Territorial Challenge Event
Posted 23 September 2015 - 07:53 AM
Posted 23 September 2015 - 08:16 AM
Posted 23 September 2015 - 08:36 AM

I ended the event with a LOT more C-bills than I had before (I even could have afforded to max out the engine in the one Black Knight with the highest cap, but I opted to use a slightly smaller engine I already had) and I wouldn't have gotten to play as much as was needed to do that otherwise... since I was busy ignoring my computer's health for a change because I wanted to win prizes. Silly me.

Ah well, beyond the frustration of not getting the map I wanted, I certainly recall having a few happy moments. Like the time someone commented via voice chat that my Dire Wolf's camo could be seen from the moon.

Still, I reiterate my previous point (with some added flavor) for PGI: random chance events shouldn't be called challenges, and ultimately probably aren't worth it, so I'd strongly consider against doing another one.

Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:05 AM
Why did I get no rewards? According to the challange page I qualified for 4 Tier 2 Packs and to my knowledge I did not have a singel disconnect.
I don´t see a reason why I got nothing

The rewards should have been injected by now, right?
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:17 AM
mrt33, on 23 September 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:
Why did I get no rewards? According to the challange page I qualified for 4 Tier 2 Packs and to my knowledge I did not have a singel disconnect.
I don´t see a reason why I got nothing

The rewards should have been injected by now, right?
Nah you miss read it. You had to hit every map in that rotation at tier 2 to get the tier 2 reward package.
I got bog 2 times I think first time I was horra bad.. 2nd was like 1 hour before the event ended got a 225 score and was like F it good enough.. Got my Tier 1 package injected...

Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:18 AM
mrt33, on 23 September 2015 - 09:05 AM, said:
Why did I get no rewards? According to the challange page I qualified for 4 Tier 2 Packs and to my knowledge I did not have a singel disconnect.
I don´t see a reason why I got nothing

The rewards should have been injected by now, right?
You cannot be qualified for "4 Tier 2 Packs" actually.
If you get 200 score on ALL maps then you will get 1 Tier 1 pack. If you get 300 score on ALL maps you will get 1 Tier 2 pack.
If only one single map you miss - probably because it just haven't showed up due to random - you won't get anything at all. (Actually that what all the complaints are about...)
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:19 AM
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:24 AM
Javenri, on 23 September 2015 - 07:23 AM, said:
If you don't log into your game account, the rewards will be injected into your account the first time you log in when you return back from a break. If you've already logged in and received or had had your rewards injected it's too late. Going forward, if you qualify for rewards on your account and want to take a break before coming back to your active premium time, just don't log in until you're ready to play again.
At least that's how I think it works for rewards (for me it worked like this on grab bags, etc.)
Edited by Tekamen, 23 September 2015 - 09:25 AM.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:24 AM
for the record i saw canyon network 2 times in 200 - 250 games over 3 days and 40 + hours.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:47 AM
SoggyGorilla, on 23 September 2015 - 09:24 AM, said:
for the record i saw canyon network 2 times in 200 - 250 games over 3 days and 40 + hours.
Nah, I played every second match on canyon. But I haven't seen HPG for days. The other map what I hear regulary is bog.
So it isn't about one map. But very strangely most people miss only one map, not 2 nor 3 (I mean after grinding through the whole event). But - as I read here - some blokes completed the all event 2-3 times on a single afternoon for several accounts (what sounds indeed weird...).
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:47 AM
2nd considering CW map rotation many who played that part got something on the order of 26 Boreal Vaults (40 mins aveage time used x 26 same map games = about 7 hours of time on the same map. All the while getting other maps they needed as ghost drops. Strange how that played out. Need Emerald you only get it as ghost drop already have Boreal sorry got have it again 17 more times than you should have. With each run taking at least 40 mins of game time on average.
Should be noted after the Disconnect (DCD) rule drop there was people in both PUG and CW drops that started map farming and event farming.
Had guys who would do little damage then fall back to the dropzone as clan players attacked OMEGA. Leaving the rest of the team to bear the brunt. When the team does it to help someone get their points, that shows up constantly for games, that is ok. When you get dirtbags that show up make their points then dcd if they draw that map again speaks volumes about integrity in game play.
One other thing about the dcd rule. Going out bounds during combat on one CW map is hugely common and needs fixing that is Grim Portico. Litterally had match there where you can go out bounds for 3 to 5 seconds on the attacking side deployment. You can get stuck there or warped back into the map and then die to suicide. The count down timer then kills you because you were literally rubber banded back into the out of bounds area during intense close in fire fights.
Edited by Wesxander, 23 September 2015 - 09:54 AM.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:53 AM
Balvier, on 23 September 2015 - 08:16 AM, said:
Not just Terra Therma, but Alpine and both Frozen City maps as well.
Mordor, with the way people were playing, would have been a beast so taking it down was probably just as well.
I can't help but notice they took out the two coldest maps though, and I shudder to think what the map rotation would have been like with an extra three maps to get.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 10:06 AM
I still haven't gotten any rewards, I guess that comes later, but I really enjoyed this one and discovered my LRM mechs just were not able to even qualify with the constant ECM blanket only allowing 5-10 target locks per drop usually. It forced me to build entirely different mechs with all direct-fire and no LRMs to start to get qualifying scores. Those new mechs I continue to do very well with, so from the challenge there was progress. That's very good. Everyone was doing the same so very challenging. On the final couple of days there were no LRM mechs due to ECM.
Edit: Oh now I see why I received nothing for this event even though I invested about 20-30 hours into it. Caustic Valley only came up 3-4 times and I was stuck there with DC'd teams or just really bad ones that couldn't stick together.
I can also understand why players DC'd to try to get the map(s) they needed to win anything at all from their time spent on the challenge while getting the same map every drop. Next time try 5 maps.
Edited by Lightfoot, 23 September 2015 - 10:41 AM.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 10:22 AM
Posted 23 September 2015 - 10:49 AM
Posted 23 September 2015 - 12:53 PM
Lightfoot, on 23 September 2015 - 10:49 AM, said:
Well duh, obviously it was meant to be hard to get. Harder to achieve and better prizes. I find this much better way than a challenge that everyone is sure to achieve with just grinding. Everyone was certain to get all maps if they played enough, they just needed to be able to get that quite hard score when they got the right map they were missing.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 02:06 PM
Lightfoot, on 23 September 2015 - 10:06 AM, said:
So at least something good came from it. One Lurm-PUG less is a saved Mechwarrior.

