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The Victim Card And You..

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#81 Ihasa


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Posted 29 November 2015 - 07:50 AM

View PostKrellshand, on 29 November 2015 - 02:23 AM, said:

And we have to accept that this is written in stone and will never ever ever change?

Well, that would be a first in video gaming history. Right now, from Steiner faction, there are 340 ppl playing CW/waiting in queue. 340 Ppl at SUNDAY and NOON with an active EVENT.

Thats pathetic

So, either they make some changes, or they accept that this is the niche of a niche, which then takes a bit to much work to maintain I guess.

I mean, come on, ppl are complaining here constantly about those pug vs premade thing. For months and it just not stops. This is not going away

PUG Planets would allow everyone to play the mode without much hurt, suckering in the ppl who dig the whole "unit" thing and let the rest drool in their solo rambo pugs. Would not hurt anybody, except some pathetic sealclubbers.

And not, syncdropping is not an issue if you can only play on the pug planets if you are not on a faction list - those syncdroppers left to still do it are the hopeless cases, and there are not much of those

People all over the world complain about pug v premade in every friggin game that has it. Guess what? Those games are still going and pugs are still doing their best to give good fights against premades. Well, most pugs anyway; certainly not the likes of you that turns tail and runs to the forums at the slightest bit of discomfort and perceived victimization.

#82 vandalhooch


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Posted 29 November 2015 - 10:34 AM

View PostKrellshand, on 29 November 2015 - 02:23 AM, said:

And we have to accept that this is written in stone and will never ever ever change?

No, but you might have to accept that for the moment Faction Play is going to be centered around units and the larger groups of units called factions.


Well, that would be a first in video gaming history. Right now, from Steiner faction, there are 340 ppl playing CW/waiting in queue. 340 Ppl at SUNDAY and NOON with an active EVENT.

Thats pathetic

So, either they make some changes, or they accept that this is the niche of a niche, which then takes a bit to much work to maintain I guess.

Faction Play phase 3 is scheduled for release in early 2016.

You'll be pleased to hear that Faction Play will now include a pop-up warning players that Faction Play is hard mode and that new/solo players are likely to face much better opponents than they are used to.


I mean, come on, ppl are complaining here constantly about those pug vs premade thing. For months and it just not stops. This is not going away

You're telling me that entitled brats will continue to blame their poor choices on others? Sadly I agree.


PUG Planets would allow everyone to play the mode without much hurt, suckering in the ppl who dig the whole "unit" thing and let the rest drool in their solo rambo pugs. Would not hurt anybody, except some pathetic sealclubbers.

And not, syncdropping is not an issue if you can only play on the pug planets if you are not on a faction list - those syncdroppers left to still do it are the hopeless cases, and there are not much of those

You want to exclude the players who most like Faction Play from playing Faction Play? Yeah, I don't foresee that backfiring on PGI at all.

#83 Krellshand


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Posted 30 November 2015 - 06:54 AM

Who is excluding anyone?

Thats the interesting part, with one or two planets, that are more like training grounds or "try it out" modes the center of attention is still on units, you are the ones fighting over the star map, conquering planets etc.

No one wants to exclude units. Or are you afraid there might be no one playing the unit mode anymore?

So,no. I dont see that backfiring in any possible way.

#84 vandalhooch


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 12:34 AM

View PostKrellshand, on 30 November 2015 - 06:54 AM, said:

Who is excluding anyone?

You wanted a planet that would not allow anyone with a unit tag to drop on it. You want to exclude members of units from playing a portion of the game.


Thats the interesting part, with one or two planets, that are more like training grounds or "try it out" modes the center of attention is still on units, you are the ones fighting over the star map, conquering planets etc.

Why does it need to be a planet? Why not just add it to the Quick Play options? Or do you realize that telling players they will fight a Faction Play match but not receive any Faction Loyalty rewards might mean no one but you will be interested in the option?


No one wants to exclude units.

