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Occupied city (Roleplaying-story telling)

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#181 guardian wolf


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Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:06 AM

Draco saw the blips on his radar, all tangos, all Dracs, he figured that if he ran, they would try to kill him, if he didn't reinforcements would arrive soon. He saw a Jenner cut a corner and fire four lasers, looked like mediums. Draco took aim and returned with a PPC, and strafed left, dumb firing his SRM rack. Then he saw the Firestarter, as it fired its flamers, he started to see his heat spike. Draco fired his MGs at the Firestarter, and charged up his other PPC. He took aim and fired as the firestarter jumped from the top of the building to the street below, and he managed to catch one of it's legs at the top of the arc. When it landed, the leg groaned under the weight, and then collapsed, leaving the mech helpless. Draco let it be, and returned his attention to the Jenner, which was gone. Draco turned his radar passive and moved down the street, and then he heard a voice come over the comms.

"Unidentified hostile mech, power down,"

Draco ignored the command and kept going along the street.

"Hostile mech power down NOW, we have you outnumbered and outgunned, so what will it be mercenary scum? A slow
and painful death, or a quick and painless one, that is for you to decide,"

Draco shouted back through his comms, broadcasting on all channels.

"Why don't you come and get me you Draconis scum, I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!!"

And then Draco saw the Jenner fire a volley of missiles from the top of another building. Draco's AMS got most of them, but still missed a few, and he thought he could feel the armor falling from his front end. Draco charged both PPCs and fired, both bolts of man made lightning slamming into the side of the Jenner, causing it's ammo to go critical, and with it the Mech. Then Draco pinged his active radar, and saw that multiple contacts were moving in his direction. He started his mech to a full sprint. He got about six blocks when the stinger cut around the corner to the next one. Draco Alpha'd quickly, destroyed it, and kept running. Then he noticed the buildings were giving off dust. And looked up. An urban mech was following close behind him on the rooftops. Draco fired his SRM racks into the buildings ahead, and the urban mech jumped from the side of the street to the other, running across the rooftops like it was nothing. Draco stopped quickly as possible and watched as the Urban mech flew past him, and then came to a stop. Draco then fired both of his PPCs and one smacked into the rooftop, and the other slammed into the Urban mech.The Urban mech slowed down as it walked across the roof from the PPC hit, and then, the building gave in. The urban mech fell to the ground in a cloud of dust. Draco fired his MGs into the cloud, and unloaded the last of his SRM ammo into it as well. He watched the cloud clear, and saw the Urban Mech had been crushed by the building. Draco turned to face the rest of his attackers. He figured he would just as well make his last stand, here.

Edited by guardian wolf, 27 January 2012 - 11:07 AM.

#182 csvelemental


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Posted 27 January 2012 - 10:49 PM

44 years old
Nickname: Elemental
Blonde Hair Green Eyes
Muscular, Hand to hand Combat and weapons teacher capturedby forces on arrival JF forces originally circled his wrist with a bondsman cord after he personally crippled an Uller battlemech with a satchel charge to the knee.
Former Infantry Platoon Sergeant with the Barcelona Militia, Works as cargo handler/ and laborer, disgruntled and a seething hatred for JF occupying forces. Could never quite adopt the clan way as his own. His family, wife and four daughters escaped and current whereabouts are unknown.

#183 guardian wolf


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Posted 30 January 2012 - 10:19 AM

