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Kdk3: Please Just Get The Inevitable Nerf Out Of The Way With? **achieved! Thank You Whiners!*

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#981 JigglyMoobs


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 04:12 PM

View PostAerei, on 18 July 2016 - 02:28 PM, said:

Clans got the Kodiak nerfed, but it will still be playable.

IS on the other hand....Blackjack, at least the 1X and 3, are going to be a joke. Marauder didn't need nerfs at all--who asked for them? Warhammer got hit. Quickdraw is getting more nerfs. Catapult. Locust...

The spice must flow, the spice must flow. ...

#982 1453 R


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 04:32 PM

View PostDarth Hotz, on 18 July 2016 - 02:06 PM, said:

OMG, this crap talk. Why are the other Kodiaks dead? They loose agility and gain armour. So how are they dead?

Really, some of you people where just so spoiled by the times of clan easy mode that you forgot how to deal with non easy mode mechs and tend to panic for nothing. Take the current patch and the one before and tell me which side got nerfed more.

Whenever PGI will give the IS an completely overpowered mech and clanners ask to nerf it, shall the answer be "Cant do this, because they might also nerf the other chassis too. So the OP mech has stay for good"?

Nobody was arguing against the KDK-3 getting hit. We all knew it was inevitable. Hell, I'm surprised it didn't get RedQuirked into stupidity, given how much the majority of the Ultracomp Scene wanted it utterly destroyed. Mischief and McGral both were right up there at the forefront, both Names People Listen To, pushing for it to be removed from competitive viability because it's not a Manshee or a Bauller. As were you, come to think of it. So hey - glad ya got what ya wanted!

Removing the vast majority of the mobility of a chassis that generally depended on its above-average mobility to not be free meat for any other reasonably powerful assault 'Mech - across the board, not just on the KDK-3 - and replacing it with utterly ignorable, barely-even-token structure quirks does not really work. The Kodiak is overwhelmingly huge, bigger than the Atlass, and with the sole exception of the KDK-3 (and the Spirit Bear, which is dead because it's now an AS7-S with half the durability, none of the weapon tweaks, and no significant edge in agility outside of its M.A.S.C. being active) they all rely on low-slung, easily-lost arm-mounted weaponry to a greater or less extent. As opposed to high-mounted, tight-in, easily-protected ST sniper cannons, a'la Manshees and Baullers.

I love how this is all "Oh boo hoo no more Clanz OP EZ Mode. Suck it up." Did you ever play the Victor, Darth? The Spirit Bear from a time before Spirit Bears were a thing? It was much the same as the SPirit Bear - abnormally agile for its size, paying for that agility with either inferior firepower or fragility as compared to the 40kph slugabed assault bloatboats 'everyone' wants in that class.

I loved my Victors. They were my first assault chassis, and the only ones I ever really connected properly with. My Warhaws came close, but I still have a special place in my heart for my old Victor memories...before Piranha decided, based on the Player Base's Whims, that anything 80 tons or up had to maneuver with all the spry responsiveness of a beached iceberg no matter what the player did with their configuration. Run a gigantic 385XL in your Victors because you wanted a rampaging 80-ton berserker and were willing to accept the glass jaw that came with it?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE. Piranha says you still move like a Fatlas, no matter what engine you put in your Victor. The chassis never recovered from the VTR Giganerf and has been bottom-rung garbage for years now.

And now we're there with the Kodiaks, too. Every single bloody assault chassis that comes out with any sort of leaning towards Lightning Bruiser instead of all-but-pre-legged gunbag is either garbage out of the gate (Garfayles, failure-of-Executioners) or gets beaten mercilessly into the dirt until it's no longer capable of keeping up with STD-engine mediums, let alone contemporary heavies or assaults (Victurds, Nodiaks, Fattlemasters) because YOU FRIGGIN' PEOPLE CANNOT TOLERATE MOBILE THREATS YOU CAN'T INSTAGIB.

Fine. Message received. Nothing bigger than 65 tons is ever entering my hangar again, because clearly - clearly - Piranha can't be assed to allow for the occasional exception to the Big Slow Guy rule, just to shake things up and provide interesting, different playstyles than otherwise exists in the extremely awful and same-y assault category.

Edited by 1453 R, 18 July 2016 - 04:34 PM.

#983 MischiefSC


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 04:42 PM

View PostCol Jaime Wolf, on 18 July 2016 - 11:37 AM, said:

extreme range - Battlemaster 2C

long range - Grasshopper 5P

medium range - Battlemaster 2C

short range - Griffin 3M

lights - Jenner Oxide

those are the very best mechs for those roles, IS across the board, the Kodiak was a contender for long and medium range but after the 19th im am certain they will fall behind the mechs listed. please note the almost 5/1 ratio the IS has in some categories over clans in terms of options for mechs.