You already said that you did. Or, are you going to allow Faction Play veterans with unit tags to drop (possibly sync-dropping) in your mode? Will your matchmaker attempt to create opposing teams of players with similar PSR's? Will your matchmaker require that all members of a team be from the same faction? Can clan players drop with IS players? Can a single player bring a mixed deck of clan and IS tech? Do you have the slightest clue how much coding and debugging your request will really entail? And all so that some players can play a mode they already have access to but will give them fewer rewards. But their oh so special snowflake egos might remain intact . . . maybe.


Or are you afraid there might be no one playing the unit mode anymore?

The general lack of interest in Faction Play is that the experience is not immersive enough. It needs to be more realistic and more complex to retain the interest of players. Your suggestion takes what we already have and makes it less immersive. Definitely not a good long term strategy for MWO as a whole.

But ditch the longevity of this game as long as YOU have an opportunity to farm 2K damage from PUGs without risking be farmed yourself.


So,no. I dont see that backfiring in any possible way.

Because you aren't very bright.

Edited by vandalhooch, 01 December 2015 - 12:35 AM.

#85 iLLcapitan


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 03:21 AM

Would be nice to get more litte things to improve immersion. Even the small flavour texts for the planets they just added really contributea little bit of it. Please more of that.

Again, a seperation of the CW community is just a fix o' syndroms, not the real issue. Plus it will increase waiting times for all involved. Furthermore, nothing beats the feeling of a victory over some premade with your fellow pugs.

CW needs a better introduction, especially the gamemodes and general tips for the approach of each.

The rest is up to the individual player. If you enjoy it fine, if not - don't rant on it in ingame chat.
It's freaking insane, especially during events.

Imagine people in publicqueue ranting about the publicqueue - ridonculous.

Edited by iLLcapitan, 01 December 2015 - 03:27 AM.

#86 pwnface


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 03:51 PM

Some people enjoy the challenge of dropping solo in Community Warfare, I don't think they should be denied that by splitting up solo/group CW. I find that the people that complain about PUG vs groups the most in CW are often the ones that aren't really contributing to their team winning (200-400 damage across 4 mechs or dying early).

Funny story, I was solo dropping in CW and had this guy (must have been a kid) making ridiculous calls over VOIP. I spot him shooting LRMs into a rock wall and proceed to ignore everything he says and play my match. End of match, this guy has literally 1 damage out of 4 mechs. How is that even possible? Someone accidentally walked into just 1 of his LRMs?

#87 ThisOneDiesALot


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 05:57 PM

View PostLeiska, on 25 November 2015 - 06:43 PM, said:

Premades don't win with coordination, they win primarily with raw piloting talent.

View PostAresye Kerensky, on 26 November 2015 - 01:59 AM, said:

Methinks you and many others just want those sweet, sweet rewards, CBills, and LP bonuses, yet you don't want to put forth the effort to actually earn them. You don't care if you take terrible mechs, or refuse to work as a team. All you care is that your team wins the match so your meager 500 damage game nets you a decent payout and extra CBill/LP bonuses. You don't care that your sub-optimal performance contributes to your team's eventual loss
A not very good player doing their best may cost the match and therefore the planet, but they did their best, and they walk away from the match with better knowledge, and strive to work more with the team in future matches.

View PostW A R K H A N, on 25 November 2015 - 02:42 PM, said:

I usually PUG CW these days. Most of my Unit Hates CW. Like the OP my VoIP has just stopped working for some reason. Most games are against premades and most are stomps, but I continue to grind to Galaxy Commander.

Lets be honest though it can get really frustrating when every game I put up around 2k damage even on the worst of stomps and like 8 players on the team are way below 1k. DC's...AFK's have a major impact as well...Trial mechs and loadouts inappropriate for the map / mode. New players, players who have no idea what they are doing...there is a lot of frustration to be found in CW puglandia. After a while these things will frustrate anyone. The complaints are just the symptoms.