Draco checked his radar, clean. He looked at the wreckage in front of him, two more fire starters, another stinger, a wasp, along with other light mechs. His cockpit felt like an oven, it burned to breath. Steam was rising from both of his PPCs, the rain cooling them off just a little faster than normal. Draco checked his ammo, all gone, MGs, SRMs, all gone, all he had left were those PPCs. He began to walk up the street, not really going anywhere, but just walking. Then Draco saw a huge explosion, like an ammo dump just went up. He put his mech into a full sprint towards it. He slowed as he saw that Drac units were all around the area. He went passive, and decided against going there and continued along away from the site. He saw a huge ruin of a stadium. Draco about turned his mech away from it, when he noticed something on the top of the stadium. A chunk of wall was missing, like someone took an AC20 to it. How odd, Draco moved his mech closer to investigate. He looked for an opening, but there was none. Determined, Draco looked for the most inconspicuous spot to make one. He found it, it was between to buildings that connected to the stadium, looked like a recreation center. Draco maneuvered so he was in between both buildings and brought his mech to a run. He fired both PPCs to weaken the section of wall, and rammed it with the Warhammer. The wall gave under the Warhammer, but Draco knew he had lost what little precious armor he had left on the Warhammer to get through. Draco then saw a wreckage heap in the middle of the field. It looked like the remains of a Star League Behemoth, and boy was it tore up. Draco immediately looked for his emergency survival kit and pulled out its medical contents. He looked for a spot to cover the hatch so water wouldn't get inside the battlemech, but, couldn't find one. So he figured he would just be quick as possible and let the PPCs evaporate anything that got inside the cockpit. Draco slung his AR over his shoulder, and, medkit in hand, opened the hatch. Draco closed it quickly as soon as he got outside, and started down the etched rungs built into his mech for long term recon missions. He jumped the last four, and started to sprint over to the behemoth. Draco found the hatch to the cockpit, and noticed that the dorsal turret was currently protecting it from rain. Thank God... Draco thought, he opened the hatch, and saw the most rugged, torn up man he had ever seen. Draco acted fast and began to pull him out of the cockpit, and looked for a spot to do immediate triage before going inside. He drug the pilot over to one of the arms, and began to work. He checked his pulse, it was faint, but it was there. Draco took note of the amount of bleeding in the man's stomach area, and started with that.
"Clench your teeth pal, this is going to hurt,"
Draco said that more to ease himself that to the unconscious man. He felt around inside the wound and found several pieces of metal dug in deep. Draco pulled them out, one by one, and began to wrap the wound in bandage from his kit. Draco checked the pulse again, and it was fading. Draco took out a syringe with adrenaline in it, bit the cap off, and stuck it into the man's arm. With that the man awoke, and started screaming.
"Hey, shut up, I know it hurts, but the worst is over now. I don't want you dying on me, nor do I want you to attract every Drac on the planet with that hollerin, now here, bite on this,"
Draco handed the pilot a piece of thick cloth, and he took it between his teeth as told. Draco took a bottle of disinfectant, and refilled the syringe with it. He then stabbed it into the tourniquet, and the pilot visibly winced in pain. Draco looked him over for other serious wounds, but saw none.
"Alright pal, let's get you inside,"
Draco put the pilot's arm over his shoulder and carried him toward the stadium doors. His next step would be to get as many of those blood packets into this guy as quickly as possible, as he would need it with the amount of blood loss he had suffered. Draco set him down on the bench and then set the IV, the pilot looked like he was mouthing a question, and Draco leaned in to hear it.
"Who... are... you?"
"I'm a friend pal, and no need to worry, I'll get you patched up,"
"Why... why help me?"
"Because now we are kind of in the same boat, so maybe one day, you could return the favor,"
Draco then looked around for a drink machine. He found a vending machine at the end of the hallway, and broke the door off with a piece of metal he found on the floor. Draco then grabbed all the water and soda in the machine he could find and came back to his friend. Draco held up a bottle of water for him to sip at, and waited for the night to end.

#184 Sloth901


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Posted 30 January 2012 - 01:58 PM

Will awoke with rain splashing on his face. He stood still dazed. He checked his surroundings, He was still in the city as he leant against a lampost to steady himself he remembered what had happened. Frisking all his pockets he found the memory unit in his left trouser pocket, Thank god he took the label off or the Federated Suns probably would have done anything to get there hands on a new mech, esspecialy in the current climate. Will needed to find shelter fast. He made his way down the street , well what was left of it. Most of the buildings where boarded up or burnt down. As he turned a corner he saw it. A Warhammer. Breaking through a stadium wall about 500 metres away. Will had failed to notice its footseps as he recovered from the gas. Not knowing the area Will knew the stadium was his best bet. If a mechwarrior thinks its a good hiding spot he wasnt going to argue. He approached the stadium as quickly as he dared and entered through the gaping hole the Warhamer made. Crouched Will aproaced the Warhammer which was stopped over a downed Behemoth he approached the Warhammer hoping to find the pilot as a shot hit the dirt in front of him. Will turned to confront this new threat.

#185 guardian wolf


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 07:33 AM

Draco looked up from his rifle, he saw someone heading this way, he had decided to get a little fresh air after treating the pilot, still he had no idea where he had come from, but he was a bit tore up, and Draco felt he had done his best to treat him. He would have to come back inside after a few minutes to check on his new "friend". Draco took aim at the person, and fired a shot from his AR at his feet. The man turned around quickly, looking right at him. Draco stood so he was visible, and visibly showed his AR by placing the butt of the rifle on his hip. He then started to walk down the stairs to the man's position. He was going to have to see what he knew, and what he was doing out here.

