I didn't know this was the Gladiator topic, all this, "1v1, come at me bro!"
Oh wait,
that belongs here and has been tried
in other topics over years.
As someone who has PUGed CW, I do criticize some Teams though they deserve it. The way they go about certain issues does not solve problems in any way, shape or form. Their mentality is very limited and they are not 100% perfect at problem solving. There are certain issues about PUGs in CW that need to be addressed but the posts by a portion of 'team-oriented' people are not the answer. PUGs can beat and have good matches with Teams also. Sometime later today I will provide proof along with other things I noticed in CW, got some things to do soon.
Leone, on 23 November 2015 - 07:39 PM, said:
It's mechwarriors like you that made the Jade Falcons the best faction to Pug CW with. Ah the good ole days of unit stomping with pugs.
Still happens, just less so due to smaller amount of players.
Triordinant, on 25 November 2015 - 10:54 AM, said:
It's been almost a year now so it should be clear that CW ought to be a separate "cage" where premade comp units can have a "cage match" against each other. Everyone else should stay out and let them have it. Otherwise you're just providing them with an opportunity to farm. Wise up people.
If comp teams want a 'cage match,' they have Private Match available, they don't need CW just for them.
KahnWongFuChung, on 25 November 2015 - 03:51 PM, said:
Let me tell you friend I have played PUG I have played in 2-8 man groups in CW and it was fun right up until we hit 12 man premade teams with there cheese builds and ROFL STOMP attitudes and the games lasted 90% of the time under 5 minutes total.
There is a small number of comp teams that have the ROFL STOMP attitude. There are also a small number of PUGs that have it. So it is more of a Player Attitude issue than 'all teams do it.'
Aresye Kerensky, on 26 November 2015 - 01:59 AM, said:
Excuse my saltiness, but if solo players don't care about fighting for planets, and they just want to play the game, then...
There's only three reasons a solo player would be playing CW:
1. They want the rewards.
2. They want to play a respawn-ish game mode on different maps.
3. They want to fight for planets.
Because there is no warning/tutorial about what CW is so they join without knowing. I had one in a PUG yesterday, right after we dropped and were moving into defensive positions, one guy on Team Chat says he doesn't know what he is doing and just got the game yesterday. Felt bad for him, told him after the match to try Quick Play and come to the Forums to learn about CW before trying it again.
Honestly, there needs a fix for new people and CW, finally after 3 years we have a decent tutorial for just playing.
There are other reasons to solo CW.
4. They want less of some things teams in Quick Play PUG matches do.
5. No warning for new people as explained.
iLLcapitan, on 01 December 2015 - 03:21 AM, said:
Imagine people in publicqueue ranting about the publicqueue - ridonculous.
But this does happen such as all those times someone dies first and complains why the other 11 did not save his bacon, sometimes but not always a valid complaint.
pwnface, on 01 December 2015 - 03:51 PM, said:
Funny story, I was solo dropping in CW and had this guy (must have been a kid) making ridiculous calls over VOIP. I spot him shooting LRMs into a rock wall and proceed to ignore everything he says and play my match. End of match, this guy has literally 1 damage out of 4 mechs. How is that even possible? Someone accidentally walked into just 1 of his LRMs?
I still want to know how someone can get 1 kill and 0 damage, seen it.

Flamers? MGs?