As long as I get my loyalty points though. It will not disrupt my Chi Posted Image

^^ this, this and this!!! 3x the essence of players who actually got it. this is how everyone should see such a pug vs. premade occurance. honestly, i'm someone who had to understand it first myself. i used to quit when queued up as pug vs. premade or being kinda salty on team chat when the pugs were losing. if you ever experienced me during that phase: I'M DEEPLY SORRY! I HAD NO IDEA!

let's get up some facts:

1. if you click that "attack" or "defense" button it is possible to be queued up against a premade 2 - 12 man --> complaining about it won't change that you are in that match. SO DO THE BEST OUT OF IT
2. just because there is a premade on the other side, doesn't mean everything is doomed --> i experienced everything. from 48-12 rofl stomps to 12man being stomped BY PUGS (i won't tell any unit names. but probably you ran into them also and was surprised of the outcome as well)
3. just because there is a premade on the other side, doesn't mean you can't perform well --> i'm doing top dmg almost EVERY TIME i drop in CW. and especially when i pug. hell, a lot of the time i'm the MATCH MVP. means having top dmg, top kills and top score compared to EVERYBODY in the match. even on the enemy team. even AGAINST PREMADES.
4. dedicated pugs who just know what they do can be devestating to a lot of enemies, including premades --> this goes out to CLAN JADE FALCON PUGS. YOU GUYS ARE JUST ******* AWESOME! I even got my CJF Rank 20 with you! we weren't even coordinating on TS. we just KNEW WHAT TO DO. AND WE DID IT!

now let's get these facts with the things the quoted guys said:
piloting skills have a very deep inpact on your performance -- even in CW, even in CW pugs vs. premade. i had to realize it for myself. but now i see how well i can perform even against premades with light rushes or steam rushes. it always comes down to your own skills as well as adapting to situation. when they steam rush, fall back and shoot. when they light rush, keep calm, get on legs and so on...

you feel like this is too much about bragging of myself? ok, take W A R K H A N. i know him from CW drops. i don't think we ever met on a TS or something. i know this guys purely from CW drops. i recognize him over and over again. in every match. not because of his name (well, because of that as well) but because HE IS DOING **** OUT THERE. i see him performing well when he is on the enemy team. even if the odds are completly against them. and then i ask myself: why are there only 2 or 3 guys on the enemy team hitting around 2000 dmg? well, the answer is so simple: they are the ONLY GUYS with skills on that side!

so, if you are not doing 1000 dmg in CW its nothing about pugs vs premade or whatever. its absolutely about YOU. yes, i'm sorry to tell you. but it is the awful truth: YOU SUCK. that's why you doing 250 dmg with 4 mechs while a teammate on your losing team is killing 15 mechs and dealing 3000. its because he knows how to play and you DONT. and you know what? its perfectly OK! If you don't want to get better, fine. i won't bother you. i won't tell you what to do because you feel fine the way you are playing right now. and you don't want to actually get to the league of the guys who are capable. its perfectly fine. BUT THEN FFS DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT !!!!

Edited by ThisOneDiesALot, 01 December 2015 - 06:05 PM.

#88 Ssamout


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 09:41 PM

View PostThisOneDiesALot, on 01 December 2015 - 05:57 PM, said:

^^ this, this and this!!! 3x the essence of players who actually got it. this is how everyone should see such a pug vs. premade occurance.

so, if you are not doing 1000 dmg in CW its nothing about pugs vs premade or whatever. its absolutely about YOU. yes, i'm sorry to tell you. but it is the awful truth: YOU SUCK. that's why you doing 250 dmg with 4 mechs while a teammate on your losing team is killing 15 mechs and dealing 3000. its because he knows how to play and you DONT. and you know what? its perfectly OK! If you don't want to get better, fine. i won't bother you. i won't tell you what to do because you feel fine the way you are playing right now. and you don't want to actually get to the league of the guys who are capable. its perfectly fine. BUT THEN FFS DONT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT !!!!

This was brought up in last January or something like that, when thee whining first started. Until there is a filter to keep skittles away (like tier 3 or better..), players should recognize this by them selves and act accordingly.

I've had some awesome cw matches lately, 40-48 matches like few in a row even, and when looking at scoreboard I can see that 1k damage all around.

#89 Krellshand


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 05:53 AM

I ll just let others talk gir a moment, maybe your memory starts clicking in - ahhh, well, see the other thread

View Postvandalhooch, on 01 December 2015 - 12:34 AM, said:

But ditch the longevity of this game as long as YOU have an opportunity to farm 2K damage from PUGs without risking be farmed yourself.

