Patch Notes - 1.4.65 - 19-Apr-2016
Posted 20 April 2016 - 10:42 PM
I told you what was going to happen when you went with Steam, that there would be an initial influx of new players from Steam, but the likelihood you would keep even a few after the first couple weeks of play was slim and none, because they're the twitcher population and they don't care to learn this game. There's not enough command in the community to convince them to stay, let alone teach them, so they go back to the next new shiny game, just like several of us said was going to happen.
Damn't, I am getting tired of being right. If you can't build the game the way YOU ORIGINALLY SAID you were going to build it, which is what all Founders originally paid for, if you can't build the game the way YOU SAID IN SEPTEMBER 2013 you were going to build it, and you keep ignoring your larger overall community members, then you may as well close the damn servers, now, and quit. Pull your collective head out of your collective fourth-point-of-contact and begin reading. You need to STOP DEVELOPMENT until you have combed these forums and found out what WE WANT YOU TO DO. Yeah, there are a lot of people who don't agree with a lot of other people over the minutiae, but you're pretty smart folks, and you can glean from the various threads the clarified meanings of what we, as the MWO community, are looking for.
The game's pretty far gone, and many of us acknowledge that, but you might still be able to turn from your backwards ways and actually work to save the game. Thanks for not listening, anyway.
Posted 20 April 2016 - 11:11 PM
Have to have some time to go trough it all, still haven't ead the whole patchnotes.
It has made FW/CW (why the namechange) more fun/active.
2 big point:
- loss of performance by 20-40% everywhere in the game. Mechlab consumed too much anyway, but 42fps, for showing a mechlab?
- ALLOT OF DISCONNECTS from game server (only played FW) , have to try 3-8x to get back in the game
- And if disco, when in the game there is NO VOIP.
- Disco started happening some days before the patch, but has become rlly bad with it.
Edited by Rebel Ace Fryslan, 20 April 2016 - 11:28 PM.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 02:13 AM
Posted 21 April 2016 - 03:19 AM
Scouting missions, I find these very exciting so far. Finding the cookie crums seems a bit trivial and stupid. This part of the game needs to be more object driven with a clear site of where you need to go and retrieve the data. Not stupid datapoints scattered in the map but maybe 2 specific significant points like a shipwreck in Forest marked out in the HUD, if you want it, ya gotta make the effort and get it. If you need to defend it then then organise a defense.
I tried a 12vs12 drop and the waiting time to actually load the map took a ridiculous amount of time (not sure why). We then had the luxury of using a long tom... WTF. How did anyone think this is a good idea. Asides being brutal, it kept recharging?! I thought it was a one off action and felt sorry for the opposition just after the first.
I got hit by one (accident I guess) and instant head cored... ok still alive but daaaaamn. I saw a team mate die from one. At least it's being nerfed so the issue was recognised.
So far all happy for this new patch. I hope this type of work goes into future patches. Nerf's/Buffs should really be assessed carefully. I feel some mechs didnt need nerfs and got hit with the stick. Heros still em back properly so they have purpose (distinction from the other variants).
Posted 21 April 2016 - 05:26 AM
The Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 21 April 2016 - 03:19 AM, said:
Scouting missions, I find these very exciting so far. Finding the cookie crums seems a bit trivial and stupid. This part of the game needs to be more object driven with a clear site of where you need to go and retrieve the data. Not stupid datapoints scattered in the map but maybe 2 specific significant points like a shipwreck in Forest marked out in the HUD, if you want it, ya gotta make the effort and get it. If you need to defend it then then organise a defense.
I tried a 12vs12 drop and the waiting time to actually load the map took a ridiculous amount of time (not sure why). We then had the luxury of using a long tom... WTF. How did anyone think this is a good idea. Asides being brutal, it kept recharging?! I thought it was a one off action and felt sorry for the opposition just after the first.
I got hit by one (accident I guess) and instant head cored... ok still alive but daaaaamn. I saw a team mate die from one. At least it's being nerfed so the issue was recognised.
So far all happy for this new patch. I hope this type of work goes into future patches. Nerf's/Buffs should really be assessed carefully. I feel some mechs didnt need nerfs and got hit with the stick. Heros still em back properly so they have purpose (distinction from the other variants).