Mind you (if it matters to you at all) Gman is a Lords competitive player, considered one of the very best (if not the best) competitive unit in this game.

this kind of thing is very much a calculated decision IE (speed+agility+tankyness+firepower+hardpoints+quirks)/ton of mech=amount of whoop ***

Only the Kodiak 3 was out of line with the others, there was no reason at all to nerf any other Kodiak.

thank you for correcting me(4/4), once again IS holds 5/5 of the best mechs in class with far far more options in the tier 1 category vs the clans. again you can call this balance if you want but apparently clans aren't allowed to have nice things or even have a single best mech in class.

so again i hope all you whiners are happy you got the ONLY clan assault mech even worth considering nerfed.

GMan is in SJR.

Lords hasn't really been a big part of the comp scene for a couple years - glad to see them back and nobody is going to say they're not exceptional players however they're not the best comp team right now and haven't been for a bit. They're making an incredibly showing in the MWOWC however none of the big 3 have played each other yet (unless I missed it?) so we'll see if they make out better here than they did in MRBC.

Finally that list is more general guidelines. If you watched comp play you'd see that. If you watched the MWOWC matches you'd see that the KDK3 is hands down the best assault for almost every assault role and the Spirit Bear is as good or better than the Atlas in most situations.

Assaults are important because there's a huge amount of overlap in what you do with an Assault in comp play and what you do in pug, group or even FW play.

Heavies are trickier. Most the builds you take on a heavy in comp play would play for **** in pug or even group queue if you're not running group queue in a 12man built to support it. 5 ERLL on a GHR in pug queue is a suicide ride. Overall the TBR is still sharing top slot with the EBJ, losing to the GHR for long range trades. If you round a corner at 200m though the TBR is likely to win the engagement.

Even in comp play however heavies are hugely map and team reliant. For comp play though even after the last round of nerfs and rescale the GHR is pretty dominant while the BLK is tossed in the bin. Heavies are probably the most 'open' it's been in forever.

Mediums is the HBK IIC. Briefly it was the Nova too. The Griffin is great but especially in MWOWC the HBKIIC is premier medium.

Lights.... with the rescale I really don't know. Probably the ACH though based on historical performance.

So the only one in question for the IS is Heavy and the GHR for comp play is probably still tops there. Otherwise Clans have top Assault, Medium and Light for any queue or environment. IS has the edge in dedicated comp play but that gets fuzzy in pug, group and FW.

#984 1453 R


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 05:00 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 18 July 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:

So the only one in question for the IS is Heavy and the GHR for comp play is probably still tops there. Otherwise Clans have top Assault, Medium and Light for any queue or environment. IS has the edge in dedicated comp play but that gets fuzzy in pug, group and FW.

S'far as I recall, the Oxide was ruling the roost for a long while before the rescale, edging out Cheetahs in most anywhere that mattered. Kodiaks are great choices for another...sixteen-ish hours? Something like that. The tournament build being locked means that the MWOWC folks aren't going to abandon the Kodiak in droves in the tournament client the way they're going to on live servers tomorrah.

Mediums and heavies are more debatable, a'course, but to the best of my understanding the Sphere has hands-down the best close-range options in the class while the Clans have the pocket hillhumping champion in the HB-IIC. Griffins kick HB-IICs square in the jewels in SRM range, HB-IICs return the favor in a sniper fight.

'Course, none of that really matters, does it? Outside CW, which thirteen people in all of MWO play, the different tech bases are basically for flavor. The real question is whether you, or McGral, or Darth, or any other Ultracomp is ever going to pilot a Kodiak again, now that the chassis is indisputably inferior to both the Manshee and the Bauller in any and all practical sense?

Yeah. Didn't figure. THAT is why folks like Bish and I are p!ssed. Not because 'Ermagherd CLANZ', though let's face it - isn't it about time for the Clan assault category to stop being a flat-out joke?

#985 SlightlyMobileTurret


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 05:51 PM

FWIW, the BNC-3M has no mobility/agility quirks, and it does just fine. It only has a -5% energy heat gen, and it is still amazingly good.

Why? High hardpoints, good weapons, and a big engine.

What does the KDK-3 have in common? High hardpoints, good weapons and a big engine.

#986 MischiefSC


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 06:03 PM

View Post1453 R, on 18 July 2016 - 05:00 PM, said:

S'far as I recall, the Oxide was ruling the roost for a long while before the rescale, edging out Cheetahs in most anywhere that mattered. Kodiaks are great choices for another...sixteen-ish hours? Something like that. The tournament build being locked means that the MWOWC folks aren't going to abandon the Kodiak in droves in the tournament client the way they're going to on live servers tomorrah.

