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Clan Laser Balance Discussion


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#381 SplashDown


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 09:54 PM

View PostMcgral18, on 30 September 2015 - 08:03 PM, said:

Perfectly fine isn't quite the right term to use...strongly biased might be a better one.

This game is not biased at all...each side has advantages and disadvantages to balance it out for both sides..All i see are ppl complaining becuz they pixel toy doesnt have the same wepons..when in fact IS has several advantages of they own,All it takes is a little imagination to figure it out..luckily the devs dont take these kinds of forum threads seriously.and did any of you ever stop to consider that maybe the reason it hasnt changed after all the crying/complaining is that future updates may require things the way they are?

#382 Y E O N N E


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 09:56 PM

View PostHomeskilit, on 30 September 2015 - 07:35 PM, said:

I did not assume anything, I just thought it funny that what you described as wrong with my idea was exactly what was wrong with the current system difference being with modules you can choose which quirks you want to use. An example of the module system I described would be:

General Module +10% Energy Weapon Range
Specific Module: +15% ER Large Laser Range

The numbers are arbitrary but with this any mech can take the General Module and be viable but the Long Range Fire Support specialized mech can take the Specific Module (I vote against having both at the same time but that would have to be tested/discussed) and be slightly better at one thing but not all that much better.

I get your concept, I just strongly disagree with it. A 'Mech's geometry will determine what it's going to be good at, there's no need to exacerbate it by giving them access to exclusive quirks/modules/whatever. You know how stupidly overpowering a Locust 1E is now, precisely because it got quirks to let it laser-blast things with 30 damage from not quite 400 meters away with incessant ridge-humping? On a 'Mech that is already naturally adept at ridge-humping? And that's after the second pass; they knocked it down to 365 meters, it used to be 378.

I also don't think the potential of a weapon should be different per 'Mech. A Large Laser ought to be 450 meters + an optional 45 on every 'Mech, period. I don't even like modules that give free upgrades, it's just a tax and leaves new or poor players at a significant disadvantage. The benefit should always be offset with a drawback, or it's just power-creep.

'Mechs should only receive hit-point and agility buffs. Weapons should be tweaked at the baseline, not ever quirked.


Unfortunately that problem with the Atlas is never going to go away, but if it had the option to have Defensive Modules that increased its Armor and Structure, then it can go ahead and expose itself to fire those weapons. Or it can take said Offensive Modules and play much more cautious and focus on dealing a greater amount of damage at the cost of Defense.

No, that problem won't go away, but it also didn't used to be as much of a problem. Before Clans and quirks, an LL-Gauss Atlas was somewhat common and was actually a threat. Sure, a Stalker was a better 'Mech to bring that type of load-out on, but the gap between the two was marginal compared to where it is now. With quirks, an Atlas built that way is out-ranged, out-cooled, and out-burned by Stalkers and Battlemasters running LL builds or even PPC + ML builds. Those 'Mechs were buffed so hard to their strengths that, even up close, an Atlas gets wrecked more often than not. It can't even survive that short 150 meter jaunt from 400 meters to 250 meters because it gets absolutely flayed. And the sickening part? Even those over-quirked Battlemasters and Stalkers still aren't a match for the Timberwolves and friends. Yes, I can do well with them, even against Clan 'Mechs, but that's a function of skill and not equipment. If I run into a brawler HBR with a brawler BLR, and he knows how to drive at least as well as me, I'm toast.

If you make the weapons the same for everybody within a Tech set, you can prevent the kind of chasm you see between an LL-Gauss Atlas and an LL+Gauss Crab or an LL+Gauss Stalker. Stalker and Crab would still most likely win since this isn't the Atlas's strong suit, but with a smaller margin between the damage-in-over-damage -out ratios.

