Gas Guzzler, on 09 February 2016 - 03:03 PM, said:
B-b-b-but projectile convergence as you describe was completely ignored when people whined of PPFLD alpha strikes. At least lasers usually turn out to be "graffiti scrawls". I'm not making that phrase up, people used to say that when I would argue against nerfing PPCs back in the day. Now, lasers are no skill EZ mode. Its amazing how the forumites change their opinions.
Hadn't been here that time, more's the pity. But again, if that - that the ballistics do not converge and it does not break the game, the ballistics and such - gone unnoticed, so what's the problem for the small CoF other that 'we want to kill mech via hitting that fin'?
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 09 February 2016 - 03:06 PM, said:
Ummmm, no it doesn't, it is part of the mech, if you want a more comprehensive hitbox model, sure I'm down for that, even though the game could not handle that, but don't try and say it doesn't make sense that the head of an Atlas is part of the mech. Now if we are talking about silly things like the upcoming Rifleman and his big brother Jagermech which both have 'spoilers' yes, those should not count as part of the mech, that is actually silly.
First. While the rules and mech models are this it's a legal tactics. Sure. As any other usage in this set of rules. As in any game or situation we are using the rulse (and abusing them). And those 'spoilers' and 'anntennas' and 'fins' should not count but should be shootable through, they should not count as shields.
Second. Shooting of the Atlas 'hill-top' that counts as Mech component... well, there is long way to the 'true the the letter of the law' vs 'true to the spirit of the law'. I'm not sure I want to get down that alley right now. But...
Third. If that is silly that JM6's spoiler counts as a part of a Mech, then why are you against CoF that will make it less fruitful to shoot there? Or it is more to the point of shooting that pixel of a hand that you see aroung the conner? Isn't it the same grazing shot?
But anywayl, sad thing I remember, that when MW was first announced (as a single player so on) I've read through a discussion on our local forum on how 'they' are going to implement the reaction of different types of armor to a different modes of LBX shot under different conditions. To the point of cracks in armor pannels (and thus the laser chances), loosennings and ricochet chances. Well, overoptimistic it was. People prefer to hope or, more precisely, predict changes using their own ideas and thoughts (often very selfcontradictory) rather than logic.
But to the point. In this case... we have destructible trees and lamp posts. Can we have destructible antennae, fins and other 'decorations' (hope they will later count as modules/tools/radar housings) and ams specificaly. Anyway, more than 7 components. Much more. Some critical, some less critical. (that window in the armor sliced from the Atlas' 'hill-top' should count like another cockpit?)
Edit: typos
Edited by pyrocomp, 09 February 2016 - 03:32 PM.