Had a battle when 7 died instantly. I find it hilarious when I see enemy mechs get killed because they were too close.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 05:34 AM
Posted 21 April 2016 - 05:59 AM
I've seen many instances where there are defenders hovering right at the extraction point and the dropship doesn't fire a single shot. I don't know if maybe the DS needs to have someone target a mech first or what, but it'd be nice if this got fixed. Many times I'm the last man standing on the attacker team trying to get out and really could have used some covering fire as I made a last second run for the extraction zone against 4 defenders.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 08:09 AM
Mordale, on 19 April 2016 - 04:51 PM, said:
NO,..i will not buy your mechs anymore,.........
Scouting Mode alone is totally worth it. It gets small groups into FW participation in a meaningful way without the dreadful wait times and mental gymnastics of putting a deck together!
I would LOVE to buy some more 'Mechs! Could we get LCT-IICs?
Posted 21 April 2016 - 08:10 AM
The Wolfpack75, on 20 April 2016 - 09:28 AM, said:
I meant free as in you get the more you play... Maybe they will do like colors, some not looking so good free and remaining asking depending on WOW factor.
Maybe we will be able to get a few with events just like they sometimes give colors.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 08:15 PM
What on earth did you think was going to happen to the solo queue when "Freelancers" get literally nothing out of Phase 3 . . . but creating a "Solo Merc Unit" -to enjoy the Reputation Points rewards- then puts you into the Group Queue section?!?
"Call to Arms" is NOT a good reason to keep someone Freelance unless they're still getting something out of it. Add the Reputation Points and their rewards to the Freelance option. That'll encourage people to actually stay in the solo queue instead of making "Solo Merc Units" and then being forced into the Group Queue.
As a pertinent follow-up question . . . Have you been looking at how many solo players are ending up in the Group Queue because of the "Solo Merc Unit" unofficial option?
OR Was it intentional to leave zero rewards for the Freelance or primarily "Solo" players in order to rig the system and ensure that the queue separations would fail in the first place? I mean, the numbers in the group queues can't be that abysmal to rely on all the people who would be creating "Solo Merc Units" -to reap the Reputation rewards- in order to keep the group queue moving, can they?
Edited by Sereglach, 21 April 2016 - 08:15 PM.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 08:53 PM
Sereglach, on 21 April 2016 - 08:15 PM, said:
What on earth did you think was going to happen to the solo queue when "Freelancers" get literally nothing out of Phase 3 . . . but creating a "Solo Merc Unit" -to enjoy the Reputation Points rewards- then puts you into the Group Queue section?!?
Have to agree that 'Freelancer' seems pretty pointless as of now. Solo loyalist is a far better option in terms of rewards and flexibility.
I will be gutted if the queues are combined, as the solo queues FW games I have played have been great. The balance is generally decent in both scouting and invasion games. Playing invasion with Long Tom in play was a joke, but that may changed after the tweak - haven't tried it yet. But Freelancer needs a re-think, or removing. I have seen a few posts from people saying they never get Call to Arms as Freelancer and I wouldn't be surprised if it was putting people off the mode.
Posted 21 April 2016 - 11:00 PM
Posted 22 April 2016 - 12:26 AM
Rebel Ace Fryslan, on 20 April 2016 - 11:11 PM, said:
Have to have some time to go trough it all, still haven't ead the whole patchnotes.
It has made FW/CW (why the namechange) more fun/active.
2 big point:
- loss of performance by 20-40% everywhere in the game. Mechlab consumed too much anyway, but 42fps, for showing a mechlab?
- ALLOT OF DISCONNECTS from game server (only played FW) , have to try 3-8x to get back in the game
- And if disco, when in the game there is NO VOIP.
- Disco started happening some days before the patch, but has become rlly bad with it.
I reported that disconnect from game server in the forum a week ago and got essentially laughed at by other forum members and told it must be my fault, or my ISPs, or my internet connection. Anything and everything but agreeing that PGI is messing up as usual.
Oh and I found an entirely new but amazingly useful for the player base bug... I know its present on quick matches, haven't tried any FW since the hotfix since I'm tired of re-doing my D.D. over and over.
Edited by Dee Eight, 22 April 2016 - 12:33 AM.
Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:58 AM
Are stats from FW now reflected in your general stats?