I don't actually think the Atlas needs much in the way of extra hit-points. Twist speed and angle, yes, hit-points, no. Basically, there is one particular playstyle that is much more reliable than the others, and it needs to be reigned in or the others need to be empowered. The Atlas can't play to its strengths because that one playstyle is too good. Universally, short-range weapons need a buff because they are all junk until quirked and are even then mostly junk, and mid-long range weapons need to be toned down across the board. Longer cool-downs would do it, and shorter ranges in some cases.


There probably should be a hard cap on Lights speed (Had to do it, sry) not sure if 170 kph is it or not though as I have no experience on the subject. Taking a small, short range weapons load with a big engine on an assault should be a viable strategy and it saddens me that PGI would nerf that so much that it no longer exists. Small nerfs and tweaks to balance yes, nerf hammer into oblivion, no. The irony thought is that not only do they take away a strategy to combat the Clans range but they give the Clans 2 mechs in the Gargoyle and the Executioner that do the exact same thing.

PGI doesn't want to exceed 170 kph. They think it will break their netcode, which sounds weak to me.

And yea, that's exactly what I mean. The short-range weapons in this game are simultaneously too hot and too slow. They couldn't offer sufficient DPS even if they weren't cooking your 'Mech when firing full-tilt. Then, they took away the big engines, so now we have a whole bunch of short-ranged guns on 'Mechs too slow to use them.

If you look at my laser table several pages back, you'll notice I made the short range weapons colder and faster. The only way to stop standard lasers from being useless, especially after ER lasers are introduced, is to make them really good within their ranges.


Almost everything in modern war-fiction is based in someway on wars of the past. In a "modern video game" the idea is to have a "fair" fight but that is not necessarily the case in a board game or novel. I did not play the TT but if I was given 40 pieces and my opponent had 15 superior pieces I am sure it would end being pretty even fight. I highly doubt the creators of the BT Universe had any idea what games would be like in the 21st century and so did not plan it as such. In the case of the the Clans being total high and mighty jerks? Only some of the Clans were like that.

But the makers of BattleTech have admitted that they goofed with the Clans. They introduced BV2.0 and asymmetrical warfare, as well as advanced IS gear, to try and unbreak it, but it never really worked.

Also, you having 40 pieces to his 15 and it being an even match is a fair fight if that's how the game was designed. This game is designed for 12 v 12, though, not 40 v 15.

Also, all of the Clans are high and mighty jerks. The Inner Sphere was managing to slowly rebuild on its own without their help, they panicked over the implicit obsolescence that meant for their existence, and decided to invade. They had absolutely no real need to invade outside of that chip on their collective shoulder and feeling entitled to a piece of what they had willingly abandoned. Kerensky was a traitor and his spawn should be annihilated with nuclear ordnance from orbit so their cancerous, Nietzchean society doesn't spread.

#383 SplashDown


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 10:06 PM

Would allso like to point out that this game is trying to stick to the story of the original game both on TT and the past PC games.
If it holds true and with the intro of clan IICmechs where clan started retooling salvaged IS mechs to use for clan..then it wont be long before IS starts getting its hybrid IS/clan omni mechs..and IF they intro some of the IS gear that came with the intro of IS/Clan omni mechs for the IS then the tables will turn and it'll be IS with the advantage.

Moduals such as ..Angel ecm suits.....ADV BAP....laser ams...new double heat sinks..AND improved lasers and other wepons.
If IS hybrid omni's do come to the game..the one thing that worries me is will IS get the new missle systems such as the Thunderbolt 5,10,15,20..a missle system that applies all damage to 1 location
If IS ever gets the 90 ton Sunder omni mech i may even switch sides.

Edited by SplashDown, 30 September 2015 - 10:08 PM.

#384 Y E O N N E


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Posted 30 September 2015 - 10:22 PM

IIC 'Mechs are not salvaged IS gear, they are Clan-bred evolutions of the Star League gear they brought with them into exile.

And while there are Inner Sphere variants that grafted Clan-tech onto themselves, I highly doubt we will see them in the game. I actually think PGI even said as much.