Mediums and heavies are more debatable, a'course, but to the best of my understanding the Sphere has hands-down the best close-range options in the class while the Clans have the pocket hillhumping champion in the HB-IIC. Griffins kick HB-IICs square in the jewels in SRM range, HB-IICs return the favor in a sniper fight.

'Course, none of that really matters, does it? Outside CW, which thirteen people in all of MWO play, the different tech bases are basically for flavor. The real question is whether you, or McGral, or Darth, or any other Ultracomp is ever going to pilot a Kodiak again, now that the chassis is indisputably inferior to both the Manshee and the Bauller in any and all practical sense?

Yeah. Didn't figure. THAT is why folks like Bish and I are p!ssed. Not because 'Ermagherd CLANZ', though let's face it - isn't it about time for the Clan assault category to stop being a flat-out joke?

Actually the KDK3 will still be the #1 assault after the nerf. Flat out no question. Because over the shoulder mounts, 4x ballistic, can mount a huge engine. Ask anyone in comp play. The Kodiak is and will continue to be flat out superior to both the Mauler (which was destroyed by the prior quirk pass to make a pure ballistic boat mech have quirks for its 2 energy hardpoints cuz LOL barn door torsos wasn't gimp enough) and the Banshee (3M got destroyed in last pass exact same way, only thing that made it viable was quirks. However it's still a thing for some people but nobody is going to say it's a match for the KDK). Spirit Bear.... dunno. It's significantly faster than the Atlas for comparable firepower. The loss of mobility quirks will likely just make it a question about which to take instead of a given on almost all maps.

HBK IIC can brawl with a Griffin if it gets 1 shot in first. Just needs 1 hit when closing the range to be able to still win that trade up close. HBK is also a smaller target most the time and that CXL gives it more punch for the size and tonnage than a Griffin can safely take. Those two are close but you'll see a lot more HBKs than GRN most the time unless it's a close map. At least that I've seen - I'm no expert in comp play.

Oxide replaced the ACH for a short time while it was over-quirked. That was it. The quirks were dialed back, back to the Cheetah and, surprisingly, the Fridge. I know, right? With the rescale and loss of quirks on IS lights the Fridge is actually a brutal little energy boat and CXL is the deciding factor.

On the KDK though, why don't you compare any Banshee but the 3M to the KDK1? Go ahead. Or take any non-meta variant of ANY IS Assault and compare it to any KDK but the 3 and SB? KDK 'off-brand' variants are still superior to their IS 'off-brand' variants, even without incredible quirks.

Again though. To be perfectly clear. The removal of quirks from the KDK3 will have 0 impact on its presence in comp play. 2 Goose Waffles and 2 ERPPC KDK3 will still dominate the assault choice for teams building to that bracket. Depending on the match and other factors you'll also still see BLRs for when they need to shave tonnage or their preference is for ERLL boats. There is nobody in comp saying the loss of quirks will impact their use of KDK3 in any way what so ever.

Nor should it in pug queue. You'll be exposed slightly longer so you won't be vastly superior to everyone else but a KDK3 with 2xUAC5, 2xUAC10 will still dominate and be the best overall performing assault for regular play. The quirks just put it miles beyond everything else, now it's just head and (for the pun) shoulders.

#987 Blue Pheonix


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Posted 18 July 2016 - 06:22 PM

Look at the majority of posts on this thread. The Kodiak is the most OP'ed mech in the game by far according to most people. Will still be after the slight nerf.

How it should be for balance reasons:

Lights > assaults
Medium > lights
Heavies > Mediums
Assaults > Heavies

The Kodak 3 has no weaknesses. Can take on any weight class. Can absolutely shred. I have seen the leaderboards and played a lot. 40% - 80% of the top 5,000 in the leaderboards are pilots running Kodiaks.

I pilot every weight class. PGI not nerfing he Kodiak to be on par with other assaults and so that it is not at a significant disadvantage against a light one on one (not face to face), is a slap in the face to pilots who had their mechs nerfed and a slap in the face to people who can not buy cash only chassis.

PGI has a love fest with assaults and heavies for some reason. Share the love with lights and mediums.
Balance this game out.

Edited by Blue Pheonix, 18 July 2016 - 06:24 PM.

#988 MOBAjobg


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 01:49 AM

Blue Pheonix, I can assure you that my KDK-3 is no longer the mech of choice from the Assault class anymore.

