Bishop Steiner, on 17 June 2016 - 04:23 PM, said:
Yes, there certainly are. That's actually important point to bring up, because a lot of people believe they are really good light pilots on account of their results with the ACH or Oxide. You put them in a Kit Fox or a Commando and they'll struggle to reach 300 damage on average. People think they're fantastic Locust pilots because they do well with the LCT-1E or LCT-1M, but then they suck when you put them into any other Locust.
However, the fact that there are really, really few people who can consistently get good results with most light mechs (not just the ACH, Oxide, etc) speaks to the fact that light mechs are woefully underpowered in MWO. From a developer standpoint, just pointing the finger at the players and saying "git gud" is a really inadequate response. And the same goes for players who primarily play mediums, heavies and assault mechs and have no sympathy for light mech players. The kind of players who say "Well, heavy mechs just happen to suit my style". No, heavy mechs are simply easier to play than light mechs.
dervishx5, on 17 June 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:
And yet, I'm not getting any internet points for my OP.