Also, IS OmniMechs are pretty much trash due to locked XL and, in some cases, Single Heat-sinks. The only really serviceable one is the Raptor, and that's because it can carry a giant payload for a tiny 25 tonner because it's under-engined with an XL175 but not mired with a bunch of Jump Jets and BAP like the MLX.

#385 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 02:26 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 30 September 2015 - 06:47 AM, said:

Most of the things are mediocre, or worse than current offerings.

Hunch will compete with the Crow as a Laserboat, with more heatsinks that can jump. It will be the best of the pack.

Jenner will (more than likely) lack durability compared to the Cheetah. Cooler and faster as a result, but you now how those CTs go.

The Fatties lack separate ballistic locations and Energy hardpoints, so they offer nothing new, and nothing better than current God Tier options. Generally better than their IS equivalent (I think I'd still prefer the Sword and Boarded 733C+quirks), but no new level of power creep.

Something with high mounts, separate ballistic locations and 4+E hardpoints? Now you've got some powercreep, and the tonnage to play with.

And what happens, now they have opened the gates on Clan battlemechs, when they give in and release the Stone Rhino? Fully customisable Clan 100 tonner with high mount Ballistics in each ST and energy in each arm? Or the Kodiak (though that will have low swinging hardpoints).. What about Marauder IIC? Rfileman IIC? Floodgates open now, and the ones we have so far are the puny ones (barring the Hunchie)

At least if they stuck with Omnis the only really problematic one is the Blood Asp.

#386 Duke Nedo


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 02:40 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 01 October 2015 - 02:26 AM, said:

And what happens, now they have opened the gates on Clan battlemechs, when they give in and release the Stone Rhino? Fully customisable Clan 100 tonner with high mount Ballistics in each ST and energy in each arm? Or the Kodiak (though that will have low swinging hardpoints).. What about Marauder IIC? Rfileman IIC? Floodgates open now, and the ones we have so far are the puny ones (barring the Hunchie)

At least if they stuck with Omnis the only really problematic one is the Blood Asp.

I'm kind of glad the did open the gates, now they have no choice but to balance techs better. Locked stuff was a horrible idea to achieve faction parity when some chassi hardly suffered at all from locked stuff...

#387 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 02:57 AM

View PostDuke Nedo, on 01 October 2015 - 02:40 AM, said:

I'm kind of glad the did open the gates, now they have no choice but to balance techs better. Locked stuff was a horrible idea to achieve faction parity when some chassi hardly suffered at all from locked stuff...

But unless they UNLOCK omnimechs they will always be inferior to Battlemechs. Even the optimised ones have huge flaws when compared to a min-maxable chassis with good hardpoints.

Engine too big for most purposes, better with a 350
Locked crits taking all space in legs, head, and loads of ST space
5 locked DHS almost mandating energy heavy builds

just as an example - in the current game those drawbacks are minor because it has the advantage of superior tech to balance it out (C-XL, etc) but in a game where all the tech is balanced on its own merits (which it now has to be because of Clan Battlemechs) they break the mech. Dont even get me started on the BADLY optimised ones.. lol.

edit: MAYBE they can fix it by unlocking everything on the Omnis apart from the engine (i.e. allow dynamic ES/FF, removable heatsinks) and have locked engine rating be the balance to Omnipod swapping.

Edited by Widowmaker1981, 01 October 2015 - 02:59 AM.

#388 Golden Vulf


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 03:19 AM

View PostSplashDown, on 30 September 2015 - 10:06 PM, said:

Would allso like to point out that this game is trying to stick to the story of the original game both on TT and the past PC games.
If it holds true and with the intro of clan IICmechs where clan started retooling salvaged IS mechs to use for clan..then it wont be long before IS starts getting its hybrid IS/clan omni mechs..and IF they intro some of the IS gear that came with the intro of IS/Clan omni mechs for the IS then the tables will turn and it'll be IS with the advantage.