#186 Sloth901


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 07:38 AM

Sh*t Will thought as he saw the guy behind him,
he raised his hands to his head and approached the man, He would have stood a fighting chance if he hadnt lost his pistol in the sewer.
All he could do is surrender and hope this guy was on his side.
Just in case hes a drac i should lie about my name. After all im a businessman im no stranger to lying

"Im unarmed my name is David Harvey. Id love to ask your name but your the one with the gun.And I take it the Warhammer is yours, the pilot of that mech, would be a bit more beaten up looking at the state of it.

anyway im not here to cause trouble, just to ask for help."

Hell if he was a drac he would have shut me up sooner but im still taking no chances.

Edited by Sloth901, 02 February 2012 - 01:30 AM.

#187 guardian wolf


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 08:43 AM

View PostSloth901, on 01 February 2012 - 07:38 AM, said:

"Im unarmed my name is David Harvey. Id love to ask your name but your the one with the gun.And I take it the Warhammer is yours, the behemoth pilot would be a bit more beaten up looking at the state of his mech.

anyway im not here to cause trouble, just to ask for help."

So, he isn't a Drac scout, but, he sure looked a bit on the rougher edges. Draco motioned to the set of doors with his AR.

"Okay, David, let's head on inside."

The man made a motion to open the door, and hold it open. Draco pointed at the rock next to the door.
"Use that to keep it open,"
The man just nodded, and after he was done with the task, he walked inside. Draco kicked the rock away as he moved through the door. Draco then pointed at the bench next to the other mech pilot he had saved.
"Now, tell me your story,"

Edited by guardian wolf, 01 February 2012 - 12:04 PM.

#188 RogueSpear


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Posted 01 February 2012 - 04:08 PM

OOC: Just to point out, at the time period of this RP, noone nonclan will have seen a Behemoth, so it'd be very rare that anyone in the IS would recognise one. I have a full backstory I'll elaborate on for how I have one.

Spear woke with a start. Grimacing at the pain in his belly, he found it bandaged neatly, though they were already red around the shrapnel wound. His new friend had been working on patching him up as best he could, when apparently he'd had passed out again. Abruptly he became aware of conversation stopping, and the subtle feel of his pistol, knife and clips no longer being in their holsters. Looking around he saw the medic who'd been working on him...holding an assault rifle onehanded and pointing at a confused looking young guy with a rough edge to him, who he couldn't help but notice was seated just next to himself.
At least his 'friend' had patched him together. The blood pack still strapped to his wrist and the short sleep had him in a much better, far more coherent state, though he still needed a lot more of both and proper surgery to fix up his internal wounds. Slowly and carefully he eased himself onto his elbows. The medic guy raised his free arm slightly, hand open and down in an easily recognisable gesture to take it easy.
Okay, wants me intact. Probably not a Drac then. So why am I sitting next to whoever he's pointing that rifle at?
Suddenly he noticed the patch on the man's sleeve, and what he was wearing.
Wait, that's a Wolf's Dragoon logo, and a cooling vest he has under that jacket. This guy's a Dragoon Mechwarrior! Did the Davion's hire them too? What's a mechwarrior doing here like this? His head swam. I need a reference point.
"I'm a little sleep deprived and low on blood, and I have no idea how long I'll stay conscious, so forgive my bluntness." He rasped. "I've been out of contact since - for three days when I took a cockpit shot and my comms went out. I've just woken in obviously tense circumstances." He looked at the Dragoon. "You saved my life, but you have me in the same place as a guy you're holding a gun on and you've stripped my weapons. Why?"
The Dragoon straightened slightly. "If you remember from earlier, I said we're kind of in the same boat. Your gear is on the table," He nodded at it, just out of arm's length from Spear's bench, but his side of the room. "You're obviously a...merc from your 'Mech," The Dragoon lingered barely on the word 'Merc', just enough for Spear and the other guy to pick up on, "So I'm assuming you're not with the Combine since they don't use them much or on favourable terms. You're obviously pretty torn up, as is your 'Mech, I'm guessing you were wandering blind, so you're probably just as on your own here as I am." Seeing Spear's frown he elaborated "Our dropship was trashed in orbit by aerospace units. We had to do an emergency hotdrop from a long way up. I figured if I could fix you up, we can work together. Quiaff?"
Spear blinked at the unfamiliar word, made a guess. "Eh, Quiaff, sure. Em, and who's this?" He nodded at the young man.
The boy's familiar features settled their confused and cautious look slight as he returned to more familiar territory. "I'm David Harvey."
"He's there with you because that's where the other bench was." The Dragoon grinned. "I'm Draco."
"Riiight." Spear looked down at his belly, took a deep breath and looked back up at his saviour. "Draco, what the f*ck is a Dragoon Mechwarrior doing on the ground, leaving his 'Mech Blake knows where, patching up downed pilots and taking a man barely more than a boy hostage" Spear pointed one hand at the boy, "who looks the spit of that magnificent b*st*rd what'sisname Andor from the Vulkaneers and whose name I'll be damned if it's David f*cking Harvey," Spear was starting to shake and stutter, "and who hopefully has more painkillers and knows where a surgeon is." Finally finishing his tirade, Spear allowed the note of pain that had infected his voice raise enough that the last few words were nearly a gasp as he slumped back onto the bench.

