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Not Playing Until Mutipliers Are Removed

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#61 Mystere


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:21 AM




#62 Palor


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:24 AM

I have actually played on almost every map since the new voting system was implemented, and the game mods were almost equally run as well.

Seems to be more fair, or I am just lucky.

#63 mariomanz28


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:47 AM

View PostWildstreak, on 19 November 2015 - 07:22 AM, said:

What can I say, I'm a corrupt kinda guy rigging map elections.
I can say it is impossible to get to a x11 or x12 multiplier, highest is about x6.

Yeah, I will boost the multiplier to avoid certain things later like the broken Frozen Skirmish. Frozen matches were always one-sided especially Skirmish due to all the Assaults being put in Charlie Lance all the time. Whoever spawns in the Delta row simply rushes C4 and ravages the Assaults whether the others come to help or not. Delta spawners always win. Gets old.

Yeah, I once helped make Terra Conquest happen and saw the long litany of rage about it.

I've had mine up to x9. I've been enjoying the new mini-game, lol. My goal is to try to screw other mini-gamers out of their hard earned multipliers.

I don't care what map or game more I play on honestly and it's funny seeing the QQ tears when a match drops. They tried to do completely random before but that was removed, what? the next day? because so many complained about the game modes, the maps have been random since I started playing (and I also remember a time when PGI said we would never be allowed to picks our own maps). See if you stop caring about what map and gamemode you play then it stops being a big deal and we can move on to more important things for the game.

#64 AlphaToaster


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:50 AM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 19 November 2015 - 09:25 AM, said:

Whats wrong with simple proportional representation, where each map/mode has a % chance to be picked equal to the % of people that voted for it, instead of this really convoluted system?

Nothing is wrong with that kind of voting if there's no concern with player retention. Players are leaving if they don't play the mode they like often enough. And worse if they're forced to play modes they don't enjoy.

#65 Almond Brown


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 11:04 AM

View PostWarHippy, on 19 November 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:

So because they can't be bothered to try and make things more interesting people should just stick around and keep playing even though they are not enjoying the game play anymore because of stupid panic mode decisions? Sorry, but that just isn't going to work out in the long run.

That being said at no point did I sat appealing to "ALL", but they could at least address a lot of the issues people have with the different game modes to make them more appealing. For example people complain about caps in Assault because capping has no value compared to combat. So how about you make capping worth the most in Assault by a large margin with combat scores as icing on the cake. To prevent people from just rushing cap every game and ignoring defense give them mostly no c-bill rewards when you lose to cap. Then you have reason to pay attention to your base, while contemplating the carrot on the stick that is capping the enemy base. Of course you could just fight it out, but it wouldn't be nearly as lucrative to do it that way. Heck you could also give additional bonuses to the team for every 10% of the base that is captured even if you don't succeed at fully capping.

The point is they didn't even try to get people to want to play the other game modes and chose the easy route of just forcing people into them player enjoyment be damned.

No, the point is "Teams" abandon their Bases to go play TDM as usual, Lose to a Cap and then "Whine" about how the Mode sucks. What PGI could do and would not likely work is make "Defending your Base" more profitable, but then players would just never leave those squares they so "HATE" to stand in now.

It is a mentality thing, a player mentality thing. No Dev has been able to please the "mentality" of those who just won't be pleased. So they are left with just the middle ground with which to work.

View PostMystere, on 19 November 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:




Tried and Failed. There just wasn't enough cheese brought in to compliment all the WHINE everyone brought in after that MODE change was tried. :)

#66 Jman5


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 11:10 AM

I laugh like an idiot when I see people trying to offload their vote at the last second only to blow their multiplier on their least favorite map in the game. I have seen terra therma so much because people are out smarting themselves.

Here's a tip if you're someone like me who generally likes a lot of the unpopular maps. Vote for the most popular winning map that seems like its a lock. Then at the last second offload your vote to the one you really wanted. People who are trying to be greedy with their vote multiplier will pile onto the maps they thought had no chance of winning and there isn't enough time to switch back.

Edited by Jman5, 19 November 2015 - 11:15 AM.

#67 Sandpit


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 12:48 PM

View Postbadaa, on 19 November 2015 - 01:20 AM, said:

all people are doing is farming multipliers no ones voting for maps. got stuck playing the same map

8 times today 3 of those in a row because every one jumps on the map with the least votes trying

to get there multiplier.

hope you'll join me but know u wont.

Please tell me how that's any different than the past 4 years? Map randomization has never been any better than what you just described. Ever. I don't see why a new thing that doesn't change anything (other than offering players a little ability to help pick map and game mode) would make a player quit playing.

It's like "I'm not playing until PGI guarantees I never have to play the same map a few times in a row"

If you enjoy the game, something like that really is fairly trivial in my opinion. If you're "quitting" because of something like that I highly doubt it was purely because of the new voting system and if it is truly why, you might want to take a long look at other games. This system (while not exactly like) is pretty much the same system used when it comes to map voting and such without the weighted votes (that part really makes no sense to me but that's a convo for a different thread I suppose)

Also, if teams didn't automatically disband after each and every match and we had a lobby to fill up before hitting launch it would alleviate a LOT of MM issues as well as balance issues between teams.