Posted 23 September 2015 - 03:55 PM
Kerttuli9000, on 23 September 2015 - 03:12 AM, said:
A lot of VERY pissed off customers here.
I agree completely with your post. PGI's reaction to all this was basically "nothing to see here, move along". They changed multiple aspects of the Challenge without even posting on their own forums what those changes were or that they were going to make the changes. I'm not saying that changes didn't need to be made during it, just that their horrible lack of communication is, unfortunately, the typical norm for them. There are several very bad impressions that it is all too easy for a large amount of the player base to gain from this very poorly handled event. One is that PGI just doesn't care about providing the players with quality, well thought out and executed gaming events, and/or feels they don't need to in order to get players to pay money into the game. Another is that PGI is just not skilled/competent enough to provide players with quality, well thought out and executed gaming events.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 04:06 PM
tee5, on 23 September 2015 - 04:38 AM, said:
But I am still disappointed, and will not play for a while.
I spent a lot of time in the CW-Challenge, 30 hours + maybe 40 hours, can't tell was to busy playing Mechwarrior online.
It is bittersweet seeing you, making 2 complete CW-Challenges, while in the meantime I am not able to do 1 complete CW-Challenge due to: not offten hitting Vitric Forge, the last map I needed, to hard enemies, not good teammates, and missing Skill of me.
But I had one Map with the right guys on my side, the right guys on the enemy side, and then it was missing Skill and bad luck on my side.
It was very luck based. I was 11th on the CW leaderboard (3 points below 10th place), but was unable to complete the tier 2 CW Challenge. This was due to only getting Grim Portico a few times during 5 days of playing trying to get it, two of the times I managed to get the map were ghost drops, eliminating those drops as chances to achieve the needed 300 points. It was just a poorly planned and implemented "Challenge", plain and simple. Sadly, this is not the sort of game design that will lead to any measure of success for Russ' delusions of grandeur of MW:O becoming an eSport.
Edited by Pihoqahiak, 23 September 2015 - 04:06 PM.
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