#989 MischiefSC


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 01:59 AM

2xUAC5, 2xUAC10, no ghost heat issues, runs the 400XL with plenty of ammo and almost full armor (shave the arms). That makes it more maneuverable than the Banshee (5 tons heavier but a bigger engine than almost every wubshee build).

2Gauss, 2ERPPC. 50 pt ppfld, cures what ails ya. Same thing.

The loss of quirks has a minimal effect on the KDK3s position and its benefits for comp play.

#990 MOBAjobg


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 02:02 AM

MischiefSC, you're so misguided ...there is a place for other mech of the Assault class now.

Edited by MOBAjobg, 19 July 2016 - 02:03 AM.

#991 SlightlyMobileTurret


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:01 AM

There always was place for other mechs...

It's just that if you don't have tonnage restrictions and it's 2/2/2/2, you will naturally see people trying to bring the biggest, strongest mech they can.

In restricted drops, you will see a lot more variety in assaults (Banshee, Mauler, Battlemaster, Stalker, Dires if possible on LR maps, etc)

Heck, for brawl decks in the WC, I swear I saw freakin Gargoyles...and they did just fine.

#992 MischiefSC


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:17 AM

View PostMOBAjobg, on 19 July 2016 - 02:02 AM, said:

MischiefSC, you're so misguided ...there is a place for other mech of the Assault class now.

Look at the top performing teams in MWOWC. Look what they took, look what they played.

Ask any of them. Look at any of the discussions on Reddit or here about the Kodiak - find where actual top tier comp players have chimed in. Even before this happened they all said the same thing - removing its quirks wouldn't change its value in the comp scene.

Yes, there's other assaults in play in all levels of the game. Nobody said otherwise. However the KDK3, even without quirks, is still the best option as a given rule.

#993 Sjorpha


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:26 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 18 July 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:

If you watched comp play you'd see that. If you watched the MWOWC matches you'd see that the KDK3 is hands down the best assault for almost every assault role and the Spirit Bear is as good or better than the Atlas in most situations.

I agree the Kodiak 3 is and will remain a competitive assault choice, but it hasn't actually performed that well in the championships and are losing in popularity now.

It's just not a good choice for the map, canyon network favors mobility and jumpjets very heavily and Kodiaks can be outmaneuvered by more mobile teams. We've been using battlemasters and I've seen very good use of Executioners on the enemy side in the latest matches we played. Neither the Atlas or Spirit bear is well positioned for this map either.

Kodiak 3 would really shine on long range maps though, and also probably on maps favoring fire lines, and I'm sure the Spirit bear will be great on brawly maps that doesn't require as much climbing/jumping to reposition.

You are correct that losing the quirks won't diminish it's comp value much, but you are wrong if you think it's the strongest assault mech for Canyon network.

Edited by Sjorpha, 19 July 2016 - 03:28 AM.

#994 MischiefSC


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:30 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 19 July 2016 - 03:26 AM, said:

I agree the Kodiak 3 is and will remain a competitive assault choice, but it hasn't actually performed that well in the championships and are losing in popularity now.

It's just not a good choice for the map, canyon network favors mobility and jumpjets very heavily and Kodiaks can be outmaneuvered by more mobile teams. We've been using battlemasters and I've seen very good use of Executioners on the enemy side in the latest matches we played. Neither the Atlas or Spirit bear is well positioned for this map either.

Kodiak 3 would really shine on long range maps though, and also probably on maps favoring fire lines, and I'm sure the Spirit bear will be great on brawly maps that doesn't require as much climbing/jumping to reposition.

Even after the quirks. That's the point.

The loss of the quirks isn't going to shift the position of the KDK3 for comp play much at all and it'll be the same in pug queue. The only difference will be the time it takes to get in and out f cover will be longer, which is pretty much what it needed to pull it more into line with other assaults in pug/group queue.

Are there balance issues related to Clan UACs boated in that size, especially with all the IS quirks dialed down? I dunno. Maybe. Hard to say that from an edge case.

People saying the KDK3 will be useless after this though? Pfft.

#995 MOBAjobg


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:36 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 19 July 2016 - 03:17 AM, said:

However the KDK3, even without quirks, is still the best option as a given rule.

As bolded and underlined is irrational.

View PostMischiefSC, on 19 July 2016 - 03:30 AM, said:

People saying the KDK3 will be useless after this though? Pfft.

...and I didn't say KDK-3 will be useless after this! I would say it's less desirable.

Edited by MOBAjobg, 19 July 2016 - 03:39 AM.

#996 Sjorpha


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 03:45 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 19 July 2016 - 03:30 AM, said:

Even after the quirks. That's the point.