Moduals such as ..Angel ecm suits.....ADV BAP....laser ams...new double heat sinks..AND improved lasers and other wepons.
If IS hybrid omni's do come to the game..the one thing that worries me is will IS get the new missle systems such as the Thunderbolt 5,10,15,20..a missle system that applies all damage to 1 location
If IS ever gets the 90 ton Sunder omni mech i may even switch sides.

If they cared at all about the story they would have let us conquer Rasalhague. We didn't get the chance so we stopped giving a crap.

#389 Duke Nedo


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:06 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 01 October 2015 - 02:57 AM, said:

But unless they UNLOCK omnimechs they will always be inferior to Battlemechs. Even the optimised ones have huge flaws when compared to a min-maxable chassis with good hardpoints.

Engine too big for most purposes, better with a 350
Locked crits taking all space in legs, head, and loads of ST space
5 locked DHS almost mandating energy heavy builds

just as an example - in the current game those drawbacks are minor because it has the advantage of superior tech to balance it out (C-XL, etc) but in a game where all the tech is balanced on its own merits (which it now has to be because of Clan Battlemechs) they break the mech. Dont even get me started on the BADLY optimised ones.. lol.

edit: MAYBE they can fix it by unlocking everything on the Omnis apart from the engine (i.e. allow dynamic ES/FF, removable heatsinks) and have locked engine rating be the balance to Omnipod swapping.

Sure, but the Timber was not what I had in mind, more like SCR, EBJ and ACH. The drawbacks on these are really really minor.

Most omnis have some drawbacks, half of them do fine anyways because of clan tech, like TBR, HBR, DWF etc. Then we have some that need help because they are crippled, like SMN, MLX.

I am all for unlocking endo/ff in the same breath as normalizing XL engines and some rather gentle equipment tweaks, because missing out on endo/ff is a pure handicap. Locked equipment otherwise is more difficult since it's funtional equipment. Rather just keep that part and help the few hurt omnis by quirks instead.

Edited by Duke Nedo, 01 October 2015 - 05:07 AM.

#390 Clownwarlord


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:07 AM

My suggestion will make people angry ... increase heat.

Sadly though it makes the most logical way of doing things. Increase the heat more in proportion with how the weapon is better than the IS. So if the CER Medium is 50% better range then it should have a 50% increase in heat than that of a IS Medium. It is simple but it makes things less usable, or decreases dps because you are increasing the heat of the user to a point of they are more likely to kill their mech.

Edited by clownwarlord, 01 October 2015 - 05:10 AM.

#391 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:26 AM

View PostDuke Nedo, on 01 October 2015 - 05:06 AM, said:

Sure, but the Timber was not what I had in mind, more like SCR, EBJ and ACH. The drawbacks on these are really really minor.

Most omnis have some drawbacks, half of them do fine anyways because of clan tech, like TBR, HBR, DWF etc. Then we have some that need help because they are crippled, like SMN, MLX.

I am all for unlocking endo/ff in the same breath as normalizing XL engines and some rather gentle equipment tweaks, because missing out on endo/ff is a pure handicap. Locked equipment otherwise is more difficult since it's funtional equipment. Rather just keep that part and help the few hurt omnis by quirks instead.

Engine slightly too large, better with a 325
locked crits in legs, CT, STs forcing ammo placement in arms if ammo build
Engine DHS slots not used, limiting number of placeable DHS

Engine too small, needs a 250 for 10 trudubs
6 locked JJs is too many, 2-4 is fine
Locked crits arent really an issue here in truth.

Locked crits in legs, CT, Head make ammo placement very suboptimal. Less of an issue than the Timber due to more crits in arms and less in STs, but still an issue
3x Locked DHS making twin gauss inefficient

ALL Omnimechs have issues with locked gear. The ones with ES/FF have the crits in the wrong places (legs, mainly. You should always put ammo in legs, because leg ammo is used last, and that means you keep ammo for your weapons regardless of which ST you lose. When possible ES/FF crits should be in the Arms, because they are the component you can lose without losing mech effectiveness). The ones without ES/FF.. are missing tonnage. All the heavier ones have locked DHS you dont need for ballistic builds. Engine size is usually not optimal.