View Postvocifer, on 29 November 2015 - 05:33 PM, said:

That's a very nice job, sir! Thanks for sharing this data.

From my experience in dropping unit/solo ^ IS/Clans, I think I can add some statements:

1. Your damage score is higher against more skilled players, who can torso twist and not letting you pop them by just coring ct only.

2. You do less damage when your teammates are high skilled. If all team is at same skill level, the damage spread is even, and if you're alone among t5-s you get all the cookies.

So, can I farm my teammates pls? Oh no, there were some with more damage than me, they would farm me.... better fight the skilled enemy then (also pugs).....

Logic. Another one of your skills that seem to be lacking. The list grows up quite fast I recon..

View PostThisOneDiesALot, on 01 December 2015 - 05:57 PM, said:

TL: Dr

Who are you talking to?? Read the thread/posts so far? Or just assuming thats the point of the discussion?

View Postpwnface, on 01 December 2015 - 03:51 PM, said:

Some people enjoy the challenge of dropping solo in Community Warfare, I don't think they should be denied that by splitting up solo/group CW. I find that the people that complain about PUG vs groups the most in CW are often the ones that aren't really contributing to their team winning (200-400 damage across 4 mechs or dying early).

Funny story, I was solo dropping in CW and had this guy (must have been a kid) making ridiculous calls over VOIP. I spot him shooting LRMs into a rock wall and proceed to ignore everything he says and play my match. End of match, this guy has literally 1 damage out of 4 mechs. How is that even possible? Someone accidentally walked into just 1 of his LRMs?

Fair point.
But not everyone does.And best of my matches were pugs vs pugs, loss or win. Beating a premade is fine, but then you know those guys sucked.

And regarding faction rewards.... I guess wo really cares about some mechbays and cbills is already fighting in a unit. Rest will be fine not getting any.

View Postvandalhooch, on 25 November 2015 - 03:07 PM, said:

Because you aren't very bright.

That statement came to your mind when you where brushing your teeth in morning and had to look in the mirror, didn´t it?



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Posted 02 December 2015 - 06:27 AM

The new (paraphrasing here) "GTFO n00bs" message for faction play validates me as a human being.

#91 ThisOneDiesALot


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Posted 02 December 2015 - 08:39 AM

View PostLORD ORION, on 02 December 2015 - 06:27 AM, said:

The new (paraphrasing here) "GTFO n00bs" message for faction play validates me as a human being.

this is so not gonna work at all :D this will be hillarious. half of the guys will just ignore the msg and click it away instantly. and then asking themselves "oh wait, did i miss something important? .... nah -- it would appear again if this would be the case" ... and then they will meet their doom :D
the other half will just belive it can't be THAT bad... and then they will meet... yeah, exactly :D

#92 Lily from animove


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 05:21 AM

View Postvandalhooch, on 25 November 2015 - 10:39 AM, said:

Nothing like insulting real victims of violence by equating their experiences with some moronic gamer who got his ego bruised by having his head handed to him by a better team.

The experience may not be compareable, but the entire mechanic behind IS COMPAREABLE.

There is a reason why many moms tell their kids to be at home before night and not to go alone. It's not the victims fault to get violated, yet when you do something to aid a situation from being created it is kinda also your doing that led to what happened. That does nto change the victim from being the victim, but it is definately true thta the victim has part in this series of events that happened.

And thats the same in MWO and other games as well as in RL. People constantly do things contrary common sense and what others told them, just to ignore it and then wonder why something bad happened. Why is it that some people think they are special enough to act like this? Most of the drama is caused by people doing the wrong actions caused by wrong decisions against common sense and knowledge. Just WHY? Thats the definition of irresponsible.

View PostW A R K H A N, on 25 November 2015 - 02:42 PM, said:

As long as I get my loyalty points though. It will not disrupt my Chi Posted Image

This, go to pugland and expect the worst, be happy with eveything not being the worst.

Edited by Lily from animove, 03 December 2015 - 05:24 AM.