Posted 22 April 2016 - 08:37 AM
I mean, seriously, I know PGI envisions a world of Units playing Units doing Unit things in a Unit world full of Unit People .... but c'mon... that's not everyone's bag.
This isn't one of those "I hate this, I'm quitting" threads.. far from it.. I love the game, spend wayyyyy too much time and money with it like many of us. Just pointing out a bit of frustration at how a portion of the community is essentially being ram-rodded into the Unit/Faction mold whether we want to or not. *sigh* I sooooo was looking forward to finally getting into FW, and especially those Scout missions. /weep
Edited by Morggo, 22 April 2016 - 08:38 AM.
Posted 22 April 2016 - 10:39 AM
Ninjah, on 22 April 2016 - 09:16 AM, said:
You'll probably eat a mountain of salt when this pile of crap goes down for good, which will be very soon. I hear all is working as intended eh?
I'll be there waiting with my fish n chip's when your doomsday prediction comes true..
In the event of defcon 5, see you soon indeed, but don't hold that side of chips, you could be waiting some time...
But question is, what you doing on forums still if you just uninstalled the game?
Edited by White Bear 84, 22 April 2016 - 10:39 AM.
Posted 22 April 2016 - 01:03 PM
Fobhopper, on 20 April 2016 - 11:09 AM, said:
If you are just creating a merc unit for yourself, there isnt anything you have to mess with at all. You make up a name and a tag, and thats all the work you need to do. You dont have to be a 'unit grade' player to be able to solo drop as a solo merc. If you cant handle having a tag, then stick to freelancing, but understand that you can only fight if a call to arms is requested by a unit that controls a planet. Faction warfare is suppose to be a small commitment, if you dont have the time to commit 30+ minutes for an invasion battle, or 15+ minutes for a scout battle, you have no business playing faction warfare and should stick to quick play (which there is nothing wrong with that). Just like Raiding in WoW, or League of Legends ranked Ladders, YOU need to be able to commit to your team members that you will be there for the whole 20 to 60 minute match that you will be there the entire time. Same goes for FW, you need to be able to commit time to each battle. If you cant commit to FW for quick-play drops, why are you even asking about do FW? Thats like playing WoW, demanding you get Raid level gear, But refusing to commit to the requirement of being in a raid group to get said gear. You either commit to FW in some way (either by making a solo merc unit, or by joining an already active unit) or you dont play FW. This game isn't big enough to cater to every single type of player.
A couple of people have hit hard on the point... I think I'll quote them in here...
Morggo, on 20 April 2016 - 12:53 PM, said:
As a non-unit type player, but playing with a group of 8-10 regular non-unit type players a lot of the "suggestions" handed down by all the unit proponents is rather frustrating. You guys are totally missing our (true solo players) points I’m thinking.
Suggestions like “just create a unit of one and you’re set.” That create several issues.
1. We don’t want a unit tag. This is easily the most frustrating yet simple concept immediately overlooked. So if we don’t want a tag, we don’t get rewards and as a freelancer can only earn xp and cbills? How is that fair compared to phase 2 where our play group could just take a 7 day no questions asked no unit required contract that just expired at the end with no penalties and earn LP?
2. IF we create a unit tag consisting just of ourself, we zip right past the one part of phase 3 that was most interesting… NOT dropping against premades. But by virtue of having a unit tag, even if just me, I now drop in the group/unit queue and I’m no better off avoiding getting smashed.
3. IF the 8 -10 in my play group decide to create a solo unit tag each, we lose the option to ever group up and hop over into the group/unit queue occasionally… unless we all sign up with the same faction at the same time… which we all like different factions…. Sooooo, penalties….
4. IF some of us gave in and say, finally went solo loyalist for example to be allowed to earn loyalty points and rewards… have to break contract, wait out a week cool down, lose a hefty 25% LP’s which have to be re-earned upon returning to that preferred faction just to get back to the point we left of advancing, after 10 drop qualifier period… all to do a few group drops?
There are other scenarios, but all generally end up in the same quandary.
I mean, those that know me on the forums know I’m pretty white knight (okay, maybe a light gray…) about things and I’m definitely still keeping an open mind the next few weeks during the tweaking period to see what shakes out… but I’m definitely agreeing with many of the above Solo/casual players that this initial set of changes most definitely goes beyond overlooking, and jumps straight to outright penalizing our class of players.
