Gyrok, on 13 April 2016 - 06:56 PM, said:
Actually, without heat quirks, the ER versions will now run hotter than people are currently used to. Some will do it...probably larger mechs. However, lights and mediums will enjoy the better heat efficiency. Did I mention ALL energy quirks are going away here?
Except for weapon-specific quirks, the highest energy heat generation quirks currently are 25% (only a couple chassis get this), but the majority of 'Mechs are at the 10% mark. That's 3.6 heat, which is a lot closer to 4 than 3. I'm pretty sure that an extra 0.4 heat per laser to get the ER version isn't going to stop many players from trading in immediately. The only 'Mechs that will end up benefiting are the Light 'Mechs, and only the ones that are extremely tight on weight.
See above, no more heat quirks mean the STD lasers will run like they did, the ER versions will be quite a bit warmer.
See above. Heat difference between ML/MPL now and proposed ERML stats is negligible.
you could drop MPLs down to 250m and problem solved there...personally...if you want to nerf them, I am ok with them being more nerfed.
Or we could just leave the ranges alone for literally the same effect.
Except that PGI makes 90% of their money from mechs. Meaning many more options will come into the game.
Weight and crits still prevent the majority of IS 'Mechs from running more than a couple ballistics, even if they have the weapon slots to do so.
5 AC5 MAL is a terror though...and you are still looking at a sustained 17 DPS without jams at all.
17 DPS for all of about 10 seconds, and then it gets cut down to 10 because of heat. On top of that it still has no back-up weapons and only manages to carry 5 tons of ammo (it can carry more if you want to reduce the duration of your maximum and overall sustained DPS). Also it's still ridiculously slow. There's a reason you don't see it outside of competitive matches, and only rarely within them.
What about current IS UAC5s? They are single projectile. You seem to be fine with those.
No, those need a burst-count increase to two shots. There's really no reason to NOT run UAC/5s in place of standard AC/5s, except for tonnage. The potential DPS increase is just too good to pass up most of the time. Literally the only reason I don't personally run them is because RNGesus hates me. If that weren't the case I would probably run them in place of all my AC/5s too.
You clearly did not read my proposal at all if you think I kept IS mostly the same. I even outright buffed the small class laser damage across the board so they could actually see some relevance again.
Talking about structure buffs now. Keep up, it doesn't look good if you lag behind. The 35-40% flat "buff" changes literally nothing for a decent portion of the IS 'Mechs. However, as I mentioned there are a good number which currently DON'T have full-body structure quirks, and it's these ones which will end up with out-of-control durability. I previously mentioned the Griffin, which is already at the very least a decent 'Mech, and it has no structure quirks on its torsos. Other examples include Roflmen (all), Lolcusts (most), Firestarters (all), Enforcers (most), and Stalkers (all).
...You DID remember to factor in the upcoming quirkening 2: electric boogaloo that's happening alongside the resizing, right?
So...if we put a MDD up against say...any quickdraw, or...maybe a grasshopper, or a are completely confident in that outcome?
If the MDD pilot is remotely competent, yes. Such a shame I don't see more of them using
the ballistic arms.
IS is across the board OP right now. The only set of circumstances where they are not involves combat beyond 800m
Counterpoint: Dragons. Victors. The plethora of our other 'Mechs that never or very rarely get used.
If you want proof, look at comp decks.
Counterpoint: "Comp" builds focus on abusing statisitical outliers. BK gets abused? Nerf iLPLs and the BK. Don't buff everything else to be on-par with the BK, because that's how power-creep occurs.
Clearly you did not read it all.
To place of the current system with quirks.
So, what I'm hearing is that you want to reset all 'Mechs
back to their default badness, throw in a bunch of new, mostly completely balance-breaking **** and blanket changes, and then see where the dice fall? And this is supposed to be a step
Exactly, so why not buff small lasers? I have a proposal for making SHS relevant too, but that is buried on reddit, or in the forums here or both
Then buff SLs and SHS, and don't also buff SPLs! Jesus christ, is that so hard to do? It's like you've got a small crack in your wall, and the easy fix would be to go out to the store to get some plaster and paint, but instead you want to tear the whole wall out and put up a new one with nails and glue. You're making it way harder than it needs to be, or has any right to be.