oldradagast, on 06 May 2016 - 10:47 AM, said:
Point to consider: That happens in REAL LIFE.
Counter point to consider. The Internet is real life. All interactions with other humans are real regardless of the medium of that interaction.
This is a video game on the internet, where it is MUCH harder to read a person's intentions and meaning in what they type.
So, if you automatically interpret a "gg" as "get good" instead of "good game," what does that say about you?
To use the real life comparison, if you just got thrashed in a game of soccer or whatever, and your opponents come up to you and say, with obvious dripping sarcasm, "Good game!" would you be fine with that?
1 - Yes. They are the ones showing poor sportsmanship. It's a reflection on them, not you.
2 - Do you automatically assume it's sarcasm because you lost big?
Would that be sportsmanlike even though the words "good game" were said? Of course not.
On the internet, it is much harder to read what people mean. Sometimes, the "GG" is obviously sincere. Other times, it is obviously sarcastic and rude. Most of the time, it is hard to tell, and people have different tolerance levels for that type of stuff.
You just said it's hard to read what people mean and follow it up with "obviously."
Long story short, you never know how people will interpret what you type over the internet, and even though I remind people of that, I've messed it up myself in the past, too. As for me, I only type "GG" when the game obviously was close just to avoid misunderstanding.
And if your opponents are completely outclassed and the match is not close, but they tried to use effective tactics? Do you ignore their hard work and effort at the game because they might think you're being sarcastic? Why do you let the sportsmanship of others dictate your own?
"GG" it up at the end of a match. Every time. It's the only way to show your own good sportsmanship.