#93 Wildstreak


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 07:38 AM

I didn't know this was the Gladiator topic, all this, "1v1, come at me bro!"
Oh wait, that belongs here and has been tried in other topics over years.

As someone who has PUGed CW, I do criticize some Teams though they deserve it. The way they go about certain issues does not solve problems in any way, shape or form. Their mentality is very limited and they are not 100% perfect at problem solving. There are certain issues about PUGs in CW that need to be addressed but the posts by a portion of 'team-oriented' people are not the answer. PUGs can beat and have good matches with Teams also. Sometime later today I will provide proof along with other things I noticed in CW, got some things to do soon.

View PostLeone, on 23 November 2015 - 07:39 PM, said:

It's mechwarriors like you that made the Jade Falcons the best faction to Pug CW with. Ah the good ole days of unit stomping with pugs.

Still happens, just less so due to smaller amount of players.

View PostTriordinant, on 25 November 2015 - 10:54 AM, said:

It's been almost a year now so it should be clear that CW ought to be a separate "cage" where premade comp units can have a "cage match" against each other. Everyone else should stay out and let them have it. Otherwise you're just providing them with an opportunity to farm. Wise up people.

If comp teams want a 'cage match,' they have Private Match available, they don't need CW just for them.

View PostKahnWongFuChung, on 25 November 2015 - 03:51 PM, said:

Let me tell you friend I have played PUG I have played in 2-8 man groups in CW and it was fun right up until we hit 12 man premade teams with there cheese builds and ROFL STOMP attitudes and the games lasted 90% of the time under 5 minutes total.

There is a small number of comp teams that have the ROFL STOMP attitude. There are also a small number of PUGs that have it. So it is more of a Player Attitude issue than 'all teams do it.'

View PostAresye Kerensky, on 26 November 2015 - 01:59 AM, said:

Excuse my saltiness, but if solo players don't care about fighting for planets, and they just want to play the game, then...


There's only three reasons a solo player would be playing CW:
1. They want the rewards.
2. They want to play a respawn-ish game mode on different maps.
3. They want to fight for planets.

Because there is no warning/tutorial about what CW is so they join without knowing. I had one in a PUG yesterday, right after we dropped and were moving into defensive positions, one guy on Team Chat says he doesn't know what he is doing and just got the game yesterday. Felt bad for him, told him after the match to try Quick Play and come to the Forums to learn about CW before trying it again.
Honestly, there needs a fix for new people and CW, finally after 3 years we have a decent tutorial for just playing.

There are other reasons to solo CW.
4. They want less of some things teams in Quick Play PUG matches do.
5. No warning for new people as explained.

View PostiLLcapitan, on 01 December 2015 - 03:21 AM, said:

Imagine people in publicqueue ranting about the publicqueue - ridonculous.

But this does happen such as all those times someone dies first and complains why the other 11 did not save his bacon, sometimes but not always a valid complaint. Posted Image

View Postpwnface, on 01 December 2015 - 03:51 PM, said:

Funny story, I was solo dropping in CW and had this guy (must have been a kid) making ridiculous calls over VOIP. I spot him shooting LRMs into a rock wall and proceed to ignore everything he says and play my match. End of match, this guy has literally 1 damage out of 4 mechs. How is that even possible? Someone accidentally walked into just 1 of his LRMs?

I still want to know how someone can get 1 kill and 0 damage, seen it. Posted Image Flamers? MGs?

#94 ThisOneDiesALot


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 08:14 AM

View PostWildstreak, on 03 December 2015 - 07:38 AM, said:

5. No warning for new people as explained.

that's not true. they built in an awesome in-game pop-up that shows up first time you click on faction play. it's a long text with a "ok" button that after clicking you never gonna see again. so basically i guess it is already exactly that happened that i already explained a few entries earlier. ppl just click it away without realizing the content or if this pop-up is in any kind important. (yes it is and not forgiving the "click away" mentality to leave the noobs clueless is really good interface design. but what do i know? designing interfaces is just my profession as interaction designer with several years of experience, so i better shut up.)