#189 Sloth901


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 01:29 AM

OOC: I now dont know of the Behemoth B)

Great now my covers blown he knew my uncle...
Will turned to Draco who was visably annoyed thjat he had lied.
"Ok I lied, Now I Know your friendly though I can stop lying. Im Will Andor, My Uncle owns the Vulkaneers mercenary unit. I need your help to find his Rifleman." He reached into his pocket and Draco raised his gun again. Will stopped, "ok should have thought that through. Its a memory unit in my pocket i need a computor to access it to find the location of the mech. As for a surgeon my best friend is a doctor, He lives about a mile away in the suburbs. Hes no surgeon but he may be able to do something for him."
"I'm gonna take out the memory unit." Will slowly raised his hand. As it left his pocket he heard Draco sigh with relief and lower his weapon

" Now ive got a question for you, What is that mech outside by the Warhammer?"

#190 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 09:00 AM

View PostRogueSpear, on 01 February 2012 - 04:08 PM, said:

"I'm a little sleep deprived and low on blood, and I have no idea how long I'll stay conscious, so forgive my bluntness." He rasped. "I've been out of contact since - for three days when I took a cockpit shot and my comms went out. I've just woken in obviously tense circumstances." He looked at the Dragoon. "You saved my life, but you have me in the same place as a guy you're holding a gun on and you've stripped my weapons. Why?"
The Dragoon straightened slightly. "If you remember from earlier, I said we're kind of in the same boat. Your gear is on the table," He nodded at it, just out of arm's length from Spear's bench, but his side of the room. "You're obviously a...merc from your 'Mech," The Dragoon lingered barely on the word 'Merc', just enough for Spear and the other guy to pick up on, "So I'm assuming you're not with the Combine since they don't use them much or on favourable terms. You're obviously pretty torn up, as is your 'Mech, I'm guessing you were wandering blind, so you're probably just as on your own here as I am." Seeing Spear's frown he elaborated "Our dropship was trashed in orbit by aerospace units. We had to do an emergency hotdrop from a long way up. I figured if I could fix you up, we can work together. Quiaff?"
Spear blinked at the unfamiliar word, made a guess. "Eh, Quiaff, sure. Em, and who's this?" He nodded at the young man.
The boy's familiar features settled their confused and cautious look slight as he returned to more familiar territory. "I'm David Harvey."
"He's there with you because that's where the other bench was." The Dragoon grinned. "I'm Draco."
"Riiight." Spear looked down at his belly, took a deep breath and looked back up at his saviour. "Draco, what the f*ck is a Dragoon Mechwarrior doing on the ground, leaving his 'Mech Blake knows where, patching up downed pilots and taking a man barely more than a boy hostage" Spear pointed one hand at the boy, "who looks the spit of that magnificent b*st*rd what'sisname Andor from the Vulkaneers and whose name I'll be damned if it's David f*cking Harvey," Spear was starting to shake and stutter, "and who hopefully has more painkillers and knows where a surgeon is." Finally finishing his tirade, Spear allowed the note of pain that had infected his voice raise enough that the last few words were nearly a gasp as he slumped back onto the bench.

View PostSloth901, on 02 February 2012 - 01:29 AM, said:

OOC: I now dont know of the Behemoth B)

Great now my covers blown he knew my uncle...
Will turned to Draco who was visably annoyed thjat he had lied.
"Ok I lied, Now I Know your friendly though I can stop lying. Im Will Andor, My Uncle owns the Vulkaneers mercenary unit. I need your help to find his Rifleman." He reached into his pocket and Draco raised his gun again. Will stopped, "ok should have thought that through. Its a memory unit in my pocket i need a computor to access it to find the location of the mech. As for a surgeon my best friend is a doctor, He lives about a mile away in the suburbs. Hes no surgeon but he may be able to do something for him."
"I'm gonna take out the memory unit." Will slowly raised his hand. As it left his pocket he heard Draco sigh with relief and lower his weapon

" Now ive got a question for you, What is that mech outside by the Warhammer?"