These issues, as i said, are currently minor and are balance for the tech being better. If you release fully customisable mechs that have none of these issues, yet use the same tech base, eventually you kill all Omnimechs. The first 4 IICs wont do it, because Orion and Highlander hardpoints, but later ones will. Especially things like the Stone Rhino.

#392 Duke Nedo


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:40 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 01 October 2015 - 05:26 AM, said:

Engine slightly too large, better with a 325
locked crits in legs, CT, STs forcing ammo placement in arms if ammo build
Engine DHS slots not used, limiting number of placeable DHS

Engine too small, needs a 250 for 10 trudubs
6 locked JJs is too many, 2-4 is fine
Locked crits arent really an issue here in truth.

Locked crits in legs, CT, Head make ammo placement very suboptimal. Less of an issue than the Timber due to more crits in arms and less in STs, but still an issue
3x Locked DHS making twin gauss inefficient

ALL Omnimechs have issues with locked gear. The ones with ES/FF have the crits in the wrong places (legs, mainly. You should always put ammo in legs, because leg ammo is used last, and that means you keep ammo for your weapons regardless of which ST you lose. When possible ES/FF crits should be in the Arms, because they are the component you can lose without losing mech effectiveness). The ones without ES/FF.. are missing tonnage. All the heavier ones have locked DHS you dont need for ballistic builds. Engine size is usually not optimal.

These issues, as i said, are currently minor and are balance for the tech being better. If you release fully customisable mechs that have none of these issues, yet use the same tech base, eventually you kill all Omnimechs. The first 4 IICs wont do it, because Orion and Highlander hardpoints, but later ones will. Especially things like the Stone Rhino.

I think we are on the same page, these drawbacks are really minor when all things are considered. I don't know the hardpoint layout of future clan battlemechs they wish to release, but as long as they are not 100% optimal, minor omni drawbacks could be balanced by equally minor non-optimal hardpoint placements. The omnis are also allowed to juggle quirks/nerfs (by replacing pods), which is another thing in their favor. I think PGI can manage battlemech vs omnimech balance if the think about which variants they release and which omnipods they release. But will they? :)

Edited by Duke Nedo, 01 October 2015 - 05:44 AM.

#393 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:51 AM

View PostDuke Nedo, on 01 October 2015 - 05:40 AM, said:

I think we are on the same page, these drawbacks are really minor when all things are considered. I don't know the hardpoint layout of future clan battlemechs they wish to release, but as long as they are not 100% optimal, minor omni drawbacks could be balanced by equally minor non-optimal hardpoint placements. The omnis are also allowed to juggle quirks/nerfs (by replacing pods), which is another thing in their favor. I think PGI can manage battlemech vs omnimech balance if the think about which variants they release and which omnipods they release. But will they? :)

They cant release a Stone Rhino with bad hardpoints. Because stock weapons
They cant release a Kodiak with bad hardpoints. Because stock weapons

Chances of them NOT releasing those obvious, frequently requested money printers? NIL.

You obviously have to keep SOME disadvantage to balance the omnipod system, but the current locked equipment is too much, imo if you kept the engine rating locked and maybe the JJs (because mech flavour basically), and unlocked DHS and ES/FF (including, very importantly, making the crits place dynamically) that would be balance. Min-maxable engine vs min-maxable hardpoints (assuming the chassis has decent pods.. poor Scatman/Summoner)

edit: And IS Omnis CERTAINLY cant have locked heatsinks, or Engine type (Xl/STD) because of the hilarious DOA issues with locked SHS and XL engines on chassis with gigantic STs

Edited by Widowmaker1981, 01 October 2015 - 05:56 AM.

#394 Erkki


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:37 AM

Lol TBR and SCR have too large engines?