The loss of the quirks isn't going to shift the position of the KDK3 for comp play much at all and it'll be the same in pug queue. The only difference will be the time it takes to get in and out f cover will be longer, which is pretty much what it needed to pull it more into line with other assaults in pug/group queue.

Are there balance issues related to Clan UACs boated in that size, especially with all the IS quirks dialed down? I dunno. Maybe. Hard to say that from an edge case.

People saying the KDK3 will be useless after this though? Pfft.

Look, I agree that it will stay in a good spot after quirk removal. I think the other variants are pretty strong too.

But it doesn't really make sense to talk about "position of the KDK3 for comp play" when the whole comp scene is playing a tournament on a single map on which the Kodiak 3 isn't a good pick. We won't have empirical data on Kodiak in comp play until there has been comp play on maps favoring the Kodiak.

I think your conclusions about the Kodiak are correct, I just don't think we should pretend to know more than we actually do. The truth is that PGIs choice of Canyon as the single WC map prevents us from fully testing the Kodiaks comp potential.

One thing is clear, the Kodiak with JJs hasn't been strong enough to be chosen over the Executioner on Canyon, at least not yet. And that is the variant I would expect to possibly shine here.

#997 Unendingmenace


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 04:06 AM

I run my KDK-3 with 2x UAC10 and 2x UAC5 along with some small lasers and I've thought it's been ridiculous ever since release. Surely anyone who has actually played these mechs would agree no? I saw this nerf coming from well beyond The Periphery. I think the clan side has most definitely needed a new and formidable assault mech for a while now and we sure as hell got that with the Kodiak! While I think the other variants shouldn't have copped the nerfhammer as much as the KDK-3, honestly they're all still going to be **** hot.

One of my favorite mechs is the Jenner/IIC and I wasn't a fan of it being made the size of a land barge since the last patch but once again, it honestly was probably due. Post patch I still do just fine in my Jenners. I think you'll find the good pilots will adjust and still wreck face in their Kodiak's long after this patch.

This isn't pointed at anyone in particular but sometimes I think if people complained less about this game and played it more they'll all have a better time.

#998 Baulven


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 04:52 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 18 July 2016 - 03:53 PM, said:

the HBK-IIC and Nova are heads and shoulders above every IS Medium Chassis on those boards, too.

Stormcrow is no longer "the Mech", though it's still a very versatile and dangerous chassis. And currently, it's actualyl sitting slightly above the HBK and and WVR. which are the top IS perfromers.

So the top 5 Medium Performers, in order, are:
1) Nova (4054)
2) HBK-IIC (4034)
3) Stormcrow (3836)
4) Wolverine (3831)
5) Hunchback (3758)

So... yeah.

Nova is losing half it's structure to every component today, so I doubt those numbers would still be achievable. I chalk up the hunchy IIC to people not knowing it's a glass cannon and not bothering to shoot it as a priority. Crows aren't being touched, but I didn't expect them too honestly.

As a follow up anecdotal thing I can often 1v1 a hunchy IIC in a fridge because it comes apart like a Lego tower.

Edited by Baulven, 19 July 2016 - 04:51 AM.

#999 SlightlyMobileTurret


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 07:10 AM

Hunchy IICs (and specifically, the IIC-A which most are running) are not close range, it SHOULD be able to be taken apart fairly easily by a (now) rightly sized and ridiculously structure quirked IFR.

But, the catch is that Hunch IIC-A has some of the highest, most ridiculous energy hardpoints in the game to make up for its squishyness, and trust me, if a competent Hunch-IIC pilot wants to win a trade...

He will use terrain, and win it, everytime. For no stupid reason does GMan say it is the best medium mech in the game right now.

Edited by Keshav Murali, 19 July 2016 - 07:11 AM.

#1000 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 19 July 2016 - 07:19 AM

View PostSjorpha, on 19 July 2016 - 03:45 AM, said:

Look, I agree that it will stay in a good spot after quirk removal. I think the other variants are pretty strong too.

But it doesn't really make sense to talk about "position of the KDK3 for comp play" when the whole comp scene is playing a tournament on a single map on which the Kodiak 3 isn't a good pick. We won't have empirical data on Kodiak in comp play until there has been comp play on maps favoring the Kodiak.

I think your conclusions about the Kodiak are correct, I just don't think we should pretend to know more than we actually do. The truth is that PGIs choice of Canyon as the single WC map prevents us from fully testing the Kodiaks comp potential.

The map won't make that much of a difference, even before the tourney, in 8v8 matches pushes were dominant, and the Kodiak can do that well with its 80 alpha and speed to keep up. The only time you might not see the Kodiak is on maps like Alpine or Polar where the ERLL Battlemaster might still win the day.

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