Enough Whining
Posted 24 November 2015 - 11:25 AM
Playing in an organized unit helped to keep me motivated for sometime until I relized that it is only dot's on a map, nothing bigger. No ressources or faction stuff, nothing.
Posted 24 November 2015 - 05:53 PM
Posted 28 November 2015 - 01:04 PM
Posted 28 November 2015 - 05:55 PM
KahnWongFuChung, on 09 November 2015 - 08:02 AM, said:
I disagree before-MS- started playing in your clan your teams were good but not elite players like you seem to have now that take hardly no damage and give out a lot of1-2 shot kills I have fraped a few of your games and I see repeated exploits and other weird gameplay that you as honor bound clan members were not doing?
So what changed your clan from just good players to like playing in god-mode every battle? I wonder but PGI does not care about exploits/ETC. to this game as long as the USD continues to flow in.
P.S but you are not the only units I have seen this happen to after a -MS- merger and its not because yo have gained so much player skill per player to become so L33t

I take serious offense to this we have 380 members in -MS- and not one single player uses exploits/cheats. please check your accusations at the door. This whole statement is unfounded. -MS- has worked with CWI and other units across the community and we have shared our information as far as drop decks tactics and coordination but not a single pilot in -MS- cheats. and just because you enounter organized groups does not mean you still cannot win. I was solo dropping the other day and ran into an 8 man LAIO team. The screenshot of the game is below. our pugs organized worked together and pushed when needed to. yes mechs can drop in 2 shots if you focus fire as a team. in -MS- when a target is called generally its no more than 3-4 second before the visible target is down and out.....why(because once the target is called all 12 members of that team try to fire on the same target if they have a line of site. even if only 6 people have LOS to the target thats still 6 alphas to the CT. I dont care what mech you are piloting nothing will withstand 6 alphas. Please realize that the only secret -MS- and the other organize groups use is called TEAMWORK. if you want to call us hackers and exploiters because we work together please choose your words more carefully!!!!!

Posted 28 November 2015 - 08:23 PM
By the way, thanks for the invites to your dropships. It's always a pleasure.
And also, no 12-man is invincible. I've dropped with my CWI guys and allied MS personnel versus pugs and there are times when we've lost. Do we whine and complain? No. We reflect on what we did wrong and we work on fixing it.
Everyone who plays CW should follow the same logic.
Edited by Commander A9, 28 November 2015 - 08:23 PM.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 05:01 AM
Premade > Pugs
Thats the way, and as long we all have to accept hat we run into them at least every second game, this mode will scare away every new player and everyone who is not willing to join a unit just for one game mode.
I mean, give me ONE reason why anyone should endure a stomp and wasted 30-40 minutes of time in a games and come back? Your logic always claimes the "don´t like it? Don´t play it" statement as a fact, but do you really think PGI wants to cater for such a small minority of players, that are organized in units? Its called COMMUNITY warfare, and as far as I recall, everyone in this game is part of that community. Catering for ~10% of the players is agood way to minimize the reach of your game. And we desperatly need a few more players for this game or your will soon find no enemys to play against.
And locking up 50% of the game (we only have quick play and faction play) is also a good way to chase off every casual player. Look what happened to WoT after 2014
Edited by Krellshand, 29 November 2015 - 05:03 AM.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 05:18 AM
Clan mechs have and will have Clan XL (planned new rules won´t change that) -> Clan mechs are better then IS -> organized groups know what´s up and therefore play Clan -> mostly Pugs stay in IS and encounter better tech and mostly organized teams -> Pugs get frustrated and vent or in future will downrate MWO on steam -> MWO suffers.
It´s as easy as that. And all you Clan elitists not willing to hear whining.... go drop in IS solo for some months and see how that goes for you.

Posted 29 November 2015 - 05:20 AM
Posted 29 November 2015 - 06:14 AM
Come on; we all know what's going on here.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 06:34 AM
All you want is to further hit on IS pugs by even prohibiting them to show their rightful frustration with the injustice in this game.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 07:08 AM
Der Hesse, on 29 November 2015 - 06:34 AM, said:
All you want is to further hit on IS pugs by even prohibiting them to show their rightful frustration with the injustice in this game.
LOL Injustice. Like anyone is on trial anywhere with this voluntary, free-to-play game and this is some major constitutional issue. I think not. Over emphasize much?
Edited by Ihasa, 29 November 2015 - 07:09 AM.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 07:32 AM

Posted 29 November 2015 - 07:44 AM
Der Hesse, on 29 November 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:

