Livewyr, on 08 February 2016 - 08:54 PM, said:
At the time, 3PV was the doom of the game... (as seems to be your position regarding a cone of fire.)
1: Ohai Tort, long time no see.
2: I would argue that Ghost Heat affects the core part of the game.
3: There are so many games that work that way. (WoT, for one... WoWS for another...Warthunder for a 3rd)
4: The system he is proposing has player manipulated RNG limits.
Sit perfectly still in lower heat = Pretty much what we have now.
Start trying to be The Chosen One + Optimus Prime + The Human Torch and your aim is going to be off.
People only thought 3PV was going to be the doom of the game before PGI released all the details. Once people saw that it put you at more of a disadvantage than anything, and PGI explained how it was important to helping new players understand the separation of legs and torso(something us MechWarrior fans tend to take for granted), the only people left shouting doom were the typical forum doomsayers.
Many competitive gamers, including myself and many others here, dislike the games you listed for exactly this reason, among others. It's not fun dealing with an RNG when you should be using skill, especially in a game where location damage is so critical. Contrary to what some of the slander people in here are slinging says, competitive players compete for personal enjoyment, and tend to care above all else for the health, balance, and competitive integrity of the games they play, as they are key to how they enjoy playing the game.
Making these elements dependent on player action only causes additional problems. If you think the number of hiding puggies is bad now, how do you think they'll respond when they learn that moving randomizes their aim, and stopping can take 2 full seconds or so? How are competitive teams going to respond when they learn that pushing gives their whole team an accuracy debuff against dug in enemies who get to keep their pinpoint? How are you going to keep light mechs from going under 5% of the queue in that environment? How are you going to counteract the horrible pinpoint camping meta that results, where shoulder mounted long range pinpoint is the only thing that makes sense, while short range and small arms are completely useless?
Every way I look at this, it only makes the problems it's trying to fix worse, while dampening the skill cap for no reason. It's a dangerous acceptance of mechanics from other shooters based on the fact that they were monetarily successful, without bothering to consider just how different it functions in an environment where you're a foot soldier who can stop and turn on a dime, as opposed to a lumbering war machine. I've probably read a hundred different ideas on it by now, and all I can conclude is that MWO is not a game that plays nice with CoF, period.