FrontGuard, on 21 September 2015 - 08:25 AM, said:
FupDup is correct...
I feel very bad about it but I just did my 3rd team kill late last night.
I was getting LRMed and just needed to back up out of the rain.
Someone was blocking me and would not move.
I lost my temper, turned around and let it fly till he died.
This even showed me a part of my self I wish I didn't have.
... the other two were similar events one and two years ago.
I seem to loose it about once a year in events like this one.
I'm not making an excuse here... I feel bad about it and am sincerely sorry.
This event brought out the worst in my competitive nature.
I avoided the event this weekend. It wasn't worth the aggravation. Its the newbies and lack of MM. I'm not competing with players at my skill level. I'm competing with everybody, the goods and the bads. But the bads really do work against the team.
During Double XP weekend, I was grinding out XP on mechs I hadn't gotten around to in classes I don't often play, so I expected a learning curve, but wow, I was not prepared for the sheer number of newbies doing bad newbie moves.
*NASCAR away from the assaults, right into the enemy force's murder ball.
*Assaults doggedly chasing the squirrel.
*That squirrel kiting enemies away from the fight. Not towards friendly blue Doritos, but away from all the Doritos.
*Everybody collapsing firing lines into columns and lighting friendlies up.
*Friendlies totally unaware of fire lanes, stepping into firing lanes, then complaining in comms about FF.
*Fat assaults standing at a choke point, alpha striking everything, shutting down, while taking all the enemy's fire, and blocking the choke point so no friendlies can help. Then being pissed off nobody helped them.
*Calling for a push, getting half way there then stalling when a spider pops his head out.
*Standing behind friendlies backing into cover.
*Cutting off friendlies while moving, colliding with them right at the start.
I haven't seen that kind of stuff since before Elo. When Elo went in, most of that went away. Now Elo is gone, but PSR isn't in yet, and we're seeing exactly why we needed Elo in the first place.
So getting 300 points was really hard for me. Usually half my team would derp off and die in the first 5 minutes, and when I found the enemy I was out numbered 3 or more to 1. Doesn't matter how good the player is, or much alpha strike a mech has, or how much armor. If you're facing those odds, you are going to put up a lousy score.
So I skipped the event. I didn't want the extra challenge of trying to earn 300 or 400 match score when I knew my team would be tying one of my arms behind my back.