TBR, for its speed, sits at optimal mass for armour and podspace(ie. unallocated mass left after internals, cockpit and engine) . Both in MWO and in tabletop.

SCR would be optimal free mass/speed wise with a slightly larger engine, not smaller.

#395 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:58 AM

View PostErkki, on 01 October 2015 - 06:37 AM, said:

Lol TBR and SCR have too large engines?

TBR, for its speed, sits at optimal mass for armour and podspace(ie. unallocated mass left after internals, cockpit and engine) . Both in MWO and in tabletop.

SCR would be optimal free mass/speed wise with a slightly larger engine, not smaller.

Because you dont NEED to run at 90 with a 75 ton mech. Its much more effective to run at 85 ish and have an extra 4 tons of weapons. Thats impossible in TT of course, since you have to choose between a 300 and a 375.

4 tons of weapons is a lot more valuable than 4 kph, when you are that fast already.

#396 Erkki


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 07:05 AM

Effectiveness does not equal to optimization. If you want/need less speed, having more mass is more optimal for free tonnage.

I like being able to run 90 km/h in a 75 tonner... It helps spreading damage, too.

#397 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 08:02 AM

View PostErkki, on 01 October 2015 - 07:05 AM, said:

Effectiveness does not equal to optimization. If you want/need less speed, having more mass is more optimal for free tonnage.

I like being able to run 90 km/h in a 75 tonner... It helps spreading damage, too.

Pretty sure this thread is about effectiveness, not optimization, so unless they are equal in this case, then your previous post is irrelevant to this discussion.

#398 Almond Brown


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 10:55 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 30 September 2015 - 08:03 PM, said:

Perfectly fine isn't quite the right term to use...strongly biased might be a better one.

Even before the Clans arrived, the game was "strongly biased", just with a smaller subset of Mechs. You remember some of those times right? (Ballerina Victors wreaking havoc - apparently thus NERFED to dust collectors)

If anyone just can't live with a certain level of imbalance, best to just move on. Because the day the Clans and I.S. Mechs are all the same, save for Skins and Paint, and all of the weapons in use are the same (shoot for 3 points at 100m and 15 points at 900m (Lasers and Ballistics) then that will be the end anyways.

So help yourself to this "the same" for all BS. That victory will finally bring MWO's to its demise when the fight for "sameness" is won... :(

Edited by Almond Brown, 01 October 2015 - 10:58 AM.

#399 Mcgral18


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 11:09 AM

View PostAlmond Brown, on 01 October 2015 - 10:55 AM, said:

Even before the Clans arrived, the game was "strongly biased", just with a smaller subset of Mechs. You remember some of those times right? (Ballerina Victors wreaking havoc - apparently thus NERFED to dust collectors)

If anyone just can't live with a certain level of imbalance, best to just move on. Because the day the Clans and I.S. Mechs are all the same, save for Skins and Paint, and all of the weapons in use are the same (shoot for 3 points at 100m and 15 points at 900m (Lasers and Ballistics) then that will be the end anyways.

So help yourself to this "the same" for all BS. That victory will finally bring MWO's to its demise when the fight for "sameness" is won... :(

Not sure what you're on about.

Weapon and faction balance are both pretty far off from acceptable. Sameness has nothing to do with it. They're still just as different as I suggest as they are now .

That is; functionally identical. You cry for their differences, when there are none.

Edited by Mcgral18, 01 October 2015 - 11:16 AM.

#400 Deathlike


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Posted 01 October 2015 - 11:11 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 01 October 2015 - 11:09 AM, said:

Not sure what you're on about.

Weapon and faction balance are both pretty far off from acceptable. Sameness has nothing to do with it. They're still just as different as they are now as I suggest.

That is; functionally identical. You cry for their differences, when there are none.

He might be trying to argue how the LBX10 is different from the Clan LBX10.

Oh wait (actually, now I have to look at the stats of the spread).

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