PFC Carsten, on 14 August 2015 - 01:04 PM, said:
Thank you sir.
Then, what's my motivation as a unit player? I know some planets have a unit tag attached to them, but I refuse to believe that more than the simplest of minds could be incentized by such a lowly prize.
Beta 3 brings hopes to answer that question. One that has been plaguing us all.
Right now, to be honest, there is no reward for planet ownership - eventually there will be.
But the biggest reason to join a Unit is friends. Lots of them. Never having to drop into solo queue is another great reason.
I didn't join a Unit because of CW, I joined a Unit to a part of something. To have friends and socialize. Always have someone to drop with. That is THE reason(s) to be in a Unit, playing in CW is just an added bonus.
Playing CW also allows those of us with TT BT play to kinda relive our 'childhoods' and battle in the inner sphere like we have years and years ago.
Lastly, if you do NOT have a TAG in CW and play, you get nothing. Some Xp,c-bills, and loyalty rewards if your aligned.
Can't ever own a planet and can't ever have those rewards when they arrive.
If a group/Unit focused game, not just CW but ALL of MWO, does it not make sense to join a Unit/Group to make the most of what the game has to offer?
If some solo guy is shooting hoops all alone and sees a PUG near - how well is he and the team going to do if he joins and just shoots hoops vs playing with the team and plays the game? He is going to ruin the game for himself and everyone else playing it. Then he will prolly get his ass kicked.
That scenario is what groups face when solo players join in. One step further, that solo player wants everyone to stop playing b-ball and just shoot hoops, while everyone else wants to play the game. So the solo keeps shooting hoops while everyone else plays the game and then he complains about the team beating him.