"Easy pal, don't want you dying on me yet, and you" Draco looked at them man now named Will, "Hand that data disk over, and put on another blood pack for him. And to answer your first question, it's a Behemoth, I've seen only one of its kind before, and am really surprised to see one now, as when I last saw one, it was in that bad of shape, and could hardly move. So we'll ask our friend here how he got it, and as for that memory unit, I'll see what I can do," Draco had told them a half truth, as he had seen one like that, but he had also seen another, fully working, and in better condition then that one, along with different markings.
Draco lowered his Assualt Rifle and was about to turn and head out through the door, then stopped.
"Hey kid, you know how to shoot a real gun,"
Draco sensed a front of false confidence, seems like this kid had hardly, if ever seen combat. Oh well, hopefully he can shoot straight. Draco tossed him the AR, and he caught it awkwardly. Draco pointed over to the other pilot's service pistol, and knife on the table.
"Give him back his gun, I'm going to check the cockpit for supplies, and grab my other one. And remember, I don't need a gun to kill you,"
Draco drew out his throwing knife, and headed outside. He first went up into his Warhammer cockpit, and grabbed his SMG, and extra clips. Then he scrambled down, and went to go check the cockpit of the Behemoth. He found another field medical kit, and a light machine gun, with a 50 or so round drum magazine inside. He found 11 more clips on a bandolir, and he started to look around to see if any of the computer's still worked. One of them flickered to life, and he plugged in the memory unit. It was not compatible, and the computer rejected the memory unit. Draco walked back inside loaded up with the gear. He found that his wounded friend was now sitting, instead of laying down, and the that he had his pistol back where it was before Draco had stripped him of it. Will on the other hand was sitting down, the rifle across his lap, and he just stared at it. Draco knew this rag tag bunch was going to have to be his team, until maybe he could find one of the escape pods of the Wolf Fang, he hoped that at least corporal Johnson had survived, he was an actual medic, and probably still had his kit with him, a full surgeon kit, and he was one of the best battlefield medics he had ever seen. Draco had to keep the group moving, and he would leave the Warhammer here, as no one would use it most likely, unless the Dracs got a hold of it. He'd already made sure that the booby trap was online, if anyone tried to start it without going through the correct start up sequence, the reactor was set to go nova. With that he looked down at his still wounded friend and tossed him another bottle of water, keeping him hydrated would help him replace a lot of that lost blood.
"So, why don't you tell me where you got that Behemoth, pal. And please, don't try to lie to me, we've got enough problems as it is,"
He saw Will reach towards the pocket that the memory unit was in. It was sticking out of it Draco noticed, he waited for Will to get inches away from it, and then leveled the SMG at his face.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. When I'm done hearing his story, I'm going to hear yours, so let's have it okay,"

Edited by guardian wolf, 02 February 2012 - 09:03 AM.

#191 RogueSpear


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 10:28 AM

OOC: You forgot the field survival pack ;)

"Heyheyhey! No touching my gun!" Spear swung his arms wildly at Draco and Will quickly put a hand on his chest.
"He's a little lucid. I think I gave him too much painkiller."
"My gun!"
"He calls himself Spear by the way."
"Sagood name. My gun! Noone touches my gun! 'Smine!"
Draco hesitated. "Spear, I am not giving you a light machine gun when you're like this."
Spear gave him a slightly glassy eyed look of exasperation. "Already got a pistol, not shooting anyone with that, or stabbing spleens with my knife. I'm wounded, drugged and crazy not wounded, drugged, crazy an' stupid. Now gimme!" Spear started to push himself off the bench.
Draco rushed forward. "Hey hey hey. Sit! If you want the gun...just...ugh this is a really bad idea." He let Spear swipe the gun and hug it to his chest.
"You want to know where I got the Behemoth? Can't tell you." Spear grinned. "Few reasons. One, I don't know. Two, you wouldn't know, probably, and three, we all promised not to, even the Big Craig's wee boy. Call the place Griffon Base though. Very scenic in springtime, you should...uh...probably not visit actually. What the hell do you use for painkillers? Is this what stoned feels like?"
Draco blinked. "Yeah Will, you definitely gave him too much painkiller."

