech ACTIVELY jamming should show up on EVERYONE'S map ALL THE TIME, regardless of terrain. You still couldn't target them, but you would know where they are. I've been in the electronic warfare business for 20 years and I know how the RF spectrum works. When someone is transmitting, its easy to locate them. The only way ECM can prevent a 'lock' for missiles is to actively jam it. Period. So, make some kind of in game trade off for ECM.

So please explain F-117, or B2, etc etc etc etc.

#689 ApolloKaras


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 10:21 PM

View PostDeath Drow, on 26 July 2015 - 09:49 PM, said:

So please explain F-117, or B2, etc etc etc etc.

The jammers would have only been effective for the craft that was being targeted. the F-117 would have only used that as a last resort option anyway. You can't use the jammers on the nighthawk to cover a 180 meter bubble. There's a difference.

#690 Bellum Dominum


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 12:20 AM

View PostSaxie, on 26 July 2015 - 10:21 PM, said:

The jammers would have only been effective for the craft that was being targeted. the F-117 would have only used that as a last resort option anyway. You can't use the jammers on the nighthawk to cover a 180 meter bubble. There's a difference.

Oh I'm all for ECM only on the mech it's equipped upon but to say active ECM makes a piece of equipment HOT to all in sensor range is flipping rediculas. SR-71 way back in 1956 (or 57) was using active ECM to evade enemy radar. All these birds use it to prevent missile lock as well (another thing Thor said doesn't happen). Now wide band 'black out area' style of jamming is one thing but that's not done to 'cloak' as much as to simply over flood sensors from being able to make out a single target which I guess one could say is a bit closer to what we currently have in MWO but still... bleh.

Most recently was the F-22 that used it to not only avoid but to come along side (yards within tip to tip) of the Iranian Fighters to 'influence' them to return to their own airspace. DoD just released that story what last week?

Edited by Death Drow, 27 July 2015 - 12:23 AM.

#691 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 01:23 AM

View PostBloodweaver, on 26 July 2015 - 04:32 PM, said:

But you're wrong about the reasons for that, as well as for saying that Clan ECM options so drastically surpass Inner Sphere ECM options. First, the Inner Sphere has more ECM 'Mechs than that:

(Edited in the quoted mechs)

D-DC - Too Heavy for CW decks and short range
2N - Our only high end ECM mech but its to short range
0XP - Low slung arms too short range
3L - No Jump Jets
Locust PB
Commando 2D
Spider 5D
Cicada 3M

That is 8 Mechs for the inner sphere to bring. Now lets count the Clan mechs that can carry ECM;

MLX Prime with C left arm
MLX A with C left Arm
MLX B with C left Arm
MLX D with C left Arm

ACH Prime
ACH A with Prime left torso
ACH B with Prime left torso
ACH C with Prime left torso

KFX Prime with C right arm
KFX A with C right arm
KFX B with C right arm

SHC Prime with B left torso
SHC A with B left torso
SHC P with B left torso

HBR Prime
HBR A with Prime left torso
HBR B with Prime left torso

But you are right, the 8 IS mechs with ECm are a lot less than the measly 20 mechs the Clans have, :rolleyes:

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 27 July 2015 - 01:24 AM.

#692 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 01:34 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 27 July 2015 - 01:23 AM, said:

That is 8 Mechs for the inner sphere to bring. Now lets count the Clan mechs that can carry ECM;

MLX Prime with C left arm
MLX A with C left Arm
MLX B with C left Arm
MLX D with C left Arm

ACH Prime
ACH A with Prime left torso
ACH B with Prime left torso
ACH C with Prime left torso

KFX Prime with C right arm
KFX A with C right arm
KFX B with C right arm

SHC Prime with B left torso
SHC A with B left torso
SHC P with B left torso

HBR Prime
HBR A with Prime left torso
HBR B with Prime left torso

But you are right, the 8 IS mechs with ECm are a lot less than the measly 20 mechs the Clans have, :rolleyes:

you are bad in combinatorics :3

it's (the number of non-ecm omnipods i.e. 7) in (the number of chassis version) power of mechs!

7^5 ecm lynxes!
7^4 ecm cheaters!
7^4 ecm cute foxes!
7^4 ecm sad cats!
7^3 ecm hellies!

it's 24353 ecm clan mechs

inner sphere needs an urgent influx of ecm mechs

Edited by bad arcade kitty, 27 July 2015 - 01:35 AM.

#693 Lily from animove


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:44 AM

I doubt active and passive radars will help a lot, not with the scale that MWO maps do have, they seem to be way too small for this. My guess then would be everyone running on passive all day.

Edited by Lily from animove, 27 July 2015 - 04:45 AM.

#694 Brizna


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 07:40 AM

Reducing ECM range form 180m to 90M is not something I would describe as "major change" not by a long shot.



