On the other hand... Domination kinda cool. It is what capquest should have been.
When I started this game MWO was still new, and I thought that Conquest was a place holder for a soon to come "realistic game mode". Now after so much time I'm left wondering who in PGI likes this mode so much that its still being nursed along?

This dose not meen that I hate PGI, they are trying hard. Just wish they would get the hint that is given to us by the new voting method. First 6 matches with capquest as an option only 1 match had 1% voting for it the other five were 0% . After 6 matches I played another 10 and of those the few capwarriors had built up enough multiplyer to gain there mode twice (once just barly). Don't believe me PGI, look up my stats...they don't lie. If any players don't believe me just ask PGI to give us a straight vote (no multiplayer) and you will watch capquest die away.

finally proof