Edited by RogueSpear, 02 February 2012 - 10:29 AM.

#192 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 01:09 PM

"Will go check in the office area for a computer, I'm going to have a chat with our, friend," Draco gave a leave look, as he looked at the man who called himself Spear. He knew he had about ten minutes for the painkiller to wear off. But he also knew that though those painkillers in the med kit were good, they also had neutralizers, in case of overdose, and he intended to use them. Draco got out a syringe, and gave "Spear" a hit of the neutralizer.
"Hey, what the-- AHHH,"
"There, now you will speak, or this will continue,"
"Speak of what?"
"Where did you get that Behemoth?"
"Can't tell you, we swore we'd never tell,"
"You owe me your life, not to mention..." Draco gave him a swift crack to the leg, "if you do not talk, I'll just have to make you,"
Spear was barely containing the amount of pain he was in right now. Draco didn't want to have to do this, but he had to know, not for his personal interest, but he had to be able to know he didn't have to worry about being discovered.
"So, what will it be... merc,"
"Your a drac aren't you,"
"Then explain why I kept you alive, treated you, went to great lengths to make sure that you will survive. We need to stick together, and I have to know I can trust you, we all have to know. None of this will work if we're all expecting a knife to the back, so, you spill you story, I will spill mine,"
Draco looked at him really hard, it was a gamble, but it was going to be a chance he would have to take.

Edited by guardian wolf, 02 February 2012 - 01:10 PM.

#193 Sloth901


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 03:05 PM

Will walked down the corridor hearing screaming from where he had just come from.
Painkillers must have worn off he thought to himself as he entered an office room. In the corner there was a computor similar to his uncles. Inserting the memory unit Will typed in a password. 1st try, Paul you make things to easy for me. A list appeared on the monitor, he scrolled to the date of the invasion. The mech was due for a paintjob in a warehouse around a mile from the Vulkaneers Headquarters. Will had the adress all he needed to do now was beat the combine to it. He grabbed a pen and scrawled the coordinates of the warehouse on the back of his hand. The memory unit ejected into Wills hand and he broke into a run down the corridor "Ive found it" he exclaimed as he turned the corner to the others.

#194 RogueSpear


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 03:35 PM

Spear abruptly headbutted the Dragoon, sending him reeling, and racked the slide on the LMG he still held close to his chest.
"Pay attention real fast. This thing kills LAVs so you damn well better believe it'll kill you. First rule of diplomacy Dragoon? Don't attempt to torture the man you're trying to befriend, regardless of what favours you've done for him. As for torture, you're too much of a naive honest fool for that job. I'm holding a light frigging machine gun. I was doped on painkillers, you neutralized them and then attempted to torture me without disarming me. The hell were you thinking Dragoon? Did you turn on your brain even once? GET A F*CKING GRIP MERCENARY. You want us to watch your back? Way you're acting you can't even watch your own skin, nevermind ours. Like hell I'm carrying around the most worthless Dragoon to ever disgrace the name 'mercenary'." He sighed in disgust. "I wasn't done telling my story, Draco. You had some patience, you wouldn't be standing there with a machine gun pointed at your belly. You tell your damn story and why you're so eager to know where I got my 'Mech, and you stay where you are or I will drill you. I like what I hear I'll finish telling mine, and we go and figure out if we can work together. But you get a f*cking grip or I will kill you, so you don't get me or the kid killed. Paul Andor saved my life in Barcelona so I owe him keeping his nephew alive. You are the bottom of my list, even if you did save me."

#195 guardian wolf


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 10:22 AM

View PostRogueSpear, on 02 February 2012 - 03:35 PM, said:

Spear abruptly headbutted the Dragoon, sending him reeling, and racked the slide on the LMG he still held close to his chest.
"Pay attention real fast. This thing kills LAVs so you damn well better believe it'll kill you. First rule of diplomacy Dragoon? Don't attempt to torture the man you're trying to befriend, regardless of what favours you've done for him. As for torture, you're too much of a naive honest fool for that job. I'm holding a light frigging machine gun. I was doped on painkillers, you neutralized them and then attempted to torture me without disarming me. The hell were you thinking Dragoon? Did you turn on your brain even once? GET A F*CKING GRIP MERCENARY. You want us to watch your back? Way you're acting you can't even watch your own skin, nevermind ours. Like hell I'm carrying around the most worthless Dragoon to ever disgrace the name 'mercenary'." He sighed in disgust. "I wasn't done telling my story, Draco. You had some patience, you wouldn't be standing there with a machine gun pointed at your belly. You tell your damn story and why you're so eager to know where I got my 'Mech, and you stay where you are or I will drill you. I like what I hear I'll finish telling mine, and we go and figure out if we can work together. But you get a f*cking grip or I will kill you, so you don't get me or the kid killed. Paul Andor saved my life in Barcelona so I owe him keeping his nephew alive. You are the bottom of my list, even if you did save me."

