Gas Guzzler, on 25 January 2016 - 11:36 AM, said:
You make them good for trading at long range. The LPL is good for short to mid range and offers outstanding damage per heat and short duration.
PPCs give you less damage per heat, but excellent trading capability.
Keep in mind, we never had good PPCs with 3 LPLs (no ghost heat) at 11 dmg each for 7 heat. The LPL buffs came after the PPC nerfs. That's why I don't think PPCs all of a sudden become godlike with their velocity restored. Lasers are higher damage, lower heat. PPCs are snap shot trading FLD. You balance them around those two uses.
Except that trades are more about damage given vs damage received and the ability to snapshot and avoid return fire trumps the higher potential damage. If you're hitting accurately at range with PPCs vs LPLs or ERLLs you're making those LPLs and ERLLs largely worthless for trades unless you push up to eliminate cover. 2LPLs, 3LPL, 6 MLS, doesn't matter. If I let you stay at range you're hitting me for 20+ pts on single locations and I'm only peeling a handful off points off in a spread location. A higher relative rate of fire doesn't mean anything if you're in cover between shots. It just means you're hull down longer with PPCs.
So you force a rush and effectively eliminate lasers for trades - which is what we used to have. With having lasers as trade weapons you force a certain amount of face-time on exchanges which leaves all weapons, even LRMs, a bit more viable. If I can trade with 0.25 or less exposure I'm going to win all trades against someone with lasers. The only time that isn't the case is when I can't accurately trade within a narrow pop-up window... in which case we're back to lasers.
I'm concerned that what you're talking about is just trying to balance PPCs on heat and cooldown and such which the reality of them is exactly what created issues with PPFLD vs DoT originally.
I'd be happy to play with it on the PTS, be happy to say 'whoops, my bad, I'm wrong, let's do it'. No issue with being wrong - not like that hasn't happened before.
What I absolutely do not trust is PGI rolling a change like that to live, finding out that actually it borks balance pretty badly and that PGI won't then wait a year to 18 months to change it and that change will be crap and it'll be another 6 months after that to get something useful.
I think you'll find that just a velocity change won't be enough. Not unless it's a big one - at which point you've created other issues. Trades with no real exposure are the trump card. They are why high mounts are so much better than low mounts and why ECM on a sniper is good. Trades are less about heat and cooldown than they are doing more damage than you take.