AnTi90d, on 13 June 2016 - 06:25 PM, said:
Do you guys think it would be good for this game to have a system that prevents players from firing all of their weapons due to some invisible mechanic that has never existed in all of Battletech / Mechwarrior?
What Battletech used to balance the game was having each weapons system hit a randomly determined location, so that four medium lasers or two PPCs are not equal to an AC20.
What Mechwarrior had up until now was called "Multiplayer as an afterthought" because while internet was in most homes by the early 2000s, FAST internet and unlimited bandwidth packages that didn't tie up the household phone lines wasn't guaranteed. Many folks were still dancing with the fax-machine sounds before logging in. Multiplayer was really just an afterthought to give the game a little more milage, rather than the main product. As such, concepts like "All the guns hit perfectly on the crosshairs" that could allow for concentrating ludicrous damage values on a single point" were kept in the game, because balance is a non issue when the AI that outnumber you five to one are stuck in stock builds with weird weapons groupings, and you're expected to bring some sort of powergamey custom builds to shred through them and feel macho.
There are a lot of things I would have preferred seeing put into this game before it made the jump from singleplayer to multiplayer exclusive - mostly centered on doing everything possible to kneecap power-gaming. Customization? Bad idea. MPBT 3025 had the right idea by keeping players in stock builds, but came out in the age of 28.8K modems so good luck finding a player base. Counterstrike-style expanding reticules based on movement also would have helped prevent players from min-maxing with 60-point alphas, because it'd spread the damage over a larger area, and would also coax players to move tactically, slowing down to take shots, or keeping the speed up when protection is needed.
So many players (Who've never bothered rolling some dice in a game of Battletech) are quick to judge that Battletech mechanics won't work in a Mechwarrior game. While I don't assume that we'd end up with Fallout-style slow-motion fights with Select-your-target screens, or that mechwarrior PC games should run on a 2D6 system, a lot of the mechanics that are put into place in the Battletech boardgame can - and should - be simulated in a multiplayer game, because it has always been at it's core a multiplayer game, and all the mechs in the game, the hit location systems, the criticals - all exist as a part of those mechanics. You start cowtowing to the e-sports community who don't know a Javelin from a Jupiter without having in a seperate tab, trying to put mechanics that worked OK in single player - because you were supposed to be stronger than the wave-after-wave of AI - into a multiplayer game, you end up with a mess.
MW4 multiplayer was all the proof I needed. "How many assault mechs can we give jump jets, cERLL, and cGauss for pop-tarting" was the name of the game. Any other tactic was made needlessly difficult or useless. Never mind how the only active rooms turned off heat and ammo considerations. MWO fixed some of the issues, but also kept a fair number of concepts that have brought us to this current neverending mess of nerfs and buffs - and it never will end, because so many core concepts were botched from square one.
For the record, My start was through Mechwarrior 2, Back to MW1, the crescent hawks series, Mechcommander, MW 3, and MW 4. By the time 4 had come around, I was so disappointed with the customization system and the atmosphere of multiplayer, it drove me to find a better way to get my mech fix - the original source material.
Edited by ice trey, 09 August 2016 - 09:19 AM.