Yeonne Greene, on 14 November 2015 - 11:44 AM, said:
Your complaints about the complaining are incredibly misguided. People have been asking for very specific changes. Well-informed and experienced players have been asking for very specific changes. PGI made lots of changes, sure, but they were and are all dancing around what people have been asking for in some weird effort to avoid actually directly addressing the problems. That's what has people upset. And by this point, I shouldn't have to explain it to you (I know you keep in the loop), but I'd be happy to enumerate the complaints for you in a private message.
And, no, the weapon and 'Mech balance are not ready. I've played enough that I can tell you so just by looking at the numbers on the paper. As I said on Page 1, all any of this really does is move the collective together as one with very little adjustments to the disparities between any two 'Mechs or any two weapons.
By 'well-informed and specific changes', you mean the removal of any/all convergence system and a reset to a 30-point heat system, yes? Because as I recall those are the two that keep cropping up, like, twenty times a day.
Now, I
am just a ****-tier nobody too clearly stupid to know his head from a halibut...but there's been a number of equally well-informed and experienced players who've argued that being able to hit what you shoot at, and also being able to fire a single medium laser once without incurring heat penalty rolls, are both things that should be possible in MWO. Perhaps that's one reason why Piranha has never investigated the wildly divergent cone of fire or the frustratingly restrictive heat scale system people keep demanding they do?
As I recall, Russ has mentioned that convergence is an incredibly tricky issue to tackle from a technical standpoint, and one which wouldn't necessarily lead to the perfect utopia of ten-minute TTK everyone keeps saying they want. It'd also be an utter nightmare to integrate into HSR, so what do you want - guns that hit their targets, or 'Mechs that never die? Pick one, because you don't get both.
As for the thirty-point heat scale, anyone with two neurons to rub together realizes that it's an idiotic idea. There
needs to be at least some 'safe zone' in the heat bar to allow energy weapons (or multiple missile launchers, for that matter) to
function. A 30-point scale where incurring 5 heat results in heat rolls means that you spawn on Terra Therma, then watch as two random people in the game suffer ammo cookoffs and die
just for existing on Terra Therma.
As for things like ECM, quirks, or the other issues people've no doubt spent nine pages now kvetching over...ECM is likely part of the Infotech rework, the quirks have been ludicrously overdone since day 1, you people
did just succeed in destroying Clan
ER laser range (that is going to bite you people squarely in the posterior when the Sphere gets the rest of their ER weapons. Congratulations on it getting less than ten percent over nominal standard laser ranges, guys! Remember, you asked for it!), and SRMs are getting better.
Is it perfect? No. Do I think the game is going to wow people all over on Steam? No. But I am awfully sick of every single thing Piranha does earning them a hundred-page DungStorm of total morons with no concept of how game development works all screeching about how The End Is Nigh and if they don't fix the core issues already(!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!) they will get no more money ever and Why Do We Keep Letting These Evil E-Nazees Keep Ruining Our Franchise?
Chill the hell out, people. Play the game or don't. If you don't want to play it,
then don't. I haven't been for a while, other things have taken up my interest. Come back when you want to, or don't. But please, don't subject everyone to your vitriol while you're at it. We don't need it, Piranha doesn't listen to it, it helps
no one.