That is their choice and PGI's choice to heed or ignore. The decisions are already made. What makes you think people who play this game for the sake of playing a fun game, have any care what an entirely different, but similar, subset of the gaming community has to say about it? More players? Great! More complaints? So what? It's not putting money in my pocket or delivering a masters degree to me. And it would be nothing different than the amount and type of whine posts these forums see every minute.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 09:04 AM
Posted 29 November 2015 - 09:39 AM
Not for you my friend, but for PGI. And they nerf the elite mechs in time for the steam release, see the coincidence?
So, why should they NOT make CW more attractive for the casual player, because hey, chances are the "elite" gamers out there dont need any new mechs, mc or c bills - there is juts no revenue in catering for the elite.
Commander A9, on 29 November 2015 - 06:14 AM, said:
Come on; we all know what's going on here.
aaand this is one of the most stupid answers I have read today. You just dont get it. But here, one more time just for you
CW = Clan advantage -> Most elitist jerks play as clan unit, but this EQALS NOT Pug goes clan and wins agains premade.
Clan just pushed the advantage you have as premade even further, a good premade IS can counter it, the advantage in premade vs, premade is smaller, but existent.
Ihasa, on 29 November 2015 - 07:44 AM, said:
That is their choice and PGI's choice to heed or ignore. The decisions are already made. What makes you think people who play this game for the sake of playing a fun game, have any care what an entirely different, but similar, subset of the gaming community has to say about it? More players? Great! More complaints? So what? It's not putting money in my pocket or delivering a masters degree to me. And it would be nothing different than the amount and type of whine posts these forums see every minute.
Soo, and what makes you think will the average intelligent person do after they got stomped and are unsure why? They go to the forums, see the billion threads about this topic and start to rant or leave. Or maybe look for a unit, but I guess those numbers will be very short.
Because, chances are, everyone who cares about the lore and mechwarrior has already taken a look at this game. Steam wont flush in Battletech enthusiasts, and CW already has a pretty high starting requierement (4 Mechs).
So, the intelligent thing to do would be presenting an option where you can drop with your first 4-5 mechs and still have fun, maybe even bring a trial mech to fill it up and HAVE FUN. I mean, premade vs premade, you need mastered mechs, modules, cetrain meta layouts - that costs time (or money) you wont get from ppl when they see no reason to start CW with. Hell, why should they care about factions when battletech is all new to them? Its a GAME MODE in a free to play game that they might like to test and have fun. Because - no fun: bye bye
And that means bye bye revenue, bye bye more content and in the long run bye bye mechwarrior online
you dont care about the game and how it develops? I do, and I want everyone to find his place in the game. And reducing the majority of the playerbase to Quickplay only just does not seem like a good idea
Edited by Krellshand, 29 November 2015 - 09:42 AM.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 09:42 AM
Posted 29 November 2015 - 09:49 AM
Krellshand, on 29 November 2015 - 05:01 AM, said:
This statement is just dumb. Of course, you can learn something from any drop.
Thats the way, and as long we all have to accept hat we run into them at least every second game, this mode will scare away every new player and everyone who is not willing to join a unit just for one game mode.
Every new player is not you. Just because you are scared to face a superior team doesn't mean everyone will run from a challenge.
I would hazard to guess that a large portion of those premades you so fear are made up of players who started out as CW PUGs. After getting stomped, they decided to do something about it themselves rather than whine that others should fix it for them.
Because some people relish challenge.
Because they don't view the time as wasted if their skills are improving.
Because sometimes PUGs can turn the table on larger teams.
Because most drops are actually small groups v. small groups with PUGs as fillers.
Because many players aren't entitled brats and they know that not everything in life will be handed to them just because they showed up.
Pick one.
Actually, it's called Faction Play. This is a more accurate moniker of what the mode is supposed to be about. Care to guess how factions can best win?
Going to need to see your source for the claim that only 10% of all players are in a unit.
Yeah, why not repeat the dire prediction of the demise of Faction Play one more time. I mean it's come true so many times before, right?
Faction Play is not locked away. It's right there. A completely brand new player can click on the button on day one.
You just simply don't like the fact that you aren't good at that mode and more importantly you refuse to do what it takes to get better at it. That's your choice, not the fault of the designers or other players. IT'S YOUR PROBLEM.
Posted 29 November 2015 - 10:13 AM
Wave 1, IS team wins
Wave 2, IS team wins
Wave 3, artic cheaters take 4 mechs to kill, clans win
Wave 4, artic cheaters take 4 mechs to kill, clan wins game
The artic cheater is so over powered that a coordinated good IS team often losses to any random clan team.
That is why the "1337" teams play clan...they get stomped by the other "1337" teams when they go Inner sphere and they know it.
Cowards, stop obfuscating the real problem.
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