#95 demoyn


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 04:14 PM

View PostBashfulsalamander, on 23 November 2015 - 01:28 PM, said:

I have seen a PUG team beat a premade team.. one that even tried to camp in their spawn zone... You know who you are... Davion scum...

There's a difference between a PUG and a Davion premade? You sure can't tell by in-game skill.

#96 pwnface


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 04:44 PM

View PostKrellshand, on 02 December 2015 - 05:53 AM, said:

Fair point.
But not everyone does.And best of my matches were pugs vs pugs, loss or win. Beating a premade is fine, but then you know those guys sucked.

This is not necessarily true as it comes down to your RNGesus for who you get as your PUGs. If you have a bunch of no-name skittles, it's unlike you will beat even mediocre teams. If I get even 2 or 3 players that I recognize as legit elite players, I'm confident that we can give even decent CW units a run for their money. If you get 3-4 guys capable of pulling 3k damage in a CW drop, it's not too hard to crush an organized, decent team who doesn't have elite pilots.

View Postdemoyn, on 03 December 2015 - 04:14 PM, said:

There's a difference between a PUG and a Davion premade? You sure can't tell by in-game skill.

Most Davion units that play CW are about as good as an average PUG team. 22AL can put up a decent fight though.

#97 Wildstreak


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Posted 03 December 2015 - 08:41 PM

View PostThisOneDiesALot, on 03 December 2015 - 08:14 AM, said:

that's not true. they built in an awesome in-game pop-up that shows up first time you click on faction play. it's a long text with a "ok" button that after clicking you never gonna see again. so basically i guess it is already exactly that happened that i already explained a few entries earlier. ppl just click it away without realizing the content or if this pop-up is in any kind important. (yes it is and not forgiving the "click away" mentality to leave the noobs clueless is really good interface design. but what do i know? designing interfaces is just my profession as interaction designer with several years of experience, so i better shut up.)

And yet after the patch, I still ran across new people to MWO who went into CW clearly seeing the pop-up but there they were including the guys who chatted he just got the game and had no clue what to do (actually said that).

#98 Inkarnus


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:29 AM

I dont really believe that wildstreak iam more of the opinion that some if not all "newbies" (in my eyes Alt Multiboxes) in CW are at this points grinding Mechbays or are there to hinder the enemy. Since there behaviour wasnt even normal just hazardeous and toxic. Like 11 man tells the pug repeatedly not to engage via Voip or Tchat and he still runs stupid into fire thats not explanaible. Except you set the person as disabled or braindamged but then he couldnt pilot the Mech, which he could flawless including using its advantages perfectly and torsotwist, giving away he was a veteran. Its mostly pure griefing via altaccounts to ensure an EASY victory for the opposition sadly the report function works so well sarcasm.
This behaviour is too visible in the Solo que.
3 things would stop this
NO ACCOUNTS with a playtime less then 100h
Need to have spent 100K GXP
and boom this BS would stop alot in Faction warfare. Since not every guy would be able to keep up with
his banned accounts as it is now just recreate a troll acount and right jump into CW and ruin it for your non friends.

Edited by Inkarnus, 04 December 2015 - 04:37 AM.

#99 Ssamout


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:35 AM

View PostInkarnus, on 04 December 2015 - 04:29 AM, said:

I dont really believe that wildstreak iam more of the opinion that some if not all "newbies" (in my eyes Alt Multiboxes) in CW are at this points grinding Mechbays or are there to hinder the enemy. Since there behaviour wasnt even normal just hazardeous and toxic. Like 11 man tells the pug repeatedly not to engage via Voip or Tchat and he still runs stupid into fire thats not explanaible. Except you set the person as disabled or braindamged but then he couldnt pilot the Mech, which he could flawless including using its advantages perfectly and torsotwist, giving away he was a veteran, so its pure griefing via altaccounts to ensure an EASY victory for the opposition. This behaviour is too visible in the Solo que.

Few months ago there was hacking everywhere you looked. Now its alt accounts everygame.

I gotta make a bigger tinfoil hat for tukayiid.

#100 LordNothing


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 04:53 AM

all my friends are cats!

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