Livewyr, on 10 February 2016 - 08:17 AM, said:
I think it would cripple jumpsniping because of the CoF generated by a jump. (Keep in mind, I think of Jump sniping at 800m+ shots while falling after a jump.)
Jumpshooting would be less effected as I stated earlier.
I think that would be something for the "R" button. If someone has "R" toggled on your target, then while jumpsniping, your reticule would bloom 75% less, allowing for at least some degree of accuracy. Obviously, the entire point of a "CoF' is to ensure you dont achieve a 100% hit rate.
I think the reticule jitter needs to go away anyway, it barely makes sense....
I think a CoF system should be integrated into the R button and TCs. Improved TCs reducing CoF bloom by 2x its class rating. IE: TC 7 gives a 14% reduction in Bloom, and so on down the line.
Then, there could be maybe a "skill" tree upgrade that reduces CoF by 2.5% from the get go.
Maybe some mechs, like a Warhawk, could have an innate CoF bloom reduction of 2.5%.
Then, to really give validity to the "R" button, when you are essentially "hipfiring" an enemy, you get a 25% increase to CoF bloom, making it actually alot more difficult to hit targets at mid-long range, but if someone hits R, then you get an instant 15% bonus to CoF bloom. When someone is Tagged or NARC'd, you get a 5% for TAG and a 10% for NARC.
Ultimately, I personally wouldnt make CoF much worse then a hipfired SMG in Planetside 2, but it would be enough to deviate long range shots, and also large alphas.
Basically, if you wanted to "Alpha", that would be best used up close, basically as a spray and pray system, kinda like using a shotgun in a FPS, but for more precision at longer distances, you "ADS", or press R and chain fire your weapons, to keep the bloom down, basically in FPS terms "Burst fire" your weaponry.
In addition, I would add heat penalties to CoF, like 25% heat you see a 2.5% hit to CoF, at 50%, a 5%, 75% heat is a 10% penalty and 90% is a 15% penalty, basically giving some validity to heat management. Take a breather, play slower, use tactics, teamwork and coordination. Fire discipline, heat management, group tactics.....