I may be mis-interpreting the patch notes and how all this works, so please bring me a bit of hope and correct me where I’m incorrect
Sereglach, on 21 April 2016 - 08:15 PM, said:
What on earth did you think was going to happen to the solo queue when "Freelancers" get literally nothing out of Phase 3 . . . but creating a "Solo Merc Unit" -to enjoy the Reputation Points rewards- then puts you into the Group Queue section?!?
"Call to Arms" is NOT a good reason to keep someone Freelance unless they're still getting something out of it. Add the Reputation Points and their rewards to the Freelance option. That'll encourage people to actually stay in the solo queue instead of making "Solo Merc Units" and then being forced into the Group Queue.
As a pertinent follow-up question . . . Have you been looking at how many solo players are ending up in the Group Queue because of the "Solo Merc Unit" unofficial option?
OR Was it intentional to leave zero rewards for the Freelance or primarily "Solo" players in order to rig the system and ensure that the queue separations would fail in the first place? I mean, the numbers in the group queues can't be that abysmal to rely on all the people who would be creating "Solo Merc Units" -to reap the Reputation rewards- in order to keep the group queue moving, can they?
Morggo, on 22 April 2016 - 08:37 AM, said:
I mean, seriously, I know PGI envisions a world of Units playing Units doing Unit things in a Unit world full of Unit People .... but c'mon... that's not everyone's bag.
This isn't one of those "I hate this, I'm quitting" threads.. far from it.. I love the game, spend wayyyyy too much time and money with it like many of us. Just pointing out a bit of frustration at how a portion of the community is essentially being ram-rodded into the Unit/Faction mold whether we want to or not. *sigh* I sooooo was looking forward to finally getting into FW, and especially those Scout missions. /weep
...and then I'll drop in one extra severe point here. Quite a number of people, while they may like to read the lore and understand it, take offense actively to having it force-shoved down their throats. Not everyone wants to, or even has time to, Role Play and devote 8 hours a day constantly over a year! We're NOT asking to have "Raid-Level gear" already in our hands. We've got the time to go for maybe 1 or 2 full 30-minute matches, and a few 15-minute Quick Play, or we wouldn't have been here in "Beta 1"/"Beta 2" in the first place, and maybe an hour or two to go around playing every little bit. But, thanks to a myriad of reasons including our Real Lives, we don't have the ability to deadlock what path we're on for months on end. That includes getting stuck in the Unit Queue with all those Loyalist Lore Zealots, which is exactly where we were told we could avoid being in the first place! Does everything that a total of three of us took to state here finally sink in and have some meaning to you?!?!? Do you get that we can't commit at the level that Rabid Lore Junkie Zealots do?!?!?
[EDIT:] While it crossed my mind (and caused me to come back and mention it) due to another thread, I'm not looking for MWO to turn into some "Pop Boutique" either! That kind of junk would cause me to leave as well, and is also not a path that MWO should take. Quite frankly, there is a balance that PGI should have followed, and their failure to do so has caused all this discussion and mess in the first place.
Fobhopper, on 20 April 2016 - 11:09 AM, said:
I will agree that they should have split the stats apart from quick play and Faction play. I personally dont care about the separation and care more about my stats with the mechs themselves and my accuracy rating with my weapons. But I can see your point now that I think about more and how people want to compare stats for action play only.
and my reference to truck drivers, you took far too literally without actually thinking of the consequences (which you claimed I failed to do). My dad used to be a truck driver, almost bought himself his own semi until he found out just how incredibly expensive it is to be solo. You have to pay for all of your own fuel, all of your own maintenance (which can easily go into the hundreds of thousands if something like your engine blows up on you), you are at the complete whim of different trucking companies who will **** you out of every dime they can. Being a company driver, driving a company truck nets you a lot of protections that solo drivers do not have to deal with. Being a solo trucker can be more lucrative, but you also foot all the bills yourself. Yeah its not a perfect apples to apples example, but better than any reference you made. So I will jump off my soap box when you are done with being stupid. I mean threatening to quit the game because they didnt split the stats from quick play and faction play? there are far better things to quibble about than that. Bitching about the lack of weapons that should be in the game? Certainly a viable complaint! But harping because they didnt split apart your XML spreadsheet? Thats just being petty.
