My questions:
'Mech Rebalance:
-Are you going to include a tech change for balance? Are there any plans for a more detailed and full critical system that could compensate for more negative quirks for damaged Clan XLs? Or maybe sensors or other game systems?
-Could the new BV system be used eventually to change respawns in CW to make them similar to War Thunder? Each 'Mech could require a different number of "spawn points" , like in WT's realistic ground battles mode.
CW Phase 3:
-Are you giving enough thought to the strategic dimension? Supply lines, logistics? Is space travel feasable? All of these things are very important in the lore, where it may take two weeks or more to send a relief force to help a planet under attack and a campaign's objectives must be chosen very carefully.
-A while ago Russ said that Phase 3 would not include planet factories with different prices for weapons/'Mechs for each faction. Is this a technical challenge or a design choice? I feel that a true economy of war with resources being depleted, factories needed to cheaply replace 'Mechs etc. is one of the few things that would give CW the meaning many players seek.
Of course an economy like the one Star Citizen will have is asking too much but i would love to see at least capturable factories with a dedicated game mode with direct in-game benefits, which would fit well along with a reintroduction of R&R (which could be paid with unit coffers to give more reasons for players to give money to the unit and not tax too much individual players).
-Are there any thoughts, if not actual plans, for more 12vs12 modes in CW, either with or without respawns?
I feel more variety is much needed; besides, destroying orbital cannons alone cannot give you control of a planet. My ideas are the ones that are always brought up: supply raids to depots or convoys (which could net you random items and lot of money), assaults on the capital city to conquer the governement palace, escort of government's VIPs, attacks to power plants (which could give in-game bonuses like the 4vs4 missions will), spaceport conquest (again with in-game bonuses), Attack on a Union Dropship/Evacuation, or a straight 48vs48 skirmish with supply depots and armor repair bays, the kind that often happen in BT novels. I feel most modes could fit well enough with the reworked group queque maps.
Could we expect a big event when CW goes out of Beta when a Clans reaches Terra? Like a tournament Clan vs PGI and mercs? During Beta 2, the Wolves reached and encircled it but it felt pretty luckluster to me.
Oh, and the Clan that takes Terra first should have a unique "IlClan" badge in the forums and in-game plus a LP bonus.
After each Clan reaches it, each Clan has to decide what its goal are after the restoration of the Star League.
At this point it would also be nice to have new factions like Wolf-in-Exile and Ghost Bear Dominion (even if early, but since we are rewriting history, we can say these two Warden Clans understood their true mission and decide to defend the Inner Sphere). They would count as IS factions but could use Clan tech only, unless a salvage system is introduced.
Koshirou, on 10 September 2015 - 12:35 AM, said:
What is the goal of a faction like the FRR, when it is guaranteed to be practically obliterated by any successful Clan invasion?
I thought its goal was clear.. Survive