#68 Slepnir


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:08 PM

Seems to be working fine to me, both in solo and group drops it has stopped being cold map/skirmish every drop. had great games on terra and caustic multiple times in the same night. even some conquest matches, much better than last week.

#69 MechWarrior3671771


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:15 PM

I'm not even having to vote. I'm usually late to drop because I'm reading something else, and when I come back I find its everything from Caustic Assault to Forrest Conquest. Not like before when I was getting Frozen Skirmish 4 times in a row.

So I'm happy with the change. So much variety of modes and maps that I don't need to bother swinging the vote.

#70 jss78


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:36 PM

View PostWidowmaker1981, on 19 November 2015 - 02:52 AM, said:

I have no idea why they went for this bizarre multiplier system instead of doing the obvious thing and changing the map selection from 'first past the post' (most votes always gets played) to proportional representation (each map has a chance of being chosen equal to the percentage of votes it received)

I agree that this would be a good, simple system to weigh the map selection based on what most people like.

But some people would cry bloody murder on those occasional cases when 70 % voted for Frozen City but Mordor got picked nonetheless.

i think a good part of the whining about voting is just basic psychology -- some people can't quite deal with getting asked for an opinion, but then not getting their way. By comparison, bad luck with pure random selection is easier for people to accept. (Although even with that there's been no shortage of posts essentially suggesting that PGI can't even pick a random number correctly.)

Edited by jss78, 19 November 2015 - 04:37 PM.

#71 ExplicitContent


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:44 PM

I think this is funny to see people complaining about the multiplier. I have made a game out of trying to accumulate the highest value I could (8 is the most for me so far). The reason for this has nothing to do with wanting to select a particular map, its mostly out of voting boredom. Frankly, I don't really care what map or game mode is chosen, as I enjoy them all. What I don't like, however, is several hours of HPG/Canyon/Frozen Skirmish fest. It further restricts what is already limited content. The primary complaint I saw about the voting was a lack of variety. If this multiplier sometimes causes the less played maps to be played (whether it is as a legitimate choice or because a voter is trying to stockpile votes) then I think the system is successful.

#72 Davegt27


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 04:54 PM

A major problem is flaws in the map design and placement of spawn and cap points

For example on conquest for the most part you can go right, left or center
Guess wrong and you loose not much skill involved
If the cap points where changed to a more linear arangment where teams are moving generally in the same direction

This would inhance join up and team play

#73 Mister Blastman


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:09 PM

I LOVE the multipliers. I think they are fantastic.

#74 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:21 PM

View PostMister Blastman, on 19 November 2015 - 05:09 PM, said:

I LOVE the multipliers. I think they are fantastic.


I went from being forced into playing Cold/EZMap in Skirmish (or Assault if Skirmish was not an option) to actually playing all 3 game modes again, with decent balance between them, and actually seeing EVERY map.

Do I love every map and mode? Of course not. I'm a mobile/tactical guy, and prefer conquest. And I probably get to see it 25% of the time now. Yes oddly they don't see me here complaining I'm forced to play Skirmish (playground for the tactically deficient) or Assault (same playground, but usually ruined by people trying to cap immediately, and not getting to even really engage in any fighting. Cuz standing in a box is cool fun, yo) instead of getting my precious Conquest EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Too many spoiled, entitled precious precious princesses around these days... and come Steam?

It's only gonna get worse. (And that ain't even taking into account the societal swerve toward hand holding, participation awards and all forms of mollycoddling)

#75 Xythius


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:41 PM

I'm actually a big fan of the voting and multiplier system. Took me a day or two to come around to it, but I think it is a positive step. I still have to play maps & modes I don't care for, but now I at least have a voice when it comes to selecting my favored play. And if I don't get it this time? Just means I have a progressively better chance of getting what I do want in a game or two.

I haven't played a map/mode in consecutive games since it's been introduced and that -alone- is worth it.

#76 kanamisan


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 08:17 PM

As I dont remember many of the maps and have only recently returned to the game, I tend to vote randomly. only once tried to see how high of a multiplyer I could get, mostly because I did not know how it worked, and kinda wanted to see how high I could get. but to be honest, I think this is really a non problem. Almost everyone who is complaining about this is really fed up with other problems, and they just want to vent on other things.

#77 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:43 PM

hey why not remove the stupid voting thing entirely! woo

View Postkanamisan, on 19 November 2015 - 08:17 PM, said:

Almost everyone who is complaining about this is really fed up with other problems, and they just want to vent on other things.

nah, I just uninstalled once they removed my ability to deselect **** I dont want to play

#78 Sandpit


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:47 PM

I've finally managed to get some matches in. The voting system? I like it. I think it could be a bit less clunky and a little more polished in the screens but add a lobby while match is filling up and I think you've got a good system.



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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:30 PM

There's only one thing PDI can do.

Put the old caustic back in rotation and see if people vote for it over the new caustic. ;)

#80 Scar Glamour


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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:52 PM

Tell you what, OP...

I am playing until the multipliers are in place!

Because Random sure beats Frozen City every damn time.

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