L A V A, on 22 April 2016 - 03:58 AM, said:
Are stats from FW now reflected in your general stats?
That wasn't the item to cause me to think about quitting, but it adds fuel to the fire. People now have to think twice or more about even entering Faction Warfare, wondering if it's really worth the trouble to endure damage to their one type of stats (Quick Play) because of the other in an unusual manner.
Now, as for...
Fobhopper, on 20 April 2016 - 11:09 AM, said:
I created a merc tag so that I could get the merc rewards before jumping in with a Davion unit to continue my davion career. Considering you lose a massive amount of rep if you leave a faction unit, I might as well work on my merc rewards first. What consequences would I face? The mechwarrior/battletech lore Is full of hundreds of pilots that made a name for themselves as solo pilots, taking contracts as they come.
I got some info on that, and my thanks to the person who apparently wanted to remain silently nameless in my later reply on this forum thread. Apparently you can create and destroy the same 'Unit Name/Tag' as many times as you want/need.
And also, you bring up something that a lot of us solo players are wanting. The ability to earn our reputation as more than just a Solo FreeLancing Mercenary, but also as someone that any Faction can call upon for assistance. This was something that "Beta 2/Phase 2" allowed players to do, and earn at the same time from it, just as long as we didn't go breaking Contracts. Penalizing players a full 25% of Loyalty Points (instead of just 25% since the last time we joined) for leaving a Faction, without giving us a way to set up smaller 28-day (or even 3-month) special LP-earning Contracts if we're unable to do a permanent commitment for any reason, is far beyond too much. People would need potentially full years of time to rack up the needed amounts of LP to safely break a permanent Contract and come back later when they were safely able. Again, here is where the Lore Zealots are force-feeding down our throats rudely and wrongfully. Not everyone is a side-taking, rabid, lunatic, junkie-level Lore Zealot! It's even worse that PGI is bent on making all the Factions look like the French Foreign Legion as to how they behave. Maybe, just maybe, if PGI had only decided to make a player lose merely 10%-15% of the LP that they had earned, would the negative sides of Faction Warfare have been more tolerable. Instead, it's like PGI was trying to push all but the Rabid Lore Junkie Zealots (That's the second time I'm using that phrase... probably would make a great Unit Name, and Tag of "RLJZ" for them!) out of Faction Warfare and cut off more than half of the game's content. In effect, they're killing off MWO in the process, instead of realizing their approach was all wrong. Once again, it pretty much comes down to people having to overthink before going to FW.
Then finally...
White Bear 84, on 22 April 2016 - 10:39 AM, said:
I'll be there waiting with my fish n chip's when your doomsday prediction comes true..
In the event of defcon 5, see you soon indeed, but don't hold that side of chips, you could be waiting some time...
But question is, what you doing on forums still if you just uninstalled the game?
Probably watching to see if MWO (and therefore PGI) will either "right itself" or crumble into dust. As of yesterday, I finally got disillusioned by PGI and the MWO game myself, so I've finally quit as well. Hell, I would have helped do an uninstall here, but two other people are still insane enough to keep on playing with what's now feeling like only half a working game. Unless Contracting Systems akin to "Beta 2" come back from the dead for solo players, and PGI fixes a lot of other mistakes with MWO's interfaces and design, you won't see me in-game either as long as I haven't lost my miserable far-seeing mind. (And yes, I'm having a self-deprecating laugh due to how depressed I'm feeling right now.) MWO has literally been my shortest run as a MechWarrior ever, at less than 5 short months.
~Mr. D. V. "This MechWarrior may as well be Deceased... I won't be treated like a Yo-Yo by idiot Developers anymore." Devnull
[Edit by author due to a missed thought, noted way back above.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 22 April 2016 - 01:18 PM.
Posted 22 April 2016 - 11:32 PM
To prevent any questions - I'm here from every start of game. I play, I go away when things go a little wrong (like too weak catapult, changed gauss, overpowered clan mech and some trouble with IS light mech), and come back when some thing fixed up or changes. And it's normal for any online game. You get tired and see more bad than good. You take a some time off it and soon see more good, than bad. If you really like MechWarrior - you come back eventually. It's a nice game. If you take it like job... I have nothing to say.
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