Bishop Steiner, on 28 November 2015 - 12:02 PM, said:
I have seldom found that true. People who are apathetic, or happy seldom post. People who are pissed, do. If the legions were so unhappy, we should be seeing even more posts. Not the same double handful of posters.
Or Bishop,
We just don't see the point in bringing it up anymore.
I'm not a white knight, and I'm not a PGI hater. But speaking for myself, I *hate* the new voting system. I'd much rather (as would most I think-my opinion anyway), just go back to the way it was where you could manually check off whatever modes you wanted to play and let it ride. If you want to check off all 3 modes, f-n great, have at it. If there's a particular mode, or 2 that you cannot stand, you could uncheck them. If that meant a bit longer match search time... who f-n cares?
But this crap pile "voting" system we have now is exactly that. A crap pile. Since I know PGI could care less about my opinions on the game in general, and mode selection in particular, I'm left to use the only means of communications I have left.
My wallet is slammed shut. And it will remain so, likely permanently, by the way it looks now.
Maybe PGI will come to their senses, and maybe they won't. I can't understand how after the eruption the last time they pulled this stunt, that someone in their front office thought this would be a good idea.
So not everyone who is remaining (mostly) quiet isn't pissed off. I may not be a "whale" by PGI's standards, but I do have just over $1200 in this game.
Not one penny more from me now.