Draco didn't expect such a quick response from this merc. He stood slowly, and noted the distance, it was one meter, he could cross it almost instantly and have this guy disarmed in seconds, but he also knew that this guy was on edge, hell we all were. Now is not the time to make enemies he thought to himself. He saw that Will was coming back, and looked at the merc, he was still wounded, but kerensky did he look full of vigor.
"We'll finish this later," Draco said, and nodded in the direction of the Will. The merc, Spear, grunted in anger, but lowered his weapon.
"What did you find?"
"I've got an adress to another battlemech., a Rifleman,"
Draco thought about it for a moment, the Rifleman would be a formidable opponent, they would need more firepower, especially since Spear was starting to heal up that they could actually use him.
"Well then, where is it, and is that surgeon friend of yours still here, as I'm sure that Spear could use some proper medical treatment other than the average field triage,"
Will nodded,
"Yes, so when should we leave?"
"As soon as Spear can walk, or are you able to now?"
Draco knew that getting Spear to a doc, and getting this kid his battlemech was going to be hard, but he hoped that maybe his plan could go smooth without a hitch for once. Then Spear spoke up,
"Hey, where's that field survival kit I had, would've sworn it was in my cockpit,"
Draco realized he must have missed it when he looked through the Behemoth. He saw Spear stand, slowly, but he did, and looked like he was going to head out with him. Draco held up his hand as a motion of stay, and glanced noticeably at Will, and it seemed that Spear got the message, because he nodded, and sat back down.
Draco headed outside in the rain, and proceeded to search the Behemoth for the kit. He found it, and strapped it to his back. He walked back in, and the kid was trying to aim the Assault Rifle. Will swung it around as he walked in, and Draco supposing it was a beginner's mistake, rushed forward, and stopped it before it was pointed at him.
"So, Mr. Spear, shall we proceed to get you your doctor,"
"Let's just go smart ***,"
Draco started to laugh, but silenced himself as soon as he started, an headed for the door.

#196 RogueSpear


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 11:33 AM

"Hey, where's that field survival kit I had? Would've sworn it was in my cockpit." He swung himself off the bench.
Draco raised a hand again. "Huh? Must have missed it. I'll be right back." He left the room.
"Alright Andor, you know how to pilot that Rifleman?"
"Yeah sure. I don't have much experience but I can pilot. Uncle Paul said I'm pretty good."
"Paul Andor said that? Then I'm impressed. He's a pretty decent pilot himself. Listen, you get me to that surgeon and get me patched up enough, and I'll see you out of the hands of the Dracs. Your uncle saved my *** on Barcelona, a few years back, got hit by raiders. I owe him one. Only, I'm not much use bleeding out from a belly wound. Once your guy patches me up, I'll keep you safe until your uncle comes back or I fly you offworld to him. Seem fair?"
"No, deal. My uncle's stuck in a contract with the Free World's League and i aint leaving untill every last Drac is dead or gone for burning down my home and the Vulkaneer HQ."
"Hmm. Interesting attitude. Alright, what do you say to a position in my company, when we find them? We're stuck in a contract here, and assuming we still stand above our combat loss grouping, that holds. No implicit responsibility to stay on, we'll keep you fed and warm, As for cash, you'll need to talk to my finance officer but we should be able to have you pulling a wage, but we might just have your wage be refit and rearm of your mech."
"Untill the liberation of Bonette, Deal."

"OR until your uncle get's back. Just in case. You know how to use that rifle?"
"Yeah, I was trained by Paul in all forms of combat." Will cocked the weapon and turned to the doorway, just as Draco walked back through. The Dragoon quickly sidestepped into the room and swiftly but gently pushed the rifle away from him.
Maybe not completely useless then.
"So, Mr. Spear, shall we proceed to get you your doctor?"
Mr. Spear my ***.
"Let's just go smart****."
The Dragoon started to laugh but quickly cut himself off and coughed, motioning for the door.
"Wait wait wait. Draco, you planning on coming with us? We can't leave the 'Mechs here unguarded."