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Posted 27 July 2015 - 08:23 AM

funny how many discussions turn to whining about lrms, which are the worst weapon branch immo.

anyway if u want to make information warfare a thing, the single most important aspect to consider, would be making the spotter role worthwhile in 2 steps.
Currently its an awful waste of time and c-bills if uavs are used.
maybe a spotter helps the team to counter a flanking or highlight single uncovered mechs for easy destruction or give some lrm spotting assist.
But most of the time spotting just substracts the spotters firepower from battle, like someone beeing afk or disconnected.
Meaning u decrease your teams chances to win more often than not, plus ur xp and cbill earnings are almost the same like when ure afk/disconnected.

2. Effectiveness
Scouting just with standard sensors is duuuuh!
so u bring at least a TAG and if u manage to keep it on target ppl still have a hard time locking on lrms on ecm-mechs, WHY?
and narc wow... falls off before second volley of lrm comes in, and it doesnt do doodie about ecm anyway...

PS: this is PUG point of view

Edited by BUMMBUMM, 27 July 2015 - 08:32 AM.

#696 xXBagheeraXx


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:01 PM

I like what I saw, and I also like that you guys are going to go about this GRADUALLY....no more 18% nerfbats please and thank you.

#697 Boaz Roshak


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Posted 27 July 2015 - 09:21 PM

A badly damaged leg and a missing leg look the same on a mech visually. I should not have to get the lock on to the mech to be able to tell that a leg is missing when I finally get to see its damage and you are 100% right about being able to block with the missing leg. If they are unable or unwilling to have the blown off leg go away all damage done to it should be applied to the other leg.

#698 Psimon Drake


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 04:13 AM

Definately excited about a rebalancing. There have been so many bandaids applied to the core rules that it's not really manageable anymore. I suggest as part of this rebalancing we should get a new baseline established.
- Remove phantom heat
- Un-nerf all nerfs
- Remove all quirks
- Make LRMs faster, but track slower (much slower turn rate).
- This way you won't need that silly damage scale you gave Caln LRMs. They won't be streak 20s if they can't hit the target.

Really, I am looking forward to the rebalancing... and the rescaling of mechs... and the upgrading of the old maps... and bring all maps into CW... and MW4 style Joystic control.

(Okay, those last two might be a pipe dream, but a man can hope.)


#699 xXBagheeraXx


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 06:55 AM

View PostChameleon257, on 15 July 2015 - 04:36 PM, said:

I find it funny the same people that spout off about TableTop are some of the same people that complain about LRM spam. I haven't played one Tabletop game that LRMs were not used.

As far as ECM I'd love it if it only made the mech that used it protected. PGI obviously is only loosely modeling this game over the BT universe not the table top.

Ive said this a million times when ECM was first implemented. THey should come in 2 flavors. Guardian ECM and Angel ECM. Guardian ecm would reduce the range at which you could be targeted, say 500 meters or so and 600 meters for beagle equipped mechs, It would also make missile locks take longer to lock onto you. THis could be a module most/many mechs could carry, but it would only protect the carrying mech. This would be useful on long range builds so you could hurt the enemy without fear of counter fire from LRMS, and help brawlers get closer undetected. However you can still be detected if someone gets close enough to you, or tags you at long range.

Angel ecm could fucntion like the current ECM, but only a select few mechs would be able to equip it. And it would not jam enemy sensors if you got close, but you would be unable to target or lock anything within the effects of Angel ECM.

Also, why couldn't we buff the range on Tag to 900-1k meters? That way anything they can physically see they would be able to tag and fire upon. LRM boats willing to risk thier skin to spot thier own targets would get rewarded and it would help focus the ECM carriers out of the deathblob.

Edited by xXBagheeraXx, 28 July 2015 - 06:58 AM.

#700 xXBagheeraXx


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 07:02 AM

View PostPsimon Drake, on 28 July 2015 - 04:13 AM, said:

Definately excited about a rebalancing. There have been so many bandaids applied to the core rules that it's not really manageable anymore. I suggest as part of this rebalancing we should get a new baseline established.
- Remove phantom heat
- Un-nerf all nerfs
- Remove all quirks
- Make LRMs faster, but track slower (much slower turn rate).
- This way you won't need that silly damage scale you gave Caln LRMs. They won't be streak 20s if they can't hit the target.

Really, I am looking forward to the rebalancing... and the rescaling of mechs... and the upgrading of the old maps... and bring all maps into CW... and MW4 style Joystic control.

(Okay, those last two might be a pipe dream, but a man can hope.)


I really think that limited turn rate should apply to streaks as well, then they could get rid of random targeting. and allow them to simply splat into the center of the target..and no i dont all mean hit the center torso, make the spreads wide enoough so they dont all hit one section but just make them fly to the center of the target. Missiles that fly like that can actually be rolled to hit your arms or side torso to spread the damage out.

Those streaks would benifit, if you shot a mech in the face, most of the damage would be focused on the torsos, where you want it, and not randomly hitting all over the bloody mech, but they would also be roll-able, and have a chance of missing if the target is moving laterally in front of you fast enough.

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