CK16, on 28 June 2016 - 01:19 PM, said:
A member of my unit would throw a few hundred dollars at that... thing, though, seen some redo's of the art by fans and it looks a lot better. Let me get a link

Since the Rakshasa is a modified Marauder to copy the Timberwolf it would be neat. As it is, back to IS Omni's.
While the Raptor would be better performing than the Owens, the Owens is, at least in my circle, more well known and thus desired. I would just hope PGI takes the time to either give it DHS or massive cooling buffs. Due to all mechs start with the same heat capacity of 50 heat and then get more based on heat sinks, cooling is what is most affected by double or single heatsinks. Due to this single heat sinks might not be a death sentence, but, it would be a serious lowering of the skill cap that the mech would have without some massive cooling quirks, which would give an interesting dynamic to how it would play, but, I would prefer DHS's instead. Also C3 isn't a thing in MWO from what we have seen and I don't know of a mech that is omni with bap normally that has it as fixed equipment.
Edit to add: NVM, started going through omni's in the game atm and saw that yes they do have locked in bap and stuff like that, though it was only DHS and JJ's, nope, also bap. So yeah, would love if PGI un-did fixed equipment for omni's in general as well as JJ's (as the rules say on TT), would help a lot of under-performing 'mechs and help future omni's from suffering the same problem.
Edited by Moonlight Grimoire, 28 June 2016 - 01:49 PM.