#197 Sloth901


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:21 PM

OOC:Im afraid none of those mechs would be here. This RP thread is based in 3039 in a Draconis Combine invasion of a Federated Suns planet

#198 Orcinus


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:34 PM

((You mean the occupation following the Draconis Combine invasion of a Federated Suns planet
Brenden's posts on the first page of this thread should help with the details))

#199 RogueSpear


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:16 PM

OOC: I take it Patrio's post was in error?

#200 guardian wolf


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 07:28 AM

"Your Behemoth is trashed, and my Warhammer without a good refit bay is scrap. Not to mention if someone get's in it and they mess up the voice recognition, and actual activation code, it will detonate in 5 seconds, so they'd be sitting in a nuclear warhead, that sound good enough,"
Spear seemed to still dislike the idea, but he shrugged and accepted it. Draco checked the clip on his SMG by relfex, and proceeded to move to the end of the hallway, which had a door outside that lead into the street. Draco looked around and motioned all clear, and started to move forward. He checked behind him thirty seconds later, and found no one. Frustrated, he walked back to the door, and found the two still there.
"Come on, are we going or what?" Draco hissed.
Will shrugged "Was that a follow me? I don't understand,"
"Just come on,"
Draco realized that he shouldn't rely on them when a firefight would ensue, as they apparently had no prior infantry training. He still remembered the days in the Wolf Den, where they taught him how to fight and survive in a city, with only a knife, and med kit. The drill instructor's words still reverberated through his head, NEVER, assume anything, there is the enemy everywhere. Draco moved up the street, and checked for tangos. It was clear, he looked back and waved for them to move up.
"Alright Will, where is this Doctor of yours?" Draco asked
"Two blocks north, and one more to the east," Will shakily replied
"Alright, Will, stay with Spear, I'm going to check out the area ahead, I will motion for you follow when it's clear,"
"Alright, where you going," Will asked
Draco turned around, and moved up the street. He found the first alley, and turned into it. First thing was first, he had to clear the rooftops. Draco found a door, and leaned in to listen for activity on the other side. Hearing none, Draco stood, and kicked it in, rushing in to clear the room. It was an apartment building, so he found the stairs easy enough. Draco climbed flight after flight, taking his time so as not to tire himself out, but also to make sure he wouldn't be ambushed. Draco made it to the top door, and opened it. Draco stepped onto the roof, and looked across to see there was someone there. He strained to see through the drizzle, and then saw the barrel of a long rifle. Draco dived for the edge of the roof, taking cover behind the railing. He slowly edged up to take a peek at who it was, and still saw the person. The rifle was moving, and Draco drew out his knife.
Never waste ammo, when your blade will do the same job as your gun.
Draco stood at the edge of the building and then leaped across the alley, about three feet. The sniper turned around, and swung his gun to get a bead on Draco. He had almost brought it around when Draco had grabbed the barrel, and punched the sniper. The sniper fell backwards and Draco still had the sniper rifle. Draco dropped it and approached the sniper. The sniper jumped to his feet, and raised his fists, and Draco threw a punch first. The sniper caught it, and raised his elbow to break Draco's arm. Draco then spun around, with his elbow tucked in to bring more momentum, he ripped his hand out of the man's grip, and drove his elbow into his face. The sniper staggered back a few steps and then rushed forward, with his right arm raised for a punch to the jaw. Draco deflected the punch, and then stabbed with his knife, into the man's gut. And he staggered back a few steps again. He put his hands on the knife, and ripped it out of his stomach. He brandished the knife and began swing it around at Draco. Draco took a step back as he avoided the knife, a second, a third. Finally the sniper swung it overhead to try and bury the knife into Draco's skull. Draco caught the man's wrist, and struggled as the man tried to bring it down into him. Draco watched as the knife slowly lowered down, and he thought quickly about how to finish this. As the knife went just below his head, Draco head butted the man, and he took a few steps back. As he stood back up, Draco hammered his fists into his face, and he dropped the knife. Draco grabbed the knife and threw his left arm across the man, knocking his fists aside, he then stabbed down with the knife, and pierced the sniper's heart.The sniper staggered back, and fell off the edge of the building. Draco looked over and heard the smack as he hit the ground, right in front of Will. Will jumped back and was about to unload when Spear stopped him and looked up. Draco saluted, and picked up the sniper rifle. Looking through the scope, he checked the other rooftops and found no one. Draco headed back down, now